Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1551 Elemental Divine Stone

Daliang looked at the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, not giving in at all.

Some of the things he just said were highly exaggerated. 100 level 16 heroes... The world of order cannot be assembled. After all, the plane war has just ended and the new order is not stable. The three major planes of order unite and rely on their strong strength to make other planes accept the situation at hand. This is not a suitable time to start a war with the elemental plane.

However, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow does not know what is going on in the Order World. The isolation policy has too many drawbacks. All knowledge of the outside world is based on hearsay. Naturally, whatever Daliang says is what it is.

Of course, if the Nine-headed Golden Crow insists on going its own way, then it can only go to war to establish its power and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys...

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow has already estimated the strength difference between the two sides. Although he did not participate in plane battles, he had seen how the two warring parties fought in the war. If the elemental plane and the world of order start a war, Cloud City and Furnace City can instantly transport the army of order to every corner of the elemental plane.

With the elemental race's war literacy... it is estimated that this war will be over before they can gather their warriors.

All that's left is to face the siege of the entire Order World's 16th-level heroes in the Golden Crow's lair...

In the elemental plane, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has the confidence to defeat ten heroes of the same level, but not 100.

Sensing that the guarding elements had not yet completed the defense of the elemental tower, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow had no confidence at all in the outcome of the battle.

The momentum of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow declined, but he still said stubbornly: "Okay...I won't hold you accountable for your intention to steal the elemental stone, you can leave...but the woman next to you has to stay.

She has nothing to do with today's matter. She stole my air magic book and must be punished. "

Daliang looked at Joyce beside him and said to the Nine-Headed Golden Crow: "Now let's talk about you framed me for stealing the elemental stone...

I just asked to take a look at the Elemental Stone, and you said I wanted to steal your Elemental Stone. Nine-Headed Golden Crow, your frame-up based entirely on imagination is so low-level...

Perhaps in the elemental plane, whatever you say is what it is, and no element dares to question you...even if what you say or do is wrong.

But please don’t apply childish behavior to the world of order.

We manage the world in an orderly manner, with evidence and rules... If you don't hold me accountable for trying to steal your elemental stone, I will hold you accountable for slandering my reputation and framing me as a thief!

You also imprisoned me rudely for so many days. What punishment should you receive? "

The majesty of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow has never been questioned, and he has never been so provoked... Since his existence, who dares to say that he should be punished.

The head of the Nine-headed Golden Crow kept changing colors, and said angrily: "Don't think that just because I step back, you think I'm easy to bully. Just because I don't want to fight doesn't mean I'm really afraid of you.

This is in the elemental plane, in the Golden Crow's lair, and in my palace. Don't challenge my bottom line... This will make it impossible for you to end. "

Daliang replied: "Nine-Headed Golden Crow, sitting in front of you is Prince Feichen of the first empire of the main world; one of the main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance; the chief advisor of Yunzhong City; the Eviscerating Monarch of the Kingdom of Death, the Death Mentor, The Immortal King; the Lord of Hell, the World-Destroying Demon King; the Side-by-side King of the Dwarves...

Order Enforcement Officer.

Nine-Headed Golden Crow, take a good look at the human being in front of you. I am not someone to be bullied. Being framed, detained... Do you really think you want to send me away without pursuing any further investigation?

Although you took a step back, for the humiliation you gave me... this step is not enough! "

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow really didn't expect that a human being could have so many titles, among which was the Lord of Hell...the ruler of a plane, and the other titles were also of various prominence. The Nine-Headed Golden Crow regretted not asking Daliang clearly when he was imprisoned. He still had the inherent understanding that the main world was a weakling. As for the "Order Enforcement Officer"... At that time, he seemed to be just a mascot.

At this moment, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow really realized how big of a trap it was. If they did not give a satisfactory answer, Order World's large-scale attack was not to scare them. They were really determined to go to war with the elemental plane.

Scanning the many heroes on the opposite side, through their expressions, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow knew that Daliang was not lying, and that his identities were all true.

" do you want?" Nine-headed Golden Crow suppressed a sentence. Forced by the situation, he could only lower his bottom line again.

Seeing that Jiu-Tou Jinwu relented, Daliang did not press forward any more. He smiled and said: "Master Jiu-Tou Jinwu, please don't be nervous. I know this is a misunderstanding, and if you didn't lock me up, I might I missed the most important person to me.

This lady is King Joyce of the First Empire of the Overworld. I apologize to you for her stealing the air magic book.

She has paid for her actions and a year in prison should compensate for her mistakes.

I hope you can release her...

And Ergos, who was sealed by you, also received the punishment he deserved. As the Lord of Hell, I hope you can hand him over to Hell. "

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow did not expect that Daliang's punishment stick would be raised high and lightly lowered, so he mobilized troops and mobilized people just to let himself free two prisoners. In the palace, the tense atmosphere eased instantly, and the Nine-Headed Golden Crow said: "You are right, they have indeed paid the price for their actions. You can take this human being away, and you can take Ergos away as well.

As compensation for my rudeness in imprisoning you, I will give you an elemental stone to express my apology. "

As he spoke, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow opened a small teleportation channel next to him. He stretched out his hand to grab it, then frowned and said, "Why isn't it in this place? Did I remember it wrong?"

Then, the Nine-Headed Golden Crow opened a small teleportation channel, took out an elemental stone from it with a smile, and used wind magic to send the seven-colored stone to Daliang. His head returned to gold and faced Daliang. Said: "Elemental Divine Stones are the essence of solidified elemental energy. Even I... only have a few collections. You probably won't find Elemental Divine Stones elsewhere.

I give you this elemental stone not only to apologize to you, but also to express my gratitude.

You made me wake up from my blind arrogance. The outside world has undergone tremendous changes, but the elemental plane has a unique environment and talents but is vulnerable.

We have shut ourselves away for too long and are too self-righteous.

Today, you showed me how weak I am.

The time has come when the elemental plane has to open its door...

I hope to take this opportunity to establish diplomatic relations with all the major planes. I guarantee that the elemental plane is not a threat to the world of order. I am willing to join the neutral camp and contribute the power of the elements to the world order. "

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