Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1550 Who gives you confidence?

After calming down, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow withdrew the magic he was about to release, like crushing nine bubbles, fully demonstrating his control over elemental energy.

He stared at the two "thieves" who escaped, and also saw the defensive formation that protected the two "thieves"... who formed it.

These are the leaders of the Order World, and if he does attack, it will mean a declaration of war.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow disappeared in the air, leaving only his voice echoing in the air: "I will wait for you in my palace, don't try to leave. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, then I will try the elements Does the plane have the strength to challenge your world of order?"

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow returned to his palace, and the heroes, whose pressure was suddenly relieved, looked at Da Liang together. They also need Da Liang to give an explanation. This involves a possible war between the world of order and the elemental plane. They must figure out...why the fight started.

Then... everyone looked past Daliang and stared at Joyce.

"You...have you found a way to resurrect heroic spirits?"

The impact of Joyce's "resurrection" had a greater impact on Metatron than anyone else. Da Liang opened the divine plane and used his divine power to resurrect the heroic spirits. This brought completely different meanings to Yunzhong City than relying on his current power to resurrect the heroic spirits. If law-level power can resurrect heroic spirits, or even lower power can do it... Once this method is leaked, it may directly lead to a reduction in angel production and a decline in quality.

Others were equally surprised by Joyce's sudden appearance, the resurrection of the heroic spirit... Talking about it and doing it have a very different meaning to the world.

Da Liang knew that Joyce's appearance... was really scary, and he was so frightened that his mind went blank.

But now is not the time to let these plane bosses take the opportunity. He changed back to his human state and quickly explained: "Holy Isiah did not kill King Joyce in that assassination. She was saved by Ergos. , the one who died was a stand-in released by Ergos.

I will explain the process to you after you leave the Golden Crow's lair. Now we should face the Nine-Headed Golden Crow first... We should let him know that we respect him, but it does not mean that we are spoiling him.

He imprisoned me on fictitious charges, which was definitely a provocation to the ordered world. The dignity of the world of order does not allow for any blasphemy. No matter how powerful the Nine-Headed Golden Crow is, I will let him know that 'if he does something wrong, he will be judged by the order.' "

It turns out that Ergos saved King Joyce during that assassination.

Metatron was secretly relieved that it was not the resurrection of a heroic spirit. He also knew that this was not the time to ask how Joyce was rescued. They still needed to see the Nine-Headed Golden Crow to resolve this tense situation.

Metatron heard that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow was the first to be rude, and this time he came to the Golden Crow's lair, which was a sign of success. He said: "The 'World of Order' has just been established, which is the most vulnerable time.

Therefore... in the face of provocation, we must fight back hard to convince members of the world of order that we have the ability to manage the world. "

Sad Pope and Howard also said that the Nine-Headed Golden Crow had to pay a price for rudely detaining the Order Enforcement Officer.

Otherwise, what prestige do the three major planes of order have to make other planes obey?

With the support of the world of order, Daliang's waist is extremely strong. He asked the Death Rider Lord Will to go back and inform the Army of Order to be ready to attack the Golden Crow's nest, and then pulled Joyce and led the heroes into the Golden Crow's nest.

Entering the main hall, the Nine-headed Golden Crow had returned to its small form and was sitting on his throne. The bird's head was golden, looking down at the "intruder" with great majesty, and then said to Metatron, who was familiar with him: "I didn't expect it. Without Michael, the angels in Cloud City actually associate with thieves... I can imagine what the so-called world of order you organize is like.

It's really ridiculous that good and evil stand together. "

Da Liang used shaping magic to build a platform, raising himself and the heroes to the same height as the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, and then made a seat for himself. After sitting down, he said to the Nine-headed Golden Crow opposite: "The elemental plane has never participated in a plane war, so naturally I don't know how much trauma the battle between good and evil has brought to the world.

Therefore, you are not qualified to comment on the world of order, or even call yourself neutral.

You have closed yourself in the elemental plane and do not communicate with the outside world. You are like an outsider watching the world move from war to peace, and from peace to war. This is not neutrality, this is isolation...

Look at now... If there is a war between the world of order and the elemental plane, do you have a friend willing to help you? "

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow said angrily: "I don't need friends. The elemental plane has the ability to destroy all intruders... I can kill you all myself."

Daliang said with a smile: "Nine-headed Golden Crow, you locked me in a cage... In fact, you are the bird in the cage. You don't know how big the world is, and you don't know what the outside has become?

Is the elemental plane capable of destroying all invaders?

I might have doubted it before today, but now I can tell you clearly... There are nine main planes in the world of order, and you can easily occupy the elemental plane in any one of them.

I think the Golden Crow Nest has not yet completed its war preparations... And how many war reserves do you have? How many battleships and air fortresses are there? How much mobilization power and manufacturing power is there? How many heroes are there who can command battles? How much experience do you have in fighting plane wars?

If the Golden Crow's lair is like this, how long will it take for the elemental plane to enter a state of war?

You don’t think that war is just an order from you and the whole army charges, right?

In the face of war, the elemental plane and you are just a blank sheet of paper... Why do you have the confidence to fight against the armies of all planes in the world of order?

As for you...

I admit that you are very strong, even the heroes in this palace are no match for you. But we have more than just this level 16 heroes...

The Kingdom of Death alone has 10 level 16 heroes. If the entire plane of order is mobilized, it is estimated that 100 level 16 heroes can be gathered... I will hit you on the head with 10 level 16 heroes, and there will be 10 level 16 heroes left to kick you. butt.

Nine-Headed Golden Crow... What you are facing now is not the good camp and the evil camp that restrict each other. At that time, everyone gave in to you. you can see, the good camp and the evil camp stand together, plus the true neutral camp. You only have an isolated elemental plane, do you really want to fight us? "

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow's perception has now spread to every corner of the Golden Crow's lair. He knows that what Daliang said is true... The elemental guards who have never fought in a war are now all headless flies, and they lack war experience in the elemental plane. The weaknesses are clearly exposed.

On the other hand, looking at the army of order outside the Magic Rainbow Bridge, there are layers of order on the sea and in the air. Every warrior, even the most ordinary sailor, maintains several buffs...

This is not a heavyweight.

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