Start with an Archangel

Chapter 170 Potion

It was just a chance, but I didn't expect that this old turtle prophet actually had a way to save Archduke Howard.

Daliang patted his chest and promised: "Howard's grand duke of Shangjiang City is worth less than ten thousand people. If you can save him, he will definitely give you whatever you want. I will give you a title and give it to you on the surface. A big fief for you to grow herbs, 1,000 servants to help you pull weeds, 1,000 servants to help you water the water, 1,000 servants to help you catch insects, no problem at all."

The prophet shook his head and said: "I grow so many precious herbs here because there is a source of magic here. So I don't need a fiefdom on the surface, and ordinary people can't feed these herbs."

"Then what do you want?"

"A living archangel."

Daliang asked strangely: "Didn't you get a dead archangel from me? Why do you want a living archangel? What do you do with a living archangel? You must tell me that there is an archangel beside Archduke Howard. , his name is Bartlett, if there is no danger, he should be willing to help you."

The prophet was silent for a while and said, "Follow me."

The prophet turned and walked towards a thatched house not far away, and Da Liang quickly followed.

This is the true residence of the Prophet, a magical source of rainbow light sitting on one side of the house. Looking at the garden full of flowers and plants, accompanied by a glimpse of the magic spring, this prophet really has a bit of a hermit style.

Following the prophet into the hut, a crystal coffin inside caught Da Liang's idea.

The magic spring water from outside was led to the bottom of the crystal coffin. The magic made the crystal coffin emit colorful light, and inside the crystal coffin lay an underground turtle-shaped creature that looked like the prophet.

Please, can the plot not be so cliche?

Sure enough, the prophet slowly described a poignant love story to Daliang. The male protagonist in the story was the prophet, and the other heroine was the... beautiful girl named Crystal Coffin.

"I have been studying how to resurrect her and return to me all my life. Archangels are born with the ability to resurrect heroes, but they cannot resurrect heroes. I have developed a prescription that may resurrect my lover, but this prescription requires Pure light element, light element gives life to all things. The bodies of archangels are composed of the purest light element, which is why they can revive.

I asked you for the archangel's body just to refine it into light elements and add it to my potion, but..."

"You failed." Daliang had already guessed the result.

The prophet picked up a glass bottle next to the crystal coffin, which contained a white liquid with a faint shimmer.

"For me, this potion has failed. But for Archduke Howard, it is a good medicine that can make him recover immediately."

Daliang said: "Do you think the reason why this resurrection potion failed is because you used a dead archangel? You are going to use a living archangel to do it again, but what if it is not related to the life and death of the archangel? It's you What’s the problem with the formula itself?”

The prophet became a little excited: "There is nothing wrong with my formula. I have used this potion in experiments on mice. The seriously injured mice recovered directly after using this potion, and after the dead mice used this potion... they came back to life. Although It only lasted a few minutes, but it really came to life. The light element of a certain dead archangel is not pure enough, and a living archangel can definitely resurrect my lover."

This potion can restore a severely injured person to full health, so it will definitely allow a dying player to stand up directly to full health. Think about the current price of stamina potions. Those that can restore dozens of values ​​can be purchased for more than ten gold.

This is a life-saving thing, and rich people are not willing to drink it casually. They basically use bandages or just rest and recover after the war.

What is a magic potion? I have never heard of it in this game. All mana can be restored by oneself, or it can be restored to full value in the magic guild in the city. Some magic wells scattered in the wild can also restore mana.

The effect of this medicine is so powerful. It turns out that the archangel made the medicine and refined it to create the ultimate life-saving medicine. Even if there is no Archduke Howard, we still have to find a way to get it.

And this potion can actually bring dead things back to life for a short time!

There is a head start.

Daliang thought about the value of this potion.

Looking at Da Liang who seemed to be thinking deeply, the prophet said again: "I only need the archangel to provide me with pure light elements. The archangel himself will not necessarily die."

Death is not necessarily possible.

Daliang said: "I can't make the decision on this matter, but there is an archangel fighting with us in Songjiang City, and we will try our best to capture him alive. But... you know it is not easy to capture an archangel alive. If you If you are willing to help, maybe it will be easier for us.”

You can tell at a glance that this prophet is a very powerful spell-casting hero. If he is willing to take action, he can definitely determine the outcome in one fell swoop.

But the prophet said: "No, I will not leave this garden of truth too far. In short, if you bring a living archangel, I will give you this potion."

"All right."

Rob... Da Liang didn't have the courage, so he had no choice but to take on this task.

Then, the prophet said: "In order for you to successfully catch the archangel, I will teach you a magic. If you want to truly learn it, bring a living archangel to me."

In a blink of an eye, Da Liang appeared in the mysterious cabin.

"Daliang, where did you go just now?"

It was Monica. She was standing next to Da Liang and was startled by the sudden appearance of Da Liang.

Daliang asked: "Why did you come in? Didn't I ask you to stay outside?"

Monica pouted and said, "I called you outside, but you didn't respond. I was worried that you might be in danger, so I came in to take a look."

Hahaha, I know I'm worried about you, brother. After this battle is over, I will take good care of you.

No, I don't seem to have a decent house in the game. There is only a simple camp on Feichen Island. Of course, my first time can't be so casual; the atmosphere in the Black Fire Leader... is not very good.

Next time I see Joyce, I must ask her to give her a property in Shangjiang City, otherwise I will have too many families in the future and won’t even have a place to stay.

"Come, follow me to heaven. My husband has given me a mission to capture an archangel alive."

Capture the archangel? Monica thought she heard wrong. After all, Steve had two angels beside him and he didn't dare to go. Now he actually said he wanted to capture the archangel! There is an archangel in Songjiang City, but the two archangels from the human race are fighting with him. You can catch them as fast as you want. You really think that the archangels are your own.

But seeing Daliang really flying towards the top biological battlefield in the sky, Monica could only keep up.

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