Start with an Archangel

Chapter 184 Occupation (please subscribe)

The heavy dragon claws crushed a wooden barrel. The ale in the barrel splashed, and the mellow aroma of the wine overflowed. The spilled wine flowed on the ground, and the body of a tree spirit, broken into two parts, fell there.

The eastern sky gradually lit up. Da Liang rode on Astro's back and watched the soldiers pile up corpses in the open space of the square.

The sneak attack and the participation of two level 14 creatures allowed Daliang's Black Fire-led army to easily capture the outpost manor. Almost all of the nearly two thousand soldiers, including the garrison generals, died in the battle, but Daliang only suffered losses of less than a hundred people. This was a perfect attack and also laid a good start for Daliang to rob Chongming Island.

The perfect execution of the attack plan resulted in little damage to the fortress of Outpost Manor, with twelve cannons available for use on the fort. After repairs, three heavy-duty crossbows also fell into Da Liang's hands.

Monica is responsible for the defense of the fortress. She is arranging archers to occupy various key points of the fortress. All magicians have entered the castle. There are strong outer walls to protect them, and the height of the castle also provides them with an open space. Attack angle, and you can quickly support the top-level fort in the castle. The area of ​​the fort is limited. The higher the level of the soldiers, the safer it will be.

Simon led an army to conduct a sweep around the manor. There were some elven residences there, and the elven civilians inside could provide labor, money, and food to the Blackfire Territory's army.

Daliang came to Chongming Island just to rob.

Soon the corpses of the defenders were gathered together. Beside the pile of corpses was a group of elven civilians and craftsmen under guard, including elves, dwarves, and centaurs.

These elven civilians and craftsmen who have separated from their war duties generally have some skills, and may be good at planting, brewing, or blacksmithing. These are very sought-after resources. Even if Da Liang does not use them, he can still make a lot of money by reselling them.

Now that his pockets are empty, Daliang is really poor and crazy. The soldiers who have no mission are scraping the land in the manor. "Don't let go of anything worth more than or equal to one copper" is Daliang's slogan for this trip.

Daliang looked at the frightened elven civilians and craftsmen on one side and said: "Hello everyone, my name is Daliang, and I am a baron directly under the command of His Majesty the King of the East China Sea. This is something that no one wants to see, and it should not happen. war, but it happened because of Joshua's greed. Therefore, I can only say sorry to you for what will happen today and in the future. If you have any dissatisfaction or complaints, you can scold Joshua, but don't Thinking of going against me. I promise, if you listen to me obediently, I will let you live well. If someone wants to cause destruction, then this will be his fate."

After that, Daliang patted Astro's neck.

The frost dragon walked in front of the pile of corpses, and the black-gray mist rose and covered all the corpses. A "click" sound came from inside, and in the fright of the elves, skeleton soldiers walked out of the mist one by one.

Elementary Spiritualism: Transform 10% of corpses into skeleton soldiers.

The Black Fire Leader added nearly two hundred skeleton soldiers, the fog dispersed, and the original pile of corpses disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the elven civilians who were still resisting immediately became quiet.

What Daliang wanted was this effect, "Those who are not of my race must have different hearts." He did not have time to instill chicken soup for the soul into these elf captives and preach. The reign of terror would calm down those who have thoughts of resistance. Anyway, after the war, his troops will evacuate from here, and the reconciliation of the people is just a cloud.

He asked his heroes, who could not even remember their names, to screen the prisoners for separate detention. Daliang asked the soldiers to plant his own flag on the top of the castle and report to Joyce that the first battle was successful.

The news that a mixed army of humans and undead had attacked the outpost manor alerted Joshua, who was commanding the siege in Shangjiang City.

He couldn't believe that the human army could avoid the sentries he placed in the forest and raid his stronghold. Outpost Manor has sufficient troops and complete defensive equipment. It can completely withstand an attack with several times the number of troops and wait for the support from Chongming City. How come it was lost in just a short period of time!

"What was the size of the army that attacked Outpost Manor?"

The attendant replied: "According to the last news from the Outpost Manor, the army attacking them consisted of about two thousand to three thousand people. They were mainly skeleton soldiers and spearmen. They were a mixed army of humans and undead. There were nearly one person among them. The squadron’s Silver Pegasus Knight…”

"Silver Pegasus Knight? How can there be so many Silver Pegasus Knights in Shangjiang City!"

The attendant was also confused. The Silver Pegasus Knights are the elite aerial units of the elves. All Silver Pegasus knights will not escape easily. It is really puzzling that there are so many elites of the elves in the sneak attack army. However, the Silver Pegasus Knights Comparing the Pegasus Knight with the next troops, it is not that important. He continued: "In addition to the Silver Pegasus Knight, the people in the Outpost Manor also said that they were attacked by an archangel and a suspected undead named Frost. Dragon’s attack.”

Archangel, frost dragon of the undead tribe.

This army that attacked the outpost manor was really luxurious.

"The wall of Shangjiang City is about to be breached by me. The human race did not put two ultimate creatures into the frontal battlefield to protect the palace, but why did they attack the small outpost manor? They want to attack my Chongming City? What a joke, this army To leave the protection of the fortress is to die." Joshua was very puzzled by the purpose of this human army, and he asked: "Who is the commander of this army?"

"Baron Feichen is Daliang who brought the black elves into the city in Songjiang."

"It's him!" Joshua finally understood the origin of the group of Silver Pegasus knights, and they were all given to him by himself. Moreover, his army belonged to the lord's private army and was independent of Shangjiang City's military system. This also explained why this army did not appear on the front battlefield of Shangjiang, but instead attacked the outpost manor.

Big bright, black fire collar... this is a big trouble.

It was Daliang's attack on Feichen Island that exposed his rebel intentions. Not only did he lose an important mineral site, but it also caused Shangjiang City to start active military deployment, disrupting the originally perfect rebellion plan.

Then there was the battle at Shidongkou, which prompted the undead to surrender to Shangjiang City; the latest intelligence showed that the attack on the fleet transporting the unicorns was also related to this Feichen Baron.

The reversal of Songjiang City was also caused by Daliang. An ally was just gone, and instead the traitorous black elves of the elves took over the dungeon.

A war that was originally bound to be won has turned into what it is now, and there is not much time left for me. Now the wall of Shangjiang City is just a little bit close to being able to break through, just a little bit.

But Daliang's army has landed on Chongming Island now. What does he want to do? What do you want to do!

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