Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1552 Two wishes

Among the neutral camps in the ordered world, the Five-Color Flag Alliance, which is dominated by the main world, dominates. Joining the neutral camp in the elemental plane will definitely dilute the influence of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, but it will also enhance the overall strength of the neutral camp. And from the overall situation, the opening of the elemental plane is beneficial to the entire world. This primitive plane is an untapped resource treasure house. In the past, due to the isolation policy of the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, it was difficult for other planes to enter the elemental plane. Now ...This treasure house can definitely add new impetus to the prosperity of the world of order.

Daliang picked up the elemental stone and noticed the happy mood of the heroes. It seemed that this plane crisis would have a perfect ending.

"I am very grateful to Lord Nine-headed Golden Crow for the elemental stone. As the executive officer of Order, I welcome the elemental plane to join the big family of Order World.

At the same time, the Five Color Flag Alliance is also very happy that the elemental plane has become a member of the neutral camp. We will organize a business cooperation team to enter the elemental plane as soon as possible to help the elements establish your business routes.

No matter what your needs are, you will get the best help in Shangjiang City, the first empire of the main world.

I also sincerely hope that you can visit Shangjiang City to discuss the role of the neutral camp in the ordered world. "

The elemental stone is in hand, and Joyce is by his side.

Ergos, whom the Nine-Headed Golden Crow promised to release, was also brought to the main hall.

Ergus was in a very embarrassed state in the seal. During the battle with the Nine-Headed Golden Crow, Ergus realized that he seemed to be naturally restrained by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow. During the magic bombing, he was pecked by nine heads again. Before Ergos could show his strength, he was grabbed by the head and tail by the Nine-Headed Golden Crow and thrown into the seal.

This was probably the most useless battle in Ergos's life.

The seal was released, and an abyssal python appeared in the middle of the palace, filling the empty space between the Nine-headed Golden Crow's throne and the Daliang high platform.

Ergus shook his big head, and then he saw many heroes in the hall, and of course he also saw Daliang.

Daliang took out the letter for help and said to Ergus in a haha: "Erges, from the time I released you from prison to now... your name is almost wearing cocoons out of my ears, but the formal meeting is... It's the first time.

I still have two promises from you in my hand, and I will redeem them all this time. "

Ergos spat out the snake message warily. He didn't know what was going on, but the Nine-Headed Golden Crow alone was not something he could deal with, let alone the well-known 16th-level hero in this room. He glanced at Joyce and said to Daliang: "Since you have seen Joyce, you should know that I saved her.

I know she is very important to you, doesn’t this also allow you to return those two promises to me? "

Daliang put the evil power on his chest, and then said: "These are two things. You saved Joyce, and I will naturally thank you. Let's talk about our affairs first. You should know that I am the Demon King of Destruction, and now I am still Lord of Hell.

My second wish is...that you return to hell. Hell needs the Dread Lord, and I also need your assistance.

My third wish is... to accept my employment and become my warrior.


" are the Lord of Hell now?" Ergus didn't believe that Hell actually fell into Da Liang's hands.

The Nine-Headed Golden Crow hummed: "Do you know how I knew you were stealing my air magic book? You told me that you visited my Golden Crow lair on Lucifer's order, and the Order Messenger happened to come to see me and tell me about the secret of hell. The Lord is the Demon King of Destruction.

Thank the current Lord of Hell, he asked me to let you go.

Otherwise...I will keep you locked up. "

Ergus's letter for help carries the power of law. He must comply with any request of Daliang... And for the Lord of Hell, there are loopholes in any wish. For example, Ergus used a badge to deal with Daliang's first wish.

Now Daliang has put forward two wishes... to return to hell, but he does not have to listen to the orders of the World-Destroying Demon King; to accept Daliang's employment, he can also be passive and sabotage, or even look for opportunities to betray.

Daliang did not add too many restrictions to these two requirements in order to prevent Ergos from catching the loophole. These are two ordinary wishes, and the initiative of how to realize them is still in Ergus's hands.

After Daliang finished speaking his wish, the letter for help burned to ashes in his hands. Ergos's body was here, and his wish came true automatically.

Ergus returned to the underworld of the Destroyer Lord and became a hero of the Blackfire Territory.


Abyss Python (purgatory monster)

Attack: 12

Defense: 12

Kill: 70-100

HP: 500

Racial special skills: fire immunity, entanglement

Hero Unit: Level 89

Attacks: 347

Defense: 341

Intelligence: 254

Knowledge: 246

Hero Specialty: Walking on the Earth (can open underground passages and move quickly underground. The effect of earth magic is increased by 30%)

Hero skills; law-level earth magic, law-level fire magic, law-level offense, master-level defense...

Skills/Magic: Psychic Blast, Quicksand Trap, Meteor and Fire Rain...

(Due to Ergus absorbing a large amount of extremely evil divine power, all attributes are enhanced by 20%.)

After Ergos joined the Black Fire Leader sequence, Da Liang also saw Ergos' attribute table.

As expected of a veteran law-level hero, his attributes are not only powerful, but he also has three skills that have reached law-level. In the end, he even received a 20% enhancement of all attributes due to the absorption of extremely evil divine power.

Good boy... No wonder Angela said that Ergos has always been hiding his strength. He is definitely the second best person in hell.

However, the hells under the jurisdiction of Daliang are not ranked according to strength... The second lord king is Beria, the third lord king is Willard, and the fourth lord king is Angela. Therefore, the Dread Lord Ergos, who was originally ranked third in Hell, could only be reduced to the position of fifth Lord King.

Fortunately, Ergus is not so obsessed with rankings.

What Daliang is most concerned about is the status of Ergos in the Black Fire Territory... Loyalty, because of forced employment, is basically non-existent, and the power of the employment contract does not play a big role in restraining the law level.

Looking at the silent Ergus, Daliang wondered whether he would defect after leaving the Golden Crow's lair.

Fortunately, Daliang didn't think about actually subduing a veteran law-level hero. He took a screenshot of Ergos' attributes and kept them as bragging rights to other players in the future, then said goodbye to the Nine-Headed Golden Crow and prepared to leave.

At this time, Joyce said: "I want to stay here for a while. I wonder if Master Jiu-Tou Jinwu would welcome me to continue living in your palace?"

Daliang whispered to Joyce: "The plane war is over, you don't need the air magic book..."

Knowing that Daliang had misunderstood him, even the Nine-Headed Golden Crow looked suspicious that he was planning to steal another Qi magic book. Joyce explained: "No, no, no... I will not steal the air magic book anymore. I just want to practice air magic here. The elemental environment here can allow me to complete the elementalization of my body as soon as possible.

I hope to live longer with the people I love. "

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