Start with an Archangel

Chapter 154 Internal and external battlefields

Viscount Jason was commanding his knights and crusaders to attack the Tauren guarding the city gate against the long-range attacks on the city wall.

Minotaur King (the upgraded unit of the Minotaur, level 10 dungeon)

Attack: 15

Defense: 15

Damage: 120-200

HP: 500

Troop characteristics: Morale is greater than or equal to 1.

They are the backbone of the dungeons of the Minotaur and the Minotaur King. They maintain a high fighting spirit under any circumstances. They are almost invisible in the defeated army. They always stand closest to the enemy, including retreating.

Even when encountering the charge of knights, these Tauren still guarded the city gate with all the attacks from the front, using their battle axes to chop down every enemy in front of them.

After a round of attacks did not achieve the desired effect, Viscount Jacent asked the soldiers to retreat and prepare to organize another charge.

During this gap, Daliang saw Jason getting off his horse to recover his strength.

"Baron Flying Dust, I know you. Is that your archangel? She is indeed very powerful." Jason took off his helmet, with chestnut curly hair and a short beard. He has been with Archduke Howard all year round and developed a There is a calm momentum. Even in this almost desperate situation, there was still no sign of nervousness on his body. Such emotions helped his soldiers maintain good morale.

Daliang said: "My archangel cannot last too long in this air battle. In addition, I have good news for you. The Duke is not dead. He has been taken to the military camp outside the city by Archangel Bartlett."

The news that Archduke Howard was not dead made Viscount Jason very excited. He loudly announced the good news to his subordinates, triggering a burst of cheers that echoed throughout the sky.

The soldiers beat their armors with their weapons. In such a desperate situation, I am afraid they could not have received this better news. They were Duke Howard's personal soldiers, and his honor was to fight for the Duke.

"Great, the Duke is fine. He will lead us to victory again. Now I have to quickly break through the city gate and join you in the military camp."

Daliang hurriedly said: "The Duke is still in a coma, and he cannot command the army yet. people may not be able to break through the city gate. The army of Songjiang City has already surrounded me, and my archangel in the sky cannot support it." "Jiu, this is the main street of Songjiang City. If you are attacked by the golden dragon here, you won't be able to hold on for too long."

Viscount Jason looked at the battlefield around him. His troops were now concentrated on the central avenue of Songjiang City. This wide and flat street was convenient for the knights to charge and for the golden dragon to attack them with its breath.

"Then what should we do?"

Daliang squatted on the ground and spread out a map, pointed at a large number of nearby dwellings and said: "Lead your army to occupy this area and fight street battles with the army in the underground city. The terrain here is complex, and you have a large number of knights and priests in your hands." , sharpshooters, golden dragons and archangels will not enter there at will. The only way for Songjiang's army is to fight for you street by street or house by house. Their ordinary army is no match for you and cannot defeat you in a short time. I Now go to the military camp outside the city and let the griffons airdrop supplies to you. As long as you can hold on for a few days, when reinforcements arrive, you can open the gate of Songjiang City in cooperation with the outside."

Jason asked in confusion: "Foreign aid? Where do we have foreign aid?"

Daliang thought of the old turtle in the mysterious hut and said, "Leave the outer garden to me. I can get there in three days."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The artillery on the city head turned around and started firing cannonballs at the human army on the avenue. The magician heroes in the underground city also fired their magic.

Just as Daliang said, enemy reinforcements have already surrounded this place, and humans like Jason cannot hold on in this empty street for too long.

"Okay, I believe you. I hope you bring reinforcements before we die."

Under attack, Jason did not dare to stay here. He immediately ordered the army to leave the main road and kill towards the residential area pointed out by Daliang.

Since Jason's army came to attend the ceremony, they did not bring much food, and the archers did not have enough arrows. If you want to persist in fighting street battles with the army in the underground city, you will urgently need military supplies.

"Julian, how are you doing there?"

"I can still hold on, but I'm not optimistic. The magician should be using the slow magic to attack me. Fortunately, he doesn't have advanced earth magic skills, so he can't let the slow magic form a range attack. He's also afraid of my speed and doesn't dare to get too close. , I can barely dodge. As long as I don’t get hit by the slow spell, I can deal with them.”

As long as Julian can hold on, it's okay. Anyway, with Juliet holding the battle, there's no problem in escaping if he can't defeat him.

"Keep your distance from that magician, be careful."

"Yes, sir."

Jason's army began to move, and Da Liang also rode a silver pegasus into the air. A group of harpies tried to intercept them, but they didn't even get flattery.

The air power among the basic troops in the dungeon is too weak.

Even if the human army is currently surrounded, they can still use griffins to crush them.

An archangel flew up from the human military camp and flew towards the top biological battlefield high above Songjiang City.

That was Archangel Bartlett who escorted Archduke Howard back to the military camp.

With Bartlett as his support, Julian should be able to relax a little bit, right? I heard that Bartlett fought with Archduke Howard throughout his life, and his hero level was already very high.

Before Bartlett arrived, the airspace where the battle was taking place was shrouded in red clouds, and large meteorites mixed with fire and rain hit the archangel and golden dragon who were chasing Julian behind.

I, K, am a dual practitioner of both magic and martial arts, and I feel more at ease this time.

After leaving the city, Daliang returned to the human camp outside the city. The underground city troops outside the camp were still lining up and surrounding the place from all sides.

At this time, Archduke Howard had been placed in the medical tent.

The medical tent has the effect of increasing the effect of healing magic, but although the priest heroes accompanying the army took turns using "healing" magic to treat the Archduke, they did not have much effect.

This caused the morale in the human military camp that had been boosted by the Duke's arrival to fall back.

Daliang found Colonel Berkeley and said: "There is still a group of Duke's personal soldiers in Songjiang City. They have occupied a residential area and are in urgent need of supplies. Now that the Archangels and Golden Dragons in the underground city have been restrained, our Griffins should They can break through the harpy's defense and enter the city. They don't need much support from us, they just need to drop a batch of supplies to them from the air."

Supplies can be dropped from the air outside the range of the dungeon's long-range troops, and the existing flying troops in the dungeon, the Harpy, cannot stop the griffin's breakthrough.

The friendly forces inside the city can share the pressure outside the city, and the human military camp outside the city should provide effective assistance due to circumstances. Anyway, the military camp that had just received supplies was very rich in supplies.

Colonel Berkeley immediately organized the Griffins to prepare for airdrops against friendly forces in the city.

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