Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1540 Golden Crow's Lair

Elemental plane, Golden Crow lair.

Passing through the Magic Rainbow Bridge is an independent space. Even Ergos is unable to break through the space here to connect the inside and outside, and his subordinate little devils are even less capable of entering the Golden Crow's lair to convey changes in the world.

Therefore, Ergos's intelligence was still in the Furnace City War. In his opinion... this war would last for a long time. Perhaps the war would not be over yet when they came out of the Golden Crow's lair.

He never expected that the world's situation would take such a drastic turn. When the all-dimensional peace conference was held in Shangjiang City, he followed Joyce to find the air magic book. If they passed the Rainbow Bridge later, they probably wouldn't have to go to the Golden Crow's lair. The plane war is over, Joyce returns to Shangjiang to be her king, and then...

Complete the wedding with Daliang and live a happy life together.

Joyce's seriousness about the world is still in the intensifying plane war. She urgently needs the air magic book to improve her strength so that she will not become a burden to the first empire of the main world and be used as a blackmail by the enemy. Da Liang's weakness.

The Golden Crow's lair is a very large space. On the open elemental land, there stands a tree-shaped elemental tower that is not reaching the top. A staircase is like a jade belt, connecting the inside and outside of the tower and winding upward irregularly. The ruler of the elemental plane...the Nine-headed Golden Crow lives in the bird's nest at the top of the elemental tower.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow is invincible here. Ergos doesn't dare to reveal a breath, and he doesn't even dare to use the flying technique, for fear that the fluctuations of magic power will be sensed by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

Ergus and Joyce started from the bottom of the elemental tower and walked up one level at a time.

The steps of the tower sometimes extend along the outer layer of the tower wall, and sometimes penetrate into the interior of the tower, twisting and turning with no rules at all. The interior of the Elemental Tower is also extremely open, with rocks, flowing water, lakes, springs, and rare elemental crystals and magic crystals scattered like ordinary stones in the most easily visible places.

Each floor has a different view, and the upper and lower floors in the tower are not completely closed. In addition to the stairs, there are also caves or waterfalls.

Of course... from a player's perspective, the Golden Crow's Lair should be considered a super hidden map, and monsters are naturally an integral part of the Elemental Tower.

The rich elemental energy gave birth to powerful elemental monsters. Some of the elemental monsters are endowed with wisdom and become guardians of the elemental tower, guarding the treasures here.

Ergus and Joyce were able to remain unnoticed by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow for the time being, but they could not hide from the monsters and guardians that would pop out of the Elemental Tower at any time.

Fighting is inevitable.

If you want to avoid being detected by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, active magic is prohibited. However, when heroes reach the level of Ergos and Joyce, the blurring of professions allows them to master good combat skills.

Ergus transforms into an abyssal python, and the power of his body can crush most tower guardians. Joyce's sword-fighting abilities are no worse than her spell-casting abilities.

They killed the attacking monsters, subdued the tower guards, and obtained the whereabouts of the air magic book from their mouths.

And news about Joyce's parents.

It's just a pity... Although the method of entering the Golden Crow's lair is secret, the fact that Joyce's parents were able to find the magic rainbow shows that this secret is not a top secret.

The method of entering the Golden Crow's lair has been circulated in unknown channels in all major planes. The treasures in the Elemental Tower attract adventurers all the time. Some of them returned home with great rewards, and many more died because of greed while searching for treasure.

Joyce's parents may have been one of them. They were attacked by monsters somewhere and then died... leaving nothing behind.

After so many years, trying to find their bodies in such a large elemental tower without any clues would undoubtedly be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, Joyce soon found clues to such well-known treasures as the Qi Magic Book.

Under the entanglement and intimidation of the python in the Ergos Abyss, a fire monster revealed some information... The air magic book was placed in the air altar by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. The Air Altar, Flowing Water Altar, Fiery Altar, and Earth Altar are just below the Golden Crow Bird's Nest.

It is almost impossible to get the air magic book without disturbing the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

After getting the information, Ergus kept his promise and let the fire monster go... These monster guardians are not qualified to see the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. Ergus is not afraid that he will go to the Golden Crow's Nest to report the news. With its strength, it walks up Within a few layers, it will be swallowed by other stronger elemental monsters.

After the fire monster was far away, Ergus returned to his human form. He covered the python's head under his hood, and then said to Joyce: "The air altar is one of the four elemental altars under the Golden Crow's nest...actually Above, the Golden Crow Bird's Nest is made up of the elemental abilities emanating from these four altars.

I know that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has placed many air treasures in the air altar. The flame monster did not lie to us. The current situation is as I expected, and things are developing in the direction that is most unfavorable to us.

In the Air Altar, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow can defeat us with just one head, so if I want to get the air magic book, I need more luck. "

Joyce kicked away a magic crystal. After being surprised to see so many magic crystals for the first time, Joyce now regarded these crystals as ordinary stones. After Ergus finished speaking, she asked: "Will the Nine-headed Golden Crow not leave its nest? We can take advantage of it to leave and quietly enter the Air Temple to take away the air magic book."

Ergus replied: "According to my memory, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has almost never left the nest... The last time Satan and I came to visit, it did not move. It is not interested in the disputes in the world, and it is not threatened. Naturally, there is no need to run around.

It will probably take a thousand or ten thousand years for it to be interested in patrolling the elemental plane. "

Joyce didn't have time to wait for thousands or tens of thousands of years, but the air altar was right under the feet of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. She thought for a moment and said: "Since the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has been in its nest, it shouldn't know what's going on outside. What is happening in the world?

If we visit in the name of hell, we can directly enter the Golden Crow's Nest.

Being able to find an opportunity to enter the Air Temple and steal the Air Magic Book is the best result. Even if there is no chance, we can still determine the location of the Air Temple and find a way to sneak in quietly. "

Ergus thought about Joyce's proposal.

Anyway, keep going up this way, the closer you are to the Golden Crow's Nest, the greater the chance of being discovered. It would be better to visit openly and openly. Since Ergus has been here with Satan before, there must be no problem with his identity.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow doesn't know what's going on outside, and it doesn't know whether Lucifer is the one who rules hell... which is even less problematic.

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