Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1541 After the War

Da Liang didn't know that Joyce was not dead, and naturally he didn't know that she was planning to join forces with Ergus in the Golden Crow's lair to sneak into the air altar to steal the air magic book.

He believed that Joyce's heroic spirit was being protected by Holy Isaiah, and as long as the divine plane opened, he would have a chance to find a way to resurrect Joyce.

During the peace meeting that lasted for 15 consecutive days, Daliang conscientiously maintained the order of the meeting and allowed the meeting to proceed in an orderly manner according to his arrangements.

In the quarrels, abuses, compromises and exchanges, the "Declaration of the World of Order" was revised and supplemented over and over again, and the final revised version was voted by the rulers of the plane.

The final revised version of the "Declaration of the World of Order" once again reaffirms the leadership of the world of heroes, the kingdom of death, and the main world in all dimensions. The future world will not allow any plane to launch plane-level wars in the name of good or evil. If there are any conflicts, try to resolve them through negotiation through the communication channels established by the neutral camp...or hand them over to the three major planes of order for mediation.

At the meeting, detailed solutions were also made to many problems after the war ended.

The most important thing... is how to deal with the land captured by each plane in the war so that both sides can be satisfied.

Cloud City also occupies the Furnace City of Hell and the vast land around the lava river. The World Factory also occupies a large part of the Endless Labyrinth. The Dream Realm and the Realm of Death invade each other, and each has a certain size of occupied area in each other's plane.

Of course the party that lost the land wants to get it back. As those with vested interests, they are unwilling to return the territories they have sacrificed to occupy.

Yunzhong City will not withdraw from Furnace City, but instead sends Gabriel and his angel army to strengthen the defense around Furnace City.

The world's factory is also reluctant to occupy underground areas rich in minerals.

Hell did not have the strength to challenge Cloud City, but after Endless Labyrinth solved the Black Elf rebellion, it became aggressive on territorial issues.

Finally after debate and discussion.

The Kingdom of Death and the Realm of Dreams completely withdrew their troops from each other's territory and exchanged their respective occupied areas.

In the Endless Labyrinth, after the establishment of the Drow Kingdom, the Dungeon King's army has the ability to take back all the land occupied by the World Factory. Therefore... after negotiation, Endless Maze used minerals to acquire the occupied land from World Factory through redemption. The World Factory has obtained the minerals it wants, and the value of the minerals paid by the underground kingdom is much cheaper than the military expenditures incurred by the use of force.

Everyone is happy...

Only Hell does not have the ability to take back Furnace City from Yunzhong City. The issue of when Furnace City will be returned to Hell can only be put aside.

Now is the time to suppress Hell. Even the Lord of Hell, Daliang, can only make Hell make sacrifices for his own overall interests. The Fallen Angels have no intention of competing with Yunzhong City for the Furnace City now. How to restore the strength of the race is what Beria needs to consider. Keeping a low profile... will be the code of conduct for fallen angels for a long time to come.

Fifteen days later, the peace conference concluded successfully. Although there were still many unresolved issues, the formal release of the World Declaration of Order greatly promoted the process of world history.

Ideological disputes are no longer the mainstream thought in various planes. Hostile planes are still hostile planes, but under various constraints, plane-level conflicts are almost impossible to occur.

Recovery from war is the most urgent thing in every plane...

At the peace conference, the issue of the divine plane was also an important topic.

Some planes are wary of God, while others are looking forward to God's arrival as soon as possible. Some heroes are worried and some are very optimistic.

The opening of the divine plane and the arrival of the theocratic era have become inevitable.

Metatron proposed at the meeting that we should actively welcome the coming of God, but we should also be prepared for the divine power to cause greater chaos to the world. No matter what the attitude of the three major planes of order is towards God, they are obliged to let the current world maintain its original independent system in the face of divine power.

The world of order should be prepared for a divine war.

The peace conference passed many resolutions and signed a large number of treaties. When Daliang announced that the meeting was officially over, the big bosses from all planes ended their insults with vulgar words, and then returned to their sanctimonious appearance one by one, leaving the venue and returning to their respective planes.

All planes ushered in formal peace, and the issuance of the "Declaration of World Order" allowed the rulers of all major planes to significantly reduce their military strength. Use manpower, material and financial resources for the development of civilization and the study of the divine plane.

City of Sighs quickly announced that they had opened the crystal wall space of the God Plane with the death attribute of the Kingdom of Death, and then searched everywhere for the obelisk tower of the Kingdom of Death that had been lost by Yunzhong City.

The gaming world has entered a period of rapid development, and some restrictive bottlenecks have been broken through one after another.

For example: Giese woke up from a long slumber, solved all the mental problems that had troubled him, and then designed a second-level battleship in one go. This was a qualitative breakthrough in ship structure design, and Giese's ship design technology was quickly applied to aerospace battleships. For an aerospace battleship of the same size, after using the second-level battleship technology, the hull strength will be higher, and the number of weapons that can be equipped will naturally be greater.

So the first empire of the main world and the world factory jointly developed new aerospace battleships and accepted orders from all over the world.

The Rune Research Laboratory jointly established by the dwarves and the Purple Dragon Tribe of Obsidian City has also shown an explosion of rune technology. The use of rune technology allows dwarves to smelt high-strength seamless alloy steel pipes. The 48-pound alloy cannons were installed in batches on second-level battleships, new aerial battleships and city walls, earning gold coins for the dwarves and purple dragons all over the world.

The warlocks of the World Factory purchase seamless alloy steel pipes from the dwarves to improve the fire blunderbuss used by the monsters. The fire blunderbuss, which originally had a short range, poor accuracy, and power 5, became a flintlock gun, and new models were constantly developed.

Railway tracks and magical locomotives appear in the endless maze to increase the efficiency of ore transportation.

The Kingdom of Death exports labor all over the world and undertakes various large-scale and high-density projects at low prices.

Elves grow food and optimize land for other planes... More and more powerful machines are developed by elves, and breakthroughs in alchemy technology allow elves to create guidance and tracking arrows.

There are countless new technologies emerging, and the entire world is showing an explosion of technological revolution. It seems that the game system also realizes that new versions have to be passively opened, and secretly accelerates the process of the game plane.

Everything is to welcome the coming of God.

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