Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1548 Big Trouble

Speaking of the Elemental God Stone, Daliang felt that he had been wronged this time. He did not show his strength at all, so he was imprisoned by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow who did not follow common sense.

Now he and Joyce were trapped in the birdcage, and there was no guard around... He wanted to protest, but his voice couldn't even reach the ears of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow.

Simply, while Daliang was waiting for reinforcements to arrive, he told Joyce about the research on the divine plane.

Including the role of the elemental sacred stones in this experiment of opening the crystal wall of the divine plane.

"Nicole and I both believe that... we have mastered the correct method to open the divine plane. All the alchemy equipment has been researched and installed. Only the energy control tower lacks elemental sacred stones. This is a prerequisite to ensure the safety of Julian and Juliet. .

As for the Elemental Divine Stone... we only know that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has it in his hand.

So I came to the Golden Crow's lair and wanted to ask for a piece of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. As a result... he thought I planned to steal the elemental stone, and then locked me up here without giving me any chance to defend myself.

This is just... just awesome.

If I hadn't been imprisoned, I wouldn't have seen you. If I didn't know you were still alive, I must have been foolishly thinking about resurrecting you. "

Hearing what Daliang said, Joyce couldn't help but feel warm in his heart and whispered: "Fool...if I really die, I will now be a heroic spirit in the world of heroic spirits. There is no way for heroic spirits to be resurrected."

Daliang said: "That's because the power of our current world cannot resurrect heroic spirits, but after the divine plane is opened, there may be a way to resurrect heroic spirits.

I have found your heroic space... No, God knows whose heroic space it is.

Anyway, the final direction of the heroic spirit space is the palace where you were assassinated. I have taken control of that heroic space and no one is allowed to enter... Holy Isaiah, the holy left winger who assassinated you, swore to be the guardian of you and your family, and is now guarding the entrance to that heroic space.

He wants to atone for the sins he committed. "

Joyce really didn't expect that Da Liang would do so many things to resurrect himself... control an entrance to the heroic space in the world of heroic spirits, and force Holy Isiah to confess his sins. He said it was easy, but the difficulty inside... Joyce knew it very well.

This man was fulfilling his promise to her, and she believed that... even if she needed to kill a god in order to resurrect herself, her knight would do it without hesitation.

She didn't know how to express her feelings at this time, so she could only murmur: "Holy Isiah is my family guardian, and also your family guardian..."

Daliang pinched Joyce's nose and said with a smile: "Yes, our family... Holy Isaiah no longer needs to guard the heroic spirit space of who knows who.

It’s really strange, whose heroic spirit is that? "

Joyce thought for a moment and said: "It should be Count Faulkner... I was meeting him at the time, and he was introducing Holy Isaiah to me. At that time, Holy Isaiah was disguised as a Crusader hero, and we A large number of heroes are needed to command the ever-expanding army.

At that time, Shangjiang City was really in chaos. We were just a city-state in the past, but during that time the amount of troops and supplies squeezed into the city was far beyond what we could handle. As a result, Isaiah took advantage of us.

He first killed Count Faulkner and then launched a surprise attack on me.

Earl Faulkner is a general that Shangjiang City relies on. With his help, I can organize so many troops from all over the world...

May he rest in peace as soon as possible. "

"After we leave, I will complete Count Faulkner's last mission in the heroic space, and he will be reborn as an angel." Knowing that Joyce is still alive, Daliang is in no mood to resurrect Count Faulkner. The reborn angel is his best ending.

After remembering Count Faulkner, Joyce suddenly thought of something, and then said to Daliang: "When Ergus and I were stealing the air magic book, Ergus took the opportunity to swallow many stones in the altar of elements.

After the Nine-headed Golden Crow caught us, they just took away the air magic book. He did not find the stones swallowed by Ergos. Now those stones are sealed with Ergos, and there may be elemental sacred stones in them. "

Nicole said when she asked Da Liang to come to the Golden Crow's lair to find the elemental stone... The elemental stone is the concentrated and solidified essence of elemental energy. It will only be produced in places with the strongest elemental energy.

The place with the strongest elemental energy in this world is, of course, the Golden Crow Bird's Nest and the Elemental Altar beneath the bird's nest.

With his identity as Ergos, he would never swallow ordinary magic crystals casually. Maybe he actually has elemental gems in his stomach.

"It seems that I have to add another name to the list of people I want to rescue."

Just when Daliang and Joyce reunited, Yezi also escaped from the Golden Crow's lair.

The power of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow prevented her from having any confidence in secretly rescuing Daliang. She could only protect herself from being captured first and then think of other ways.

Meet Sofia outside the magical rainbow. After learning that Daliang had been captured by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, they immediately returned to Shangjiang with their vampire guards and broke into the Shangjiang Palace directly.

Then Emperor Howard immediately sent people to Cloud City and City of Sighs respectively, and invited Metatron and Pope Sadness to Shangjiang City.

At the same time, all Level 16 heroes of the Five Color Flag Alliance are notified to be on standby, and the neutral camp is preparing to enter a state of war...

This is the first time that the three major minds in the Order World have met after the peace conference. After learning that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow had detained Daliang, Metatron and the Sad Pope expressed without any hesitation that the good camp and the evil camp would do their best to rescue Daliang.

Metatron and Daliang had a close personal relationship. He admired this young human being very much. He knew that the reason why the world of Order could be so harmonious was mostly due to Daliang's contribution and suppression. If Da Liang does not appear for a long time, ambitious and scheming people will rear their heads, and no one knows what the newly peaceful world will look like.

There are still various crises in Cloud City, and Metatron needs Da Liang to give him advice at any time.

"Uriye and I will go to the Golden Crow lair. In addition, I will order other members of the good camp to send one to two level 16 heroes from each plane. If it is necessary to attack the elemental plane, I will also use my greatest influence , organize the army of the good camp."

Metatron can only do so much. After all, he is still questioned by some supreme angels, and his influence in the good camp is far less than that of Michael who can respond to everything at once.

The Sad Pope said: “Eviscerate is the most important partner in my life, and the Kingdom of Death will never allow our immortal king to be in any danger.

If necessary, the evil camp can fight with all its might. "

After the sad monarch expressed his stance, Howard said: "It goes without saying how important Daliang is to the Five-Colored Flag Alliance... The first empire of the main world, the three major dragon clans, the dwarf clan, and the drow clan are willing to sacrifice their lives for Prince Feichen. The last drop of blood.

I want the Nine-Headed Golden Crow to know that he is in big trouble this time! "

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