Start with an Archangel

Chapter 155 Airdrop

Both battlefields have been stabilized, but they are also in danger, especially the elite human soldiers trapped in the city. If they are a little negligent, the whole army may be annihilated.

But these are no longer things that Da Liang can consider. He has done everything he can. Now he should find a way to kill the tauren magician. His advanced magic power has a great impact on the entire battle.

Accompanying the griffons taking off, Daliang rode a silver Pegasus and quickly rushed towards the battlefield in the air.

Silver Pegasus is fast.

Archangel Bartlett joined the battle and released a "meteor shower" as soon as he entered the battlefield, which truly shocked the enemy's archangels and golden dragons. Even the minotaur magician retreated a little distance.

Giving Julian finally some time to breathe.

Advanced Meteor Rain: Level 4 earth magic (in Heroes 3, it is earth magic), damage = (intelligence × 250) + 1000, the magic range is related to intelligence.

A very powerful attack magic. A low-level creature will be instantly killed if hit by this magic. Even a 14th-level creature will be left half disabled if it is hit by a meteor shower.

However, although this magic is powerful, it also consumes a lot of mana. The spell is slow to form. Once the spell is cast, it will first form a cloud of fire in the sky, and then rain down fire and meteorites. If you deal with creatures that are prepared, have space, and are fast, the effect is not ideal.

But if used against dense enemy forces, it is indeed a magical skill to clear the field.

Also because of the drawbacks of Meteor Fire Rain, the archangels and golden dragons in the dungeon escaped Bartlett's magic, but the dungeon army passing by below was not so lucky.

The Wuwu disaster fell from the sky, all the creatures covered were reduced to ashes, and a large area of ​​the city was turned into ruins.

There was another splash on the regional channel.

"What's going on? I was hiding in the corner, why did I die?"

"Meteor and Fire Rain! That's Meteor and Fire's so powerful, the NPC's army was wiped out in seconds."

"The archangel that suddenly appeared is so fast. One person can fight with one archangel and two golden dragons. Now there is another archangel who starts with a 'meteor and fire shower'. It's still unclear who will win this battle."

"I estimate that Songjiang City's army will win. They also have a violent bull-headed magician who can fly thaumaturgy to provide magical support from behind."

"Isn't there a hero flying over from the human race? Well...why is he riding a silver pegasus? He is obviously dressed as a human sacrifice."

"You're stupid, Silver Pegasus flies very fast. Didn't you see that all the Daliangs in Shangjiang City ride Silver Pegasus?"

Da Liang just glanced at the chat bar and continued to fly forward.

Then his mailbox rang.

Someone sent something over.

Because he is a celebrity, Daliang is afraid of being harassed by strangers, so all communication channels only accept messages from friends. The mailbox is also set up in the same way, but materials worth more than 10 gold can be sent freely, and this sentence is set as an automatic reply.

Click on the mailbox, get 10 gold coins, and then leave a message from the sender.

"I am Seventeenth Nose Ring, and I know you are flying above Songjiang City on a silver pegasus. Add me as a friend, or I will reveal your identity."

What is my identity that can be revealed? I am a human priest. Isn’t it right to help the human race fight?

Daliang replied: "Whatever."

After a while, the mailbox rang again.

Got 10 gold coins.

"One of the two archangels of the human race is yours, please add me as a friend, otherwise I will let everyone know."

Everyone knows that I have an archangel, is there any harm to me?

I didn't say that I had an archangel before because I was afraid of scaring the children. Now some players have obtained level 13 creatures, and a level 14 black dragon has appeared in the European Union area. I exposed that the archangel in my hand is a good thing to gain face in the Chinese area. Why should I be afraid?


The mailbox rang again.

10 gold coins arrived.

"The Mystery House charged you 10 gold coins and has already returned it to you. I gave you 20 gold coins. I'm sincerely here to talk about cooperation. I really can't afford to talk like this. Please add me as a friend."

Wouldn't it be over if you were so polite?

The friend verification passed, and seventeen nose rings appeared in Da Liang's friend column.

Before the other party could speak, Daliang said first: "We will talk about cooperation later. I will finish this battle first."

"Okay, okay."

While chatting with Seventeen Nose Rings, Daliang had already arrived at the outskirts of the fighting area. Behind him, a large group of griffons had entered the city from high altitude. The griffons on the outside were responsible for covering, and the griffons in the inner circle were all holding boxes containing supplies.

The human army in the city also sent their own royal griffons to respond.

When they discovered that the griffins carrying supplies entered the sky over the city, the harpies in the underground city immediately attacked them. The elite human troops in the city are a big trouble for Songjiang City. If they get these supplies again, they will have to pay even greater losses if they want to eliminate these elite troops.

A fierce aerial battle started over Songjiang City.

Compared with the battle between the five level 14 arms, the battle between the griffon and the harpy seems to be more entertaining.

The number of gryphons and harpies in the sky participating in this air battle has reached 10,000, forming a thick black cloud over Songjiang City, making the already dark underground city even dimmer.

Then the corpses of griffins and harpies fell down like rain.

This is what happens in aerial battles. Once there is a confrontation, there is no probing and it becomes a fierce team battle.

The griffins flew forward against the harpy's attack. The level difference prevented the harpy from controlling its own sky.

When hundreds of elite royal griffons arrived for support, the Harpy's situation became even more unbearable.

Harpy (level 3 dungeon troop)

Attack: 6


Kill: 10-40

HP: 140

The Harpy's killing range is too large, with a minimum damage and maximum damage of 10-40, which makes their output depend on their character. In addition, their low blood volume prevents them from becoming a qualified flying unit.

Being flanked by griffons and royal griffons, the harpy suffered heavy losses and had to retreat.

At this time, the war in Songjiang was a little weird. Although the underground city had surrounded the human army on the ground, with the archangels and golden dragons of our own side being restrained, the sky of Songjiang City was controlled by the human griffons.

The griffins flew over the urban areas controlled by the humans, and then airdropped supplies downwards beyond the range of the enemy's long-range troops.

Da Liang overlooked the entire battlefield from a high altitude, and the cooperation of Julian and Bartlett blocked the attacks of the enemy's archangel and golden dragon. But the tauren magician stayed away from the battlefield and provided magical assistance to his ultimate unit at the extreme range of the magic range.

That's a cautious guy, and it's not easy to sneak up on him.

However, Daliang really doesn't feel comfortable leaving here unless he kills the magician who can affect the situation of the battle.

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