Start with an Archangel

Chapter 185 Territory Mission

As Joyce said, the battle in Songjiang made everyone who encountered Baron Flying Dust nervous about the name. A famous general would bring pressure to every opponent.

The loss of the outpost manor and the existence of two level 14 creatures did not make Joshua take this small force to heart, because they were unable to make any more noise on Chongming Island. Their whereabouts had been exposed. Once they left, The fortress of the outpost manor will be surrounded and annihilated by the army of Chongming City.

Joshua had confidence in the army he had left in Chongming City, but he had no confidence in Daliang.

Because of previous confrontations, he suffered big or small losses at the hands of Daliang. This is a difficult opponent, and no one knows what big plan he is planning.

And he was in an uncomfortable position. To defeat him, we must use the generals and all the dragons left behind in Chongming City. The city will become empty. What if an army similar to the black elves attacks Chongming City at this time? Although Joshua could not think of any army that could attack Chongming City, no one on the Songjiang battlefield thought of the black elves entering the city.

If he doesn't fight, will he just watch his army run rampant in Chongming Island?

Baron Feichen's army must be driven out of Chongming Island as soon as possible. As time goes by, the rear becomes unstable.

Daliang's attack on the outpost manor successfully attracted Joshua's attention. It's just that he didn't rush for Chongming City's army to attack the outpost manor. Instead, he issued an adventurer mission in Chongming City.

"The Outpost Manor encountered a sneak attack by a small group of Shangjiang City troops. We need an adventurer guild to organize an army to drive them all out of the Outpost Manor. Difficulty level: Advanced."

"Task reward: a territory, 10,000 gold coins, 20 wood, 20 stone, 5 gems, 5 mercury, and 5 sulfur."

"Mission restrictions: Only players whose camp is in Chongming City can accept it."

As soon as this mission came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Players now are not as ignorant as they were when the open beta began. The rarity of territories can be seen from the fact that there are only 7 territories in the entire China area.

As the world's number one lord Feishaozushi continues to announce the construction and data of his territory, every player knows how huge a impact a private territory has on the game. It is an important source of soldiers and an important logistics support place. It has a huge war machine and is the core for a large player guild to stand on.

Now, a territory mission was created on the battlefield in the Shangjiang area, and all the players in Chongming City went crazy.

This is a benefit! Those guys who switched to the Shangjiang City camp must all regret it!

Lieyan, who had been insisting on staying in Chongming City, contacted Shi Fei excitedly: "Boss Fei, I knew I was right to listen to you. Territory mission! Chongming City has refreshed the territory mission. Boss Fei is asking for support. As long as you can help me get it. In this territory, you can set whatever price you want."

Territory mission!

Shi Fei was also shocked by the territory-clearing mission in Chongming City. In his previous life... yes, the plot of Shangjiang City had been changed by his influence. However, is the task of refreshing the territory in the early stages of the war too exaggerated? Chongming City is far from a life-or-death situation, so how can we cede our own territory first?

"Send me the mission details."

Lieyan Kuangteng quickly took over the task. At the same time, the members of the Shangjiang branch of the organization quickly gathered, and the screenshots of the task were also sent to Shi Fei's hands.

"The human army actually landed on Chongming Island when they couldn't protect themselves? What an awesome courage! They just issued a territorial mission for this partial army, could it be..."

Shi Fei said to Lieyan Kuangteng: "Obviously, this human army has made the elves on Chongming Island very uncomfortable. At least the army in Chongming City did not dare to attack the outpost manor. This is an elite force from Shangjiang City. With this reward, you can It can be seen that this army is very powerful, with at least level 14 creatures in it."

"Level 14 creatures, isn't the level 14 creature of the human race an archangel?" Lieyan's furious and excited heart instantly calmed down. He remembered the promotional video released by the alliance, where the archangel charged the player like a bowling ball. The gangster bumped into it. Theoretically, players can kill the Archangel with their numbers, but in actual operation, you haven't found the Archangel's position yet. They have already completed a series of tactical maneuvers of charging, attacking, and leaving. "Boss Fei, what do you mean... is the system digging a hole for players?"

"This is a big pit. It is obvious that this territory is a piece of meat thrown by Chongming City and the players are used as gunmen. Let the players test the strength of this human army and consume their power. They are in enemy-occupied territory and one of them will die. Just one less. When they are almost dead, Chongming City’s army can wipe them out in one go. By then, the territory..."

"If no player completes the task, this territory will no longer be given."

Shi Fei said: "Yes. But... knowing that this is a trap, are you going to give up?"

Lieyan Kuanteng said firmly: "If it only rewards a large amount of gold coins and experience, I will definitely not accept this task. But this is a territory, and I will die in peace if I don't give it a try."

Yes, Chongming City released a territory just to let players jump into a trap knowing it was a trap.

Shi Fei was very greedy for a territory. If he were not in Hong Kong City and all the teleportation arrays in non-alliance cities were closed, he would want to go to Chongming Island to try his luck. At the same time, he also lamented that he had the foresight to arrange the move of Raging Flames in Shangjiang City. Isn't the territory in the hands of Raging Flames the same as being in my own hands?

"Then go all out to seize the outpost manor before Chongming City takes action. All the resources of the master command platform will be allocated to the Shangjiang branch. Let everyone open the data client, report personal data and carry soldiers, and the command center will respond to you Formation based on characteristics, we will use modern technology to fight a magical war."

Raging Flames: "Just wait for your words, Boss Fei. My people have begun to gather. Now, none of the player organizations in Chongming City are my opponents to dominate the Shangjiang branch. Fortunately, Xu Man sent her people She has all been dragged to Shangjiang City. Only players from the Chongming City camp can take this mission. Now she has probably scolded Daliang badly."


"Daliang, Chongming City has issued a territory mission, do you know?"

Standing on the wall, Daliang was looking forward to the Chongming City counterattack army, but suddenly received a message from Xu Man: "Are you kidding? Chongming City has issued a territory mission... They are not almost finished, how could they come out? With this kind of exciting mission for players, are the elves going to organize a suicide squad of players to attack the Shangjiang Palace?"

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