Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1547 Solve the doubts

Listening to Joyce slowly talking about her experience during this period, Daliang couldn't help but sigh that her relationship with Ergus was really messy and messy.

Ever since he let Ergus go when he entered the game, this hell lord king always appeared in front of him in some key plots.

It was the same in Shangjiang City, and it was the same in Hell. Now...

Who would have thought... Everyone thought Ergus, who had fled the Furnace Abyss, would lurk back to Shangjiang City?

And caused such a big mystery.

It was precisely because Ergus was unwilling to suffer a disastrous defeat that he kidnapped Joyce, which also allowed Joyce to escape from the inevitable assassination. Then Ergus took Joyce away and hid the truth... waiting for the first empire of the main world to intervene in the war in the Crucible City and the driver to rescue Satan.

Instead, Ergus was persuaded by Joyce and gave up the idea of ​​rescuing Satan, and instead helped Joyce steal the air magic book.

Finally... when he succeeded in leaving, the matter was revealed and he was caught by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

Joyce said: "At that time, Cloud City had a very large advantage over the Crucible City. If the good camp severely damaged the evil camp, the next target of attack would definitely be the First Empire.

You and King Howard both have level 16 powers, and once I return to Shangjiang, I will definitely need the protection of a level 16 hero. For the Five Color Flag Alliance, the number of level 16 heroes was originally at a disadvantage. Not only will my return be of no use, but it will become a drag on you.

I know that the air magic book can improve my strength to the point where I can protect myself, so I came to the Golden Crow's lair to steal the air magic book.

As a result...Erges was sealed and I was imprisoned here for a year. "

Daliang touched Joyce's dark red curly hair, with a helpless smile on his face, and said: "Your silly queen... you really don't need to take the risk of stealing the air magic book.

The plane war ended a year ago. Counting the time... it is the moment you enter the Golden Crow's lair. There is no one in this world who can harm you anymore. You should have waited a little longer to hear the news that the war was over. I wish I could have met you a year ago. "

"The plane war is over? And it was a year ago?" Joyce was greatly surprised. She asked in disbelief: "How is this possible! When Ergus and I passed the Magic Rainbow Bridge, Michael was The army commanding the good camp stormed the Crucible City. Regardless of whether she could break through the Crucible City, how could this plane war end suddenly?

According to Ergus and I's estimation, this face-to-face war will see signs of ending... it will take at least twenty more years, or it may last for a hundred years.

How...why did it end? "

Daliang said proudly: "Because this world has this omnipotent knight in front of you... Michael's general attack on Furnace City was actually promoted by me secretly.

The result of the Crucible City War was...the good camp won, Cloud City occupied the Crucible City, and Michael defeated Lucifer and sealed it.

Michael was also severely damaged by Lucifer in the battle. Then I, Metatron, Uriel, Holy Bella, and Arbiter Julian teamed up to ambush Michael and successfully sealed him.

Now Metatron is the Archangel of Cloud City, and he quickly declares a truce on the good side.

The Sad Pope is now the leader of the evil camp, and he has declared a truce for the evil camp.

Howard represented the neutral camp and organized a comprehensive peace conference...

Therefore, the plane war ended like this. "

"It's really over..."

Joyce still couldn't believe this bizarre thing. She didn't expect that when she entered the Golden Crow's lair, the outside world would take so many incredible turns. She asked: "What exactly happened here? Why did Metatron and Uriel help you ambush Michael? Aren't they the supreme angels of Cloud City? How could they attack their own archangel?

When did the Sad Pope become the leader of the evil camp, and did Hell agree? Do other members of the evil camp agree? If Michael is sealed and the good camp is severely damaged, it will definitely be a good time for the evil camp to counterattack. "

Looking at Joyce's stunned look, Daliang laughed proudly and replied: "Metatron betrayed Michael because I told him and proved that Michael had been contaminated by divine power and her extreme thoughts It will bring Yunzhong City to an irreparable desperate situation.

Uriel betrayed because he discovered Michael's secret and was sealed by Michael. In the ideological conflict with Michael, he chose the nature of an angel.

As for why the Sad Pope can become the leader of the evil camp?

That's because...I am now the Lord of Hell, and I gave up this false name to him..."

After Daliang's explanation, Joyce felt that the things she couldn't accept... changed even more.

"I really want to miss a lot of wonderful events... You must tell me all these things exactly." Joyce's interest was aroused, and she begged Da Liang like a child who wanted to hear a story.

Of course Daliang would not hide anything from Joyce, so he started from the time when Joyce was "assassinated".

In the tense world situation at the beginning of the establishment of the First Empire, if he let Michael launch an attack on the Crucible City, how would he contain the elves and orcs coalition forces, so that both the good camp and the evil camp would fall into the quagmire of war.

After the external pressure on the First Empire has been reduced, how can it fully expand and develop when the good and evil camps have no time to care about it?

Then Da Liang proposed a plan to bring down Michael to Lucifer, making Hell determined to fight Michael to death in the War of the Furnace City.

Then Daliang discovered that Michael might indeed be contaminated...

Assisted the Sad Pope to unify the Kingdom of Death. After being enlightened by the Great Light, the Sad Pope proposed the idea of ​​"ordering the world".

Michael's pollution was the cause of Metatron's rebellion, and the "Ordered World" was the motivation for Metatron's determination to rebel. This idea, which is more advanced than the contradiction between good and evil, allowed the three planes of order to control the world almost instantly after Michael was sealed and Hell was weakened.

“The world of heroic spirits, the kingdom of death, and the main world are now co-managed across all planes, and as the executive officer of order, I was detained by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. This is a very serious diplomatic issue in the elemental plane.

Trust me... I can get you out in no time. "

Daliang assured Joyce that he had made up his mind to take Joyce out even if he organized the three major camps to attack the elemental plane together.

"You came to the Golden Crow's lair to find the elemental stone?"

When Daliang told Joyce the causes and consequences of the end of the plane war and the world situation after the peace conference, he also mentioned the purpose of coming to the Golden Crow's lair.

Joyce seemed to think of something, and then asked in confirmation.

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