Start with an Archangel

Chapter 187 Territory Distribution

Other individuals and small guilds can be ignored for the time being, but these three player groups are hostile to each other.

Because there is only one territory, whoever grabs it can dominate the Shangjiang area. But if a war breaks out, no one can guarantee that they will win the battle, and even if they win miserably in the end, they may not have the strength to capture the manor fortress in front of them.

what to do?

Since everyone is unwilling to fight, let's negotiate first.

The leaders of the three player groups meet in the southwest corner of Outpost Manor.

Dominate the natural flames coming from the Shangjiang branch.

3G came in Nian Huakai. This old guild did not put its eggs in one basket. The guild president, Nian Huakai, was responsible for the tasks in Shangjiang City, and the vice president, Nian Huakai, was in charge of Chongming City.

The person in charge of the player army here at Shanglian Chamber of Commerce is an elf ranger named Silver Warrior. He has several game studios and a group of professional players organized as mercenaries to compete for this territory.

After the three met, Lieyan Kuangteng said: "I think you two should go back. Whether it is the master or the college alliance, you can't fight against it. Give me a face, retreat or stand aside and watch honestly , when I get the territory, I will definitely give you two a big red envelope."

The silver warrior laughed and said: "Everyone knows that the boss of the master is flying sand and stones, and the boss of the college alliance is hunting red clothes. Who are you? Let me give you face... In a money comparison, our Shanglian Chamber of Commerce can't lose to anyone. I will lose to you, so I’ll hand out the red envelopes.”

That year, Hua Kai watched the two fighting for wealth and chuckled: "Playing games is not about having money. You are stepped on by an ordinary student in a row. You won't forget it so quickly. What kind of games does our 3G guild play?" They are all the best. Our players have the strongest combat effectiveness. No matter how many of you there are or how much money you have, you will all be knocked down in a fight. Although I have the fewest soldiers here, I have the most people. Yes, there is no place to recruit when the soldiers die. If the player dies, he will be resurrected in Chongming City and continue to fight. So, the final outcome of the two people's fight with us is - losing the wife and losing the soldiers."

As soon as the negotiations began, there was a lot of tension between the three, and the three parties refused to give in.

And when their argument was at its most intense, a player next to them suddenly pointed to the gate of the Outpost Manor Fortress and said, "Look, a player has entered."

The three of them looked at their tasks again, and the message "Failed!"



Gu Tao came outside of Qianshao Manor. Go through the strong formation and be prepared for any group of players rushing out of the fortress at any time.

Most of these hastily formed players did not know each other, and the queues were all awkward. No one knew whether Gu Tao was one of their own, so no one tried to stop her. Until Gu Tao walked out of the group of players, and then walked to the gate of Outpost Manor under the gaze of many players.

During this period, no one called out to her, and no defenders attacked her.

"Daliang, I'm just going to walk in?"

"Believe me, go in boldly."

Gu Tao pushed open the half-opened fortress door and walked in. In front of him was a clean square and a bare castle with not even a blade of grass visible.

"Ding, you captured Qianshao Manor. You completed the task of expelling Jiangcheng's army from Qianshao Manor, and the reward will be distributed by Chongming City in due course."

The completion of this mission is so weird!

At this time, Daliang's message came over: "Is the mission completed?"

Gu Tao quickly said: "It's done, what on earth is going on?"

"Don't ask what's going on. There is a Silver Pegasus behind the castle. I have transferred it to you. You can ride on the Silver Pegasus and run away."

"Okay." At this time, Gu Tao had already heard the players outside rushing over. She quickly summoned the unicorn, mounted it and ran towards the back of the castle.


Seeing the reminder that their mission had failed, Raging Flames, Blossoms of That Year, and Silver Warrior all looked at Outpost Manor.

There was not a single soldier on the wall. Just now they thought that the human soldiers in the manor had ambushed behind the wall, but now it seemed that there were really no soldiers inside.


Who is the female player who just entered? Be sure to grab her.

The three player leaders immediately summoned their flying mounts, mounted them and flew into the fortress. At the same time, they ordered all the players they belonged to to rush into the fortress... to grab things.

But when the three player leaders crossed the wall, they only saw a clean fortress. A player flew out from behind the castle on a silver pegasus and flew away quickly. The three of them looked at their flying mounts and did not pursue them.


Daliang hid in the forest in the north, laughing to the sky.

One territory, another territory, and finally my brother got it so easily. Of course the owner of this territory is Gu Tao, but is it any different from the one owned by my brother? As my future wife, what’s hers is my brother’s, hahaha.

Joshua, Joshua. You set up a territory mission and prepared to trick your brother, but you didn't expect that you would be tricked by him.

Now that my original team has not been lost, they are all here. They will attack one of your manor at night, and then...

Will Joshua release territory tasks again?

Shi Fei, aren't you awesome? When the time comes, I will build eight cities at the same time, which will scare you to death.

And just when Daliang was about to contact Gu Tao about how to divide the stolen goods.

Gu Tao suddenly received news: "Senior Brother Daliang, the reward for the territory has been distributed by Chongming City, but..."

When everyone was surprised that this task was completed and guessed who the next lord of China would be.

When Lieyan was furious, the three of them were beating their chests and regretting why they didn't advance to the manor.

Chongming City suddenly announced: "Qianshao Manor is officially separated from Chongming City as a private territory. The Outpost Territory has all the functions of the territory and is not protected by Chongming City."

The square of the outpost fortress has been filled with players.

When the news was announced on the regional channel, the flames were roaring, the flowers were blooming, and the silver warriors all turned to look at each other, all showing helpless smiles.

"let's hit!"

This is a battle that cannot be stopped at all. You are in the core of a territory, surrounded by enemies. You are not allowed to reason or not to take action.

A melee between players instantly unfolded inside and outside the outpost fortress, with magic flying and soldiers fighting. The enemy was unknown and the enemy was mixed. Before the legion system was opened, it was difficult to identify the people around you.

Friend or foe.

Anyway, just kill. Whoever survives to the end will be the master of this territory.

The resurrection point in Chongming City was full of players who had returned from the dead. They quickly rushed to the garrison camp to lead out their soldiers, and then rode horses to the outpost fortress. The battle started again on the road.

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