Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1534: Take heart

The image of Monica completely subverted the underground indigenous people's understanding of black elves.

In the underground world...the black elves are rude, vulgar and barbaric, and those who can use a knife will never waste their words. No matter how sincere Monica was to these underground natives who were forced into the city, just hearing her say these words left all the audience speechless.

Is this still a dark elf?

In the face of the tone that was like a bard singing, and the noble rhymes everywhere, the underground aborigines felt that they were vulgar.

At this moment, everyone remembered that the ancestors of the black elves were the high elves who fled here from the dreamland.

And when she heard Monica admit that she had a human master, and he was a male. The whole square let out an exclamation at the same time...

Everyone knows that the black elf race is an extreme matriarchal society. The female black elf has a very high status, and the male is only the property of the female black elf. Any female black elf, even an ordinary bloody girl, will never bow her head when she sees a heroic male black elf.

What is Monica's status now?

The natives of the underground city in the square knew something about her. She defeated the arrogant Fegmina. Not only did she control a powerful black elf group, but she also annexed all the original golden cave black elf groups.

She is the most powerful black elf in the world, and is even about to establish a black elf kingdom and become the first black elf queen.

With such a status and identity, there is a human being that she is willing to serve as her master, and this human being is also a male.

Is this Monica pretending to be an elf?

However, Monica's identity cannot be faked, and there are rumors throughout the endless maze that she was resurrected by the Dark Dragon. It is impossible for this powerful black elf group to obey the orders of an elf.

Compared with Fegmina, Monica gives the underground natives an alternative feeling. There may still be a little bit of fear and fear, but hope for a better future gradually takes over all their thoughts.

No underground intelligent race wants to live in the wild without urban protection. It is very close to the wilderness and there are more dangerous monsters.

If Monica really pacifies the underground races that are not black elves as she doesn't matter if she is a little discriminatory. This is a city built in a gold cave. When walking on the road, gold may fall from above.

The forcibly captured underground aborigines officially became residents of Golden Cave City. This city is no longer the only place where troops are stationed, and its vitality is naturally slowly revealed.

During Monica's impassioned speech, Daliang, who had returned to Golden Cave City, did not show up. Even though Monica publicly admitted that he had a human master, he did not leave the highest tower of the castle, but looked at Mo Mo quietly. Nika wins people's hearts.

It's just Monica's moment, and he shouldn't take away Monica's grace. Nor is he willing to expose his identity in front of some irrelevant people.

Da Liang is the master behind Monica. This is only a semi-open secret, and only a small group of people know about it. Daliang didn't want everyone to know that he controlled the black elf race, especially not letting too many players know about it.

Daliang also has a wide network of contacts among the players and can eat everywhere. When we first entered a covenant city, many big players showed up uninvited and were given a lot of face.

What if these friends know about the black elf race controlled by Daliang... and insist on buying some black elf beauties?

You must know the social peculiarities of black elves. Very few players can hire black elves. The chance of male players hiring female black elves is extremely low, and they are all relatively low-level soldier units.

Being able to hire a female black elf is not only eye-catching but also a very honorable thing.

Da Liang is very picky when selling vampire sword guards, and they trade secretly. The buyer has no choice whether he wants it or not. Daliang's friends are all respectable people. They came to buy some beautiful female black elf heroes. How could they refuse?

Now that Daliang regards the black elves as his own private property, how can he sell them casually?

Therefore... as for the black elves, you can just close the door and have fun secretly. There is no need for everyone to know about it.

Do you need this kind of popularity?

When Monica finished her speech and flew back to the tower. Daliang handed over a glass of red wine and praised: "A very wonderful speech... This is a good start for rebuilding the Golden Cave City, and it is also a friendly signal released by the black elves to the mainstream races in the Endless Labyrinth.

The Rise of the Black Elves not only requires fighting to fight, but also needs to win over more friends and integrate into the core of the endless maze.

I think... at the founding ceremony of the Black Elf nation, the seven kings will see a brand new Black Elf race in Golden Cave City. They have picked up the glory of their ancestors, and their bodies are filled with the nobility of blood, rather than the arrogance caused by ignorance.

I've seen you grow.

The Black Elves really need a queen like you, not Ingram, Feegmina and the like, who are only worthy of being your sword and shield in the future. "

Monica took the wine glass from Da Liang's hand. She turned to the outside of the terrace and looked at the people in the square who were gradually evacuating. The burden of responsibility and the rise of her race made her much calmer, and she gradually exuded the power of a king.

"What I learned from my master's side is my greatest wealth. Thank you for tolerating my impulse, ignorance and desire for power, giving me full trust, allowing me to command your army, avenging me and becoming the lord of Songjiang City.

He took me in the endless maze and opened up an infinite future for the black elf.

When I faced my subjects, whether they were black elves or other underground races, I didn't have any confusion in my heart. I knew what I was going to do and where I could lead the black elves to move forward.

Know that no matter what I become, I will always be a member of the Blackfire Lords, a general you can call upon at any time. "

Da Liang could see Monica's nervousness showing in her confidence.

During the ceremony to establish the Black Elf Kingdom, the kings of the seven kingdoms of the Endless Labyrinth will come to watch the ceremony. This is certainly an honor, but also a heavy pressure.

Seven kings, seven law-level heroes.

And Monica is only a 15th-level dark saint. The gap in strength between levels makes it difficult for her to calmly deal with the unkind kings.

Daliang walked up to Monica who was in a daze, gently clinked her wine glass with her and said: "When the Black Elves founded the country, all your colleagues in the Black Fire Territory who had no missions would come here to congratulate you.

Arbitration Angel, Kuka, Night, Astro, Qianli, Jones, Stark, Sidney, Simon, Vincent...

In addition, I also invited Holy Bella, Death Knight Lord Will from the Kingdom of Death, Amber, the leader of the Poison Dragon Tribe, and the King of the Hill from Obsidian City.

Cloud City, the First Empire of the Main World, Hell, the Crystal Dragon Clan, and the Purple Dragon Clan will also send special envoys.

It will be a great event. "

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