Start with an Archangel

Chapter 171 Capturing the Archangel

Daliang arrived at the periphery of the battlefield and stopped, then privately chatted with Julian: "The situation has changed. To save Archduke Howard, we need to capture the enemy's archangel alive."

"Capture him alive?" Julian was extremely surprised. "It might be possible to kill him, but to capture him alive... we can't use Juliet."

Of course, Juliet can't be used. It's probably more uncomfortable to have her captured alive than to kill her.

Daliang said: "As long as we can seize the opportunity, we should still be able to do it."

"Okay, I'll inform Bartlett."

Julian conveyed Daliang's words to Bartlett.

"Since saving Howard requires capturing Archangel Leonard alive, let's capture him."

The operation to capture the archangel began. Monica flew to Daliang's side. She looked at the archangel and the golden dragon fighting not far away, and worriedly said to Daliang: "Are we too close? What if they think we are... What to do with the enemy?”

"Don't worry, it's much safer here than attacking the City Lord's Mansion. We are all our own people here. As for Abigail, who is attacking the City Lord's Mansion, after listening to your words, I don't dare to stand too close to her."

"One of our own?"

Monica was a little puzzled. She said that the two human archangels were friendly forces, but she was one of her own?

"Well, it's one of our own, prepare magic support."

Da Liang confirmed again, and then watched what magic the prophet taught him.

Madness (plot magic): Level 4 fire magic, the enemy loses their mind and falls into a state of madness (the magic effect is related to intelligence and the enemy's mental endurance)

Golden dragons are not affected by magic effects of levels 1-4, so this crazy "sick and crazy"

"Obviously it was prepared by the prophet for the archangel.

What will happen if you look at Monica again?

Advanced delay method: attack frequency is reduced by 35%;

Advanced armor-piercing weakening: lowers defense by 5 points;

Advanced Righteous Power: Increase attack by 9 points

It's simply a weakened version of the magic mage.

Throw it out, throw it all out!

Monica listened to Da Liang's order and threw all three advanced status magics onto the battlefield where level 14 creatures were fighting.

Daliang has just turned on the data platform assistance. After sorting out the background, the accuracy of the database's prediction of Archangel Leonard's flight has exceeded 50%.

The bright magic flew towards the estimated forward point of Leonard's flight. When three range magics exploded in the air, a magic light hidden in the middle was not obvious.

The level 1-4 magic immunity prevented the golden dragon from being affected by magic, but even though Leonard tried his best to avoid it, he still suffered from advanced armor-piercing weakening. However, as a hero, Leonard knows the exorcism technique that every hero must master.

A flash of magic removed Leonard's magical state, and then another magic followed.


Leonard immediately fell into madness and chaos. Losing his mind, he attacked all living creatures around him indiscriminately. A golden dragon was caught off guard and was slashed by Leonard's sword.

Magic immunity also prevented the golden dragons from casting magic. They looked at the crazy Leonard but were helpless and could only avoid him as much as possible.

One of the three enemies was temporarily defeated, and the two golden dragons did not dare to approach Leonard, giving Julian and Bartlett a chance.

With the blessing of Julian's attack acceleration magic, the flight speed of the two archangels suddenly accelerated, and one of them rushed towards a golden dragon.

Da Liang and Monica quickly approached the center of the battlefield and used their own power to assist the archangels in the encirclement and killing.

"Fire Iron Fist", this magic is a summoning magic. Although it belongs to the category of magic, physical attacks are effective against golden dragons and are also effective against black dragons that are immune to all magic.

Julian used his strength to withstand the golden dragon, and the iron fist that came down from the air knocked the golden dragon's head to the side as it was about to spit poisonous mist.

Monica also threw an attack beam at the golden dragon that was attacking brightly. This was a shooter attack of the Shadow Witch class, which could also cause damage to the golden dragon.

Fighting on the other side, Bartlett has the absolute upper hand. His hero level is much higher than his opponent's, and his combat experience is much higher than his opponent's. Without the assistance of his companions, and only with the blessing of Steve's commander, he is still not Bart. Ritter's opponent.

The mental resistance of the ultimate creature made Archangel Leonard quickly wake up from his madness, but before it could see clearly the shape of the battlefield, Da Liang, who was very close at hand, gave him another "heart-breaking madness".

As a level 4 magic second only to the ultimate level 5 magic, it is so unreasonable.

Having mastered powerful magic, Daliang finally found the feeling of teaming up with teammates to fight BOSS in previous games. During this period, it was really fun to rely on soldiers to fight, but occasionally playing in person also felt a little nostalgic.

Julian in the front acts as a human shield and resists the golden dragon, while Monica is dedicated to output. The long-range damage caused by intermediate archery is increased by 25%, plus a series of bonuses, making Monica fully qualified for this position.

And Da Liang is a lame wet nurse, "healing" to restore Julian's blood volume, "crazy" to control the archangel Leonard, and if there is a chance, he will use "Rage Iron Fist" to prevent himself from being too incompetent on the offensive end. , after all, his newly married wife is still watching from the side, so it is better for a man to be more violent.

It's just that the crazy control effect is very obvious, and it also consumes a lot of mana. It only requires 20 mana points at a time. Now that Da Liang has reached level 19, his own attributes and equipment bonuses bring his knowledge to 41, which is 410 points in mana.

The battle for the city gate and the opening of the gate of time and space both consumed a lot of Daliang's mana. Although mana was also restored during this period, it was not as much as meditating. Now with another series of coquettish operations, Da Liang's magic power quickly dropped to 200.

Not knowing what he would face later, Da Liang began to control his magic consumption. He no longer used the "Rage Iron Fist" to show off in front of Monica, but only used his magic to control Archangel Leonard underground, and Wei Zhu. Lean's blood volume is restored.

Under the siege of three people, Julian cut off the last bit of the golden dragon's health with a split-air slash. The already scarred golden dragon fell from the air.

The other golden dragon was also quickly killed.

Private chat with Seventeen Nose Rings: "Find the golden dragon's body, transport it and hide it."

"Okay, I'll take people there right away."

Archangel Leonard was finally freed from his madness, and then he found that he had been surrounded and his companions, the golden dragons, had disappeared.

The four people didn't waste any time talking to Leonard and attacked directly.

Marquis Wilson had already flown over the big pit in the Songjiang area. Joshua still didn't know that this ally had rebelled again. He thought Marquis Wilson went to Songjiang City to rescue Steve and help him regain control of Songjiang City.

After all, Marquis Wilson is a very, very powerful spell-casting hero, and his magic combined with the army in the dungeon is enough for Steve to regain control of the battle in Songjiang.

So Marquis Wilson arrived at Songjiang without any hindrance.

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