Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1546 Record

Joyce has been imprisoned in the birdcage of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow for a year.

In fact, when she and Ergus first met the Nine-Headed Golden Crow... it was an unexpected success. When the Nine-headed Golden Crow took out the air magic book for Joyce to look at, a group of visitors suddenly broke into the Golden Crow's lair and attracted the Nine-headed Golden Crow's attention. Joyce didn't know who helped her a lot at this time. When the Nine-Headed Golden Crow was receiving the visitor team, she and Ergus successfully stole the air magic book and left the Golden Crow's nest.

But the reaction speed of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow also exceeded Ergus and Joyce's expectations.

Ergos and the Nine-Headed Golden Crow were captured and sealed after a fight, while Joyce was thrown directly into the birdcage... one level lasted for a year.

For Joyce, one year in prison was the most rewarding year in her life.

This place is so close to the Golden Crow Bird's Nest, and below the Bird's Nest is the Four Elements Altar. There is no better environment for magic practice in the world than this place. And apart from not being able to go out...the Nine-Headed Golden Crow and the elemental guards here didn't cause any trouble.

Joyce felt that he could completely elementalize his body here, like an academic warlock, and gain stronger magic power and longer lifespan in this way. Moreover, there is no impurity of solidified elemental energy here, which will not cause your body to have the side effects of elementalization like some warlocks do.

In this way, she can live until the moment she is released by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

But she didn't expect... one day a year later, there would suddenly be someone in this birdcage, someone she never expected and absolutely wanted to see.

When Joyce saw Da Liang, she also thought it was the magic projection or alchemy puppet of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow teasing her. She stood behind Da Liang and observed carefully, becoming increasingly unable to control her excitement.

That expression and confidence cannot be fabricated out of thin air.

Finally...Joyce called out the name of the person she had been waiting for.


Then, with the other person's surprised expression on his face, he rushed over and hugged him.

At this moment, all Daliang's doubts disappeared... It is impossible for the magic projection to have such a touch, and the alchemy puppet cannot have such strong feelings.

This is Joyce!

Although I don't know why she is still alive, I don't know why she is locked in the bird's nest by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, but it doesn't matter anymore.

As if the most important thing in his life had been lost, Daliang held Joyce tightly in his arms, afraid of losing her again.

Two people in love forget their surroundings...

Da Liang snapped his fingers, and a thick fog enveloped him and Joyce.

However, he did not know that the guard element of the birdcage had recorded the feeding log:

The female human being locked in a cage has been depressed for a year. She only eats and sleeps and meditates... Lord Nine-Headed Golden Crow may have seen that this female human being is too lonely, so he found a male partner for her.

The Lord is indeed the wisest hero in the world. The female human being was very excited after seeing the male. She finally became happy. Her abnormality was responded to by the male human...

This helps us observe the birth and growth process of human beings, which must be a wonderful thing that is different from elemental creatures.

I believe we will soon be able to report the good news to Lord Nine-Headed Golden Crow that his pet has given birth to a baby.

Daliang didn't know that all his conversations with Joyce were faithfully recorded by the guarding element. Although the elemental creatures here are all old guys who have been around for an unknown number of years, they have never left the Golden Crow Nest since they were born, and they have not even been far away from the Bird's Nest Palace. I only know that there is a colorful world outside with many races coexisting, but I haven't seen much of it.

The quirks of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow make the number of visitors to the Golden Crow's lair extremely rare. As a low-level race for a long time, it is impossible for humans to come to the Golden Crow Nest.

Joyce was the first human to enter the Golden Crow's nest, and also the first human to be imprisoned by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. Joyce was locked in a birdcage next to the Bird's Nest Palace, and then forgotten by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. But the guarding elements guarded Joyce dutifully. They regarded Joyce as the pet of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, and their curiosity led them to faithfully record Joyce's daily behavior while taking care of Joyce.

Although the Nine-Headed Golden Crow never looks at it, it guards the elements without interruption for a day. Like the relationship between a breeder and a domesticated animal, Joyce's state affects the hearts of the guarding elements all the time. They are very worried about Joyce, who is occasionally sad and dazed except for eating, sleeping, and practicing.

She may be sick, but the guarding element will not cure human diseases, and she cannot easily disturb the Nine-Headed Golden Crow...

However, Joyce's abnormal behavior today attracted all the guarding elements. When they are not in combat, they are just a flow of elemental energy. It is difficult to distinguish them among the rich elemental energy around the Bird's Nest Palace.

They gathered... The fog released by Da Liang couldn't block the elemental vision at all. They can understand Joyce's mood and are happy for her happiness. They use elemental waves with each other to exchange hearsay secrets about humans.

I heard that many creatures in the outside world reproduce like this. When a female and a male are put together, they will look like this. They will be attracted to each other, and a child will be conceived by the female.

It is completely different from the birth of elemental life.

Joyce's "disease" is finally cured, and now we have one more human being to take care of, and the number will increase again over time.

I heard that humans reproduce very quickly, we should suggest Lord Nine-Headed Golden Crow to build more cages.

Of course, Da Liang, who was covering his ears and stealing the news, didn't know what kind of dilemma he was in now. He only felt indescribably relaxed physically and mentally. The pressure brought by Joyce's death was really too great.

At the same time, Daliang finally asked the question in his heart: "What happened? I didn't expect anything to happen to you... But the scene at that time really made all of us not think that you were still alive.

The person who assassinated you was Holy Isiah, and even he thought he had not missed.

How did you escape from his assassination?

Since you are not dead, why don't you go back to Shangjiang?

And...why are you in the Golden Crow's lair? The Nine-Headed Golden Crow said that you want to steal his air magic book...

I was so excited to see you suddenly and see you alive..."

Joyce snuggled into Da Liang's arms and then recounted what happened after the assassination.

"You should remember Ergos...the fear devil. He has actually been lurking underground in the Shangjiang Palace. That day I was assassinated by the Holy Isaiah, and I was not immune.

It was Ergus who saved me. He used a substitute to replace me and be burned by Isiah's holy flame, and I became a prisoner of Ergus..."

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