Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1539 Declaration of World Order

The Peace Hall is entirely built of granite, and the exposed rocks are gray-white, representing the neutrality between good and evil. The totem pole standing outside the main venue made every invited ruler feel the honor, pride, and grandeur of the meeting before it even started.

The world of heroes, the dreamland, the world factory, and the stone wilderness.

The kingdom of death, hell, endless maze, swampland.

The main world, crystal veins, magic forest, and sulfur caves.

Good, evil, neutral, as well as the many small planes that stood in the cracks of the plane war to survive, all sent a huge conference delegation to Shangjiang to participate in this unprecedented event.

In fact, the tone of this meeting has already spread from Yunzhong City, Sigh City, and Shangjiang City. After all, the three families represent three camps. Although the three planes of order will co-manage the world in the future, how to divide this piece of cake... I still need to say hello to my friends.

This once again made the events behind the Crucible City War even more confusing. It seemed that the war was to clear the way for this meeting. Michael, the main battler, disappeared, and Hell's position in the evil camp was replaced by the Kingdom of Death. Order became the final winner of this plane war and had the right to define what the future world would look like.

With various thoughts, rulers from various planes walked into the main venue after paying homage to the totem pole.

The layout in the venue is circular.

In the middle of the circular conference table are three chairs, where Archangel Metatron, Pope Sadness and Emperor Howard sit respectively.

On the circular conference table were representatives of the main members of the three major camps, with a total of nine seats.

There is also a circle of seats outside the ring meeting for the rulers of some powerful races.

As Prince Feichen and Prime Minister of the first empire in the main world, Daliang has a separate seat next to the chairman's seat as the host.

Since Daliang attended the meeting as a human race, the second hell lord Wang Beria was sent by the hell representative.

The door to the venue was closed and the peace meeting officially began.

Under the dome of the venue, the top heroes from all dimensions gathered together. They had various appearances, and they all sat quietly in their respective seats.

Daliang, who was wearing a prince's uniform, first stood up from his seat, saluted the heroes sitting around him, and then said:

"I am the first empire of the main world, Prince Feichen, Prime Minister... Daliang.

It is a great honor for me to be able to meet here the rulers of all the major races in the world and to chair this meeting.

For too long, our world has been scarred by war...if we look through our history, it is a constant cycle of wars, armistices, wars, armistices. Even though this world has enjoyed ten thousand years of peace, it has not stopped the outbreak of plane wars.

The development of civilization has been hit hard time and time again. After every war, civilization has to rebuild after retrogression, which seems to be a curse that we cannot get rid of.

The civilization we are building now is probably the pinnacle of civilization.

You should be grateful... that before this civilization is destroyed by our own hands, we can sit here and work together to make this civilization continue to develop.

The fact that you are all sitting here proves that... we all have a desire for peace deep in our hearts.

We all know...the root cause of war is the absolute opposition between good and evil. There is no communication or dialogue. There is only a belief in destroying the other party and monopolizing the world with one's own thoughts.

And this idea is absolutely wrong.

Thanks to the Sad Pope for first proposing the idea that good and evil can coexist; the existence of the Five-Color Flag Alliance allows a neutral camp that can serve as a buffer between good and evil.

The enlightened Archangel Metatron, when he learned that the war could be stopped, immediately expressed his willingness to negotiate a truce with the evil camp.

Hence this meeting.

I believe that when dialogue becomes the routine for resolving conflicts in the plane from today on, our world will surely usher in a long period of prosperity.

Now I declare that the General Peace Conference has officially begun...

Please ask Archangel Metatron to read out the "Declaration of World Order" jointly drafted by Cloud City, Sighing City, and Shangjiang City."

Da Liang saluted the heroes around him again and then sat down.

Metatron stood up from his seat and began to read out the outline of the plan to co-manage the world from the plane of order.

The "Declaration of World Order" officially states that good and evil are no longer the main contradictions in the world, that the good camp and the evil camp can coexist, and that ideological battles no longer have the fundamental purpose of completely annihilating each other.

The world of heroic spirits, the kingdom of death, and the main world, the three planes of order, while managing their respective camps, jointly participate in the formulation of world laws, and will work together to adjust plane conflicts, including joint military operations...

In short... the "Declaration of the World of Order" is a magic weapon for rogues in the three major planes of order, and can impose sanctions on any disobedient plane.

However, many of the overlord clauses in the "Declaration of World Order" were quickly opposed by representatives of some planes. The originally quiet venue turned into a bustling bustle of quarrels in an instant.

The top heroes slapped the table and cursed like shrews. All kinds of pressure swept across the venue and echoed in the sky above Shangjiang City. The originally clear sky showed complex colors, and the civilians of Shangjiang City trembled under the pressure of the top heroes. The pride of convening a peace meeting turned into worry at this moment. If so many law-level heroes fought here... it is estimated that the entire Shangjiang City would be beaten directly into the sea.

Fortunately, after the Crucible City War ended, the three major planes of order gradually took control of the world. Before the meeting, they also warned the big bosses of the planes: "During the meeting, the use of force is strictly prohibited, otherwise... you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Therefore, the strong men who could not use force began to attack each other with words. Their long lifespan allowed them to master more vocabulary and slang from ancient times.

The art of language is wonderful.

Seeing these big guys with the power to destroy the world, blushing and quarreling, Daliang sat in his seat with a smile on his face, admiring the big show he directed.

After the meeting started, nothing really happened. He has already taken away the benefits that should be taken away. Only when the remaining cake is covered with rain and dew can he consolidate what he possesses.

The current situation at the venue was also within the expectations of Daliang, Metatron, Sad Pope, and Howard. They never thought that the "Declaration of World Order" would be passed word for word.

The "Declaration of World Order" was brought out to make these big guys quarrel. The more fierce they quarreled, the higher their recognition of the "Declaration of World Order". After the final revised version of the "Declaration of World Order" is finalized, the distribution of benefits will be optimal.

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