Start with an Archangel

Chapter 186 Counterattack on the Outpost Manor

Xu Man said: "I'm not kidding you. An army in Shangjiang City landed on Chongming Island and occupied a manor. This task is for the player to drive this army out, and the task reward is a territory. You are not the same as Pudong Are you familiar with the fleet admiral? Can you find out about the strength of this army? Lieyan Kuangteng is gathering people to complete this task. If the strength of this army is not good, I will send people to cause trouble for Lieyan Kuangteng. He cannot be allowed to gain territory.”

Xu Man was very nervous about the task of clearing out territories in Chongming City, because if Lie Yan Teng gained a territory, the university alliance would unstoppably move closer to Lie Yan Teng. Therefore, she thought of Daliang. If the human army wanted to land on Chongming Island, it must have the cooperation of the navy. Daliang's favorability with the Pudong Fleet Admiral was so high that she might be able to know the strength of this human army that went deep behind enemy lines through her.

If the strength of this human army cannot stop the raging local tycoon army, Xu Man will throw his own people into Chongming City even if he fights across the sea to consume the strength of the raging flames.

After listening to Xu Man's words, Daliang thought about it.

What is going on? An army from Shangjiang City landed on Chongming Island and seized a manor. Are there other human armies on Chongming Island? Where is this friendly force? Please contact us as soon as possible for cooperation.

"Sister Man, where is this human army?"

"Chongming Island, they have occupied the outpost estate."

kao, it turns out to be brother! Didn't we agree that Chongming City would send troops to attack? How can we delegate tasks to players? Moreover, what kind of rewards you put out are not good, but you actually reward territories. Doesn’t this stimulate players to rush towards me like a chicken blood?

I only have so many people, how can I withstand the onslaught of players running away from zombies...

Joshua, so cruel!

Brother must run...

But... this is a territory mission!

Daliang quickly said to Xu Man: "How do you accept this mission? I will also go over to accept the mission and seize the territory?"

Xu Man said with a smile: "If I could take it, I would have taken it. There are restrictions on this mission. Only players who choose the Chongming City camp can take it. My people are all from the Shangjiang City camp, so they can't take the mission. They can only go make trouble."

Isn't this troublesome?

run? Still not running?

At this time Xu Man said: "Gu Tao seems to be in Chongming City. I asked her to monitor the movements of the fierce flames. You call the people of the Judicial Rapid Reaction Force to cross the sea and attack them from behind when they attack the outpost manor. Don't forget In order to find out the strength of that human army, I will organize a group of players to go there by boat. No matter how much losses we pay, we can't let Lieyan Fury gain territory."

Daliang replied: "I know, he can't get any territory without me."

Xu Man ended her call with Daliang and immediately organized people to prepare to board a ship to land on Chongming Island. According to the loading capacity of the ship under her control, she could release about 1,000 people to Chongming Island at a time. These people, together with the Judgment Rapid Reaction Force, may not be able to defeat the Raging Flames, but there is absolutely no problem in causing trouble from behind when they attack the outpost manor.

Daliang contacted Shu Xiao: "Notify the ruling troops to assemble."

"Is there a combat mission? I've cooked all the meals for a week a few days ago, and I'm on standby in the game 24 hours a day, just waiting for your order."

This apprentice is sometimes useful.

"There is a combat mission. After you assemble the troops, move to Chongming Island and stand by in the forest south of the outpost manor."

"Yes, Master."

"Call sir."

"Yes, Sir Master!"

All the Judgment troops have been equipped with flying mounts. One thousand players have strong maneuverability. Together with the soldiers in the soldier cards, the total is 5,000 troops. If used well, it can affect the situation of the battle.

Then contact Gu Tao; "Are you in Chongming Island?"

"Really? Since I'm an elf, I chose the Chongming City camp. However, I put my return point in Shangjiang City. As long as the ruling troops gather, I will be there soon. I promise not to delay the gathering time, and you will not fire me. Right? The verdict is about to be gathered, I’ll go there right away..."

"Stop, stop, stop, don't fly." Daliang quickly stopped Gu Tao, who was about to use the method to return to the city. "You are really good in Chongming City. Now there is a new territory mission in Chongming City. You can take the mission first."

The task of reaching the territory of Chongming City has already caused a sensation among the players, and Gu Tao certainly knows about it.

But looking at the mission and difficulty, it is obvious that it is not a single-player mission. It cannot organize thousands of players as cannon fodder. Don't even think about confronting the army of Shangjiang City.

Gu Tao said in embarrassment: "I couldn't find enough people to do this task, so I only recruited four sisters from the dormitory."

"Just accept this mission yourself, and then come to the outpost manor alone, follow my orders, and act according to the circumstances."

Gu Tao doesn't know what Daliang wants to do. Does he want me to get this territory? How can this be. Putting this sudden thought out of his mind, Gu Tao followed Daliang's instructions and took over the territory task.

Soon the player's army marched out from Chongming City in a mighty manner.

There are large player guilds that are determined to win the territory and are all out, while there are also individual players who want to try their luck in troubled waters.

The player's army surrounded the outpost estate from the west and south, and the number of soldiers involved reached hundreds of thousands.

These people trampled all the fields outside the outpost manor and gathered together according to the player guild to which they belonged.

Among them, there are three player groups with the largest number of players: one is the Shangjiang branch of the Lord Lieutenant Commander affiliated to the University Alliance, the 3G, a veteran gaming guild in Shangjiang, and the Shangjiang Financial Joint Chamber of Commerce. Of these three large game groups, the one that dominates the Shangjiang branch is the most powerful. Although there are only more than a thousand players, the number of troops is actually 30,000, and there are no first- or second-level soldiers among them. These rich kids have no idea. I can't afford to lose that person.

3G is a well-known large-scale game guild in China. Before the open beta of World of Heroes, the 3G guild was stationed in more than 30 games at the same time and completed server dominance in more than 70 servers. 3G Guild President Zhan Hua Luocao and Vice President Hua Kai both participated in the internal beta test of Hero World. They are the strongest among many player guilds in Shangjiang in terms of both gaming experience and guild management experience.

The Shangjiang Financial Joint Chamber of Commerce belongs to a conglomerate of game business groups, and is naturally the strongest among the three in terms of financial resources. The disadvantages are the same as those of college alliances. They are bullish and are good at making money, but they cannot build up the military strength alone. However, being rich also has its advantages. He was willing to spend money and still managed to build a powerful mercenary army.

The three gaming groups each have their own strengths. A territory beckons ahead, and the three player armies create sparks before they attack.

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