Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1549 Rescue

The elemental plane is a very peaceful world. They do not participate in world disputes and are "neutral" in both actions and slogans. At the same time, the strength of the elemental plane also allows the whole plane to recognize their special status outside the mainstream world.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow is the ruler of the elemental plane, and his power is the strongest backing for the elemental plane to seclusion. In the elemental plane, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow is invincible. Both Michael and Satan once admitted that they were no match for the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, and they have always maintained a distance and respect for him.

But Michael and Satan were also said to be invincible, so they were still sealed.

In the past, the good camp and the evil camp did not provoke the elemental plane because the gain outweighed the losses. But now... having entered the world of order, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow detaining the executive officer of order is undoubtedly an enemy of the entire world of order.

No matter how strong the Nine-Headed Golden Crow is, he has not jumped out of the 16th-level category. His magic power... is endless in quantity, but its quality is the same as other 16th-level heroes. Therefore, under the orders of Metatron, the Sad Pope, and Emperor Howard, the three major camps of the Order World sent their elite forces to break into the elemental plane in one fell swoop. As the space portals continued to open, the Army of Order gathered in the entrance sea area of ​​​​the Magic Rainbow.

Cloud City sent a super cross fortress, the Kingdom of Death sent the Cathedral of Eternal Night, and the first empire of the main world sent the super aerospace battleship Oath air battle group.

Angel, ghost dragon, golden dragon, demon, titan, black dragon, Behemoth, nine-headed dragon...

Purple dragon, crystal dragon, poisonous dragon, dragon warrior, magma dragon, spider queen, fallen angel...

Cloud sails covering the sky, towering aerial fortresses, and hordes of ultimate creatures have surrounded this sea area.

The coercion of the 16th-level heroes was released layer by layer, scaring the wandering elemental creatures into hastily fleeing.

News of the invasion of the World of Order army quickly reached the ears of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow in the Bird's Nest Palace. After listening to the report from his subordinates, before issuing an order, he received a message from Archangel Metatron of Cloud City and the Sad Pope of Sighing City. , Emperor Howard of Shangjiang City requested a visit on behalf of the Order World.

What do heroes from the nine planes want to do when they suddenly appear outside the magical rainbow?

Could it be related to the human being who calls himself the Enforcer of Order?

For the first time, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has a sense of crisis. He is not afraid of the separate good camp and evil camp. But this time the good camp and the evil camp actually jointly act. Together with the newly emerged Five Color Flag Alliance, it means that he may really Stirring a hornet's nest.

However, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow will never give in easily. He said: "Allow Metatron, Sorrow, and Howard to visit my Golden Crow Nest. And inform the elemental guards to be ready for battle and breakout. Once the Golden Crow Nest is invaded, Immediately notify all elemental warriors in the elemental start a war."

The originally peaceful Golden Crow lair suddenly exploded, and the flowing elemental guard immediately transformed into an entity and then stationed in various locations in the elemental tower.

The atmosphere of the war became increasingly intense, which naturally alarmed Daliang, who was imprisoned in the birdcage.

He and Joyce stood on the edge of the birdcage and looked out. The entire Golden Crow nest was in chaos. Although the elemental heroes tried their best to mobilize, the elemental warriors were still running around like headless flies. This was the first time the Golden Crow's lair was invaded, and the elemental army didn't know what to do.

"Elemental plane..." Joyce couldn't believe the scene in front of her. She said, "Is this how we fight in the elemental plane? It's simply...not even comparable to the militiamen trained in Jiangcheng."

Joyce is an excellent war commander. She can see at a glance that the preparations of the elemental army are completely disorganized. Even Daliang, a second-hand swordsman, could see how low the war literacy of the elemental army was. Shangjiang City has experienced various wars, and even the most basic farmers know what to do at the beginning of the war. When the elemental army enters the elemental tower, it is forced to squeeze in. If the upper level is crowded, they will then squeeze into the next level.

When the negotiating team of the Army of Order flew to the Golden Crow's Nest, the Elemental Legion had not yet completed the defense of the Elemental Tower.

Extremely inefficient.

"Someone should come to rescue" Da Liang looked out, and then saw a group of high-level heroes flying quickly towards the Bird's Nest Palace. Their speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye they recognized Metatron, Howard, Melancholy, Uriel, Holy Bella, the Death Knight Monarch, and the Arbitration Angel Julian...

Seeing such a lineup, Daliang knew that this time the elite of the world of order would come out. He no longer hid his strength. The moment he transformed into the Flame Commander, he blew a big hole in the birdcage. Then he pulled Joyce out of the birdcage and flew towards Metatron and the others.

There was an explosion near the Bird's Nest Palace, startling the already nervous hero. They thought that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow was going to attack, so they immediately set up a defensive formation. Then they saw Daliang in the Lieyan Commander state pulling a person and rushing towards them.

Holy Bella and Julian rushed out from the defensive formation to meet Daliang. Howard directed the defense formation composed of 16th-level heroes to build a defensive barrier, waiting for Daliang to enter.

The moment Da Liang burst out of the birdcage, he was sensed by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. A cry echoed throughout the Golden Crow's lair, and then the Nine-headed Golden Crow transformed into its own body and appeared in the air. Its huge body covered Daliang and many heroes in the shadows below.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow has a body length of twenty meters and a wingspan of nearly fifty meters. Each of his feathers is of seven colors, with a halo generated by full of magic flowing on it. With a gentle blow, the air magic drove the whirlwind to roar towards Da Liang and Joyce.

Holy Bella and Julian, who reacted quickly, had already rushed to Daliang's side. They did not look at who Daliang was pulling. Instead, they changed into a large battle form together and used the protective shield wall to block the hurricane behind Daliang.

Then the night appeared from beside Daliang, and a portal quickly opened and closed, sending Daliang into the protective circle of the 16th-level hero.

Seeing that the thief he had imprisoned was rescued, the nine heads of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow roared together, and nine powerful elemental magics formed above their beaks...

Holy Bella and Julian jointly maintained the protective shield wall and retreated in the face of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow's cautious defense.

The nine heads of the Nine-headed Golden Crow are equivalent to nine law-level spell-casting heroes. The tacit understanding created by the community is definitely not something they can fight alone. At this time, the power of the group is also needed. Now they are deep inside the Golden Crow's lair, first seeking self-protection and then looking for an opportunity to break out...

Just when the Nine-Headed Golden Crow was about to release the nine magics, Metatron shouted: "Nine-Headed Golden Crow, do you really want to start a war with us?"

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