Two archangels, a dark witch, and a bright one.

Leonard was already weak. During a round of control and siege, two angel swords pierced his sides. The seriously injured Leonard was restrained, and his strength was unable to break free from the restraints of the two archangels.

Bartlett and Julian escorted Leonard to follow Daliang to the door of the mysterious house.

The prophet stood at the door of the hut and saw a living archangel right in front of him. He couldn't help but smile with ecstasy on his face.

"Very good, very good. Baron Da Liang, this is what you need. I gave you all the recovery potions. Oh...and your magic." There was something in the prophet's words, and he took out the bottle of white light. He handed the potion to Da Liang and said in a low voice: "The restoration potion is useless for corpses with damaged limbs. I heard that the Baron still has two golden dragon corpses in his hands. I have a friend who might be interested in them. …”

Da Liang took the recovery potion and sighed in his heart that this old turtle prophet's data processing ability was too powerful. He just had an idea now, but this guy could actually analyze it. But... listening to what he means, it's really possible to succeed.

Overjoyed, Daliang was not so happy even when the level 4 magic "Heart-breaking" storyline magic state disappeared.

I also got an address, which was actually in Shangjiang City. Called a friend by the old turtle, this guy is probably also an incredible master.

As the main city of the human race, Shangjiang is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

Archangel Leonard was led to the Garden of Truth by the prophet's magic. The prophet also turned around and walked into the hut and closed the door.

After getting the medicine that could cure Archduke Howard, Daliang and others immediately returned to the human camp.

After Daliang landed in the camp, he saw Marquis Wilson walking towards the medical tent where Archduke Howard was, accompanied by Colonel Berkeley.

Wilson? Why did he come here?

In any case, this online version of "Qin Hui" must be up to no good here. Perhaps he was sent by Joshua to check Howard's physical condition. If he went there with the potion like this, this guy would definitely find an excuse not to use it on Howard.

Daliang said to Bartlett, who had transformed into a human figure next to him: "Marquis Wilson must have bad intentions when he comes here now. Go and hold him back. I will save the Duke."

There has been a long-standing civil and military struggle in Shangjiang City. As an archangel of Duke Howard's lineage, Bartlett also dislikes Marquis Wilson.

Seeing Marquis Wilson about to enter the medical tent where Archduke Howard was, Bartlett immediately walked over to block Wilson.

Daliang, Monica, and Julian quietly walked to the back of the medical tent.

Julian said to Daliang: "Sir, how do we get in?"

Monica exclaimed: "She, she actually called you..."

Da Liang quickly covered Monica's mouth to prevent his voice from being heard by Wilson, and then reprimanded in a low voice: "I am the lord, and Julian is my subordinate. Isn't it normal to call me your lord? What's the fuss about. You two keep watch outside while I go in to rescue Howard..."

After that, Daliang took out a sharp dagger, cut a hole in the tent and got in.

Monica outside still maintained a surprised expression and asked Julian: "Are you really Daliang's subordinate?"

Julian replied: "Yes, who are you?"

"I am his wife, call me mistress."

Juliet shouted to Julian inside: "Mother? Who does she think she is? Let me out!"

Da Liang entered the tent.

This medical tent can provide treatment for ten soldiers, and now only Archduke Howard lies in it. The blood on his body had been wiped clean, but his face was pale and he was still unconscious.

"I came to visit the Grand Duke on your Majesty's order. The Duke is your Majesty's younger brother. He is very interested in knowing the Grand Duke's current situation. Bartlett, I order you to get out of the way immediately."

Wilson outside tried to force his way in.

Da Liang knew that Bartlett couldn't stop him for long, so he quickly took out the recovery potion and dripped some into Archduke Howard's mouth according to the recommended dosage.

An angry scolding sounded behind Daliang. "What are you doing!"

Hearing the sound, Da Liang quickly put away the recovery potion, then turned around to see Marquis Wilson glaring at him.

Daliang followed the etiquette he had learned and made a noble salute to Wilson: "Hello, Lord Marquis Wilson."

"It's you, what are you doing here?" Wilson saw Daliang clearly, and couldn't help but have some bad feelings in his heart, because something bad will always happen wherever this baron appears, Feichen Island, Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, maybe Songjiang The current situation is also related to him... By the way, I have changed my camp now. Baron Tong Daliang should be one of our own.

Daliang said: "I the Marquis, I am very concerned about the health of the Grand Duke. After all, he is His Majesty's younger brother, and I am His Majesty's vassal. As a vassal, I should share your Majesty's worries."

Wilson, who had adapted to his new identity and transformed Daliang into the same camp as himself, looked much better. He took out the badge of King of the East China Sea and said: "I have brought His Majesty's greetings to the Duke. Whether you can hear it or not, I will repeat it to him. This is a whisper between their brothers. Please get out!" "

Da Liang looked at Bartlett, who shrugged and said that there was nothing he could do. After all, the badge of the King of East China Sea was in his hands, and the subjects of Shangjiang City could only obey the situation.

Da Liang was afraid that Wilson would be detrimental to Howard. He wanted to make up an excuse to stay, but saw that Howard's face was much rosier than before.

The recovery potion has worked. Perhaps Archduke Howard has recovered. He probably wants to use evidence to expose Wilson's face while he is harming himself, right?

This is the best opportunity to eliminate this traitor. As long as Wilson is caught on the spot, he can be directly accused in front of the King of East China Sea.

Assassinating the Duke was enough to sentence Wilson to death.

Da Liang and Bartlett exited the tent.

After everyone in the tent left, Wilson came to Howard's side. He had never seen Howard's appearance when he was injured, and he didn't know that the person lying in front of him had recovered.

But what he can be sure of is that Howard must have suffered extremely serious injuries, otherwise under his command, the human army alone would be enough to suppress the rebellion in Songjiang City, without asking for help from the underground Manchu barbarians like the Black Elves.

"Howard, Howard, I didn't expect that there are so many people in this world who want your life. It's just that you are too strong, blocking the way of many people and making many people afraid. Even your brother is afraid of you. His Time is running out, and I think in his eyes, I’m afraid you are more dangerous than Joshua.”

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