Start with an Archangel

Chapter 189 The Enemy Close at Hand

In the woods on the southeast coast of Chongming Island, Shu Xiao ended his call with Daliang and turned around, swinging a riding whip in his hand and looking arrogantly at the members of the adjudication force lined up in front of him.

"Those who have come down from combat missions have the highest level of confidentiality. Even if the deacon asks in person, he cannot reveal a word. I know that this army was established by Xu Man, but the rules are the rules, and the discipline is the discipline. She is the chief executive. We are a military unit. She only needs to know the results we give her. No outsider needs to know the process. If you can't do this, quit now, including the members who are assisting with data in the background. Those who think they can't keep the secret leave immediately. Your position. Now I will give you thirty seconds to think about it..."

Time passed by second by second, and there was no sound in the jungle, only straight bodies.

"Time's up! I ordered: The first squadron of vanguards took off to reconnoiter the route to the northeast. The left wing of the first squadron, the right wing of the third squadron, and other personnel followed me in the middle. The entire army marched in a patrol formation. Unknown units were encountered along the way. , I’d like to inform you in advance that you are not allowed to attack or leave the queue without permission.”

"Start data support in the background."

"I reiterate once again, this is the first official mission of our adjudication unit, and we are behind enemy lines. It is a shot that makes our adjudication prestige, and it is up to you all to return to the city in disgrace. It depends on your efforts. Now... …take off!"

Following Shu Xiao's order, the members of the Judgment Force summoned their own mounts, including gargoyle mounts, harpy witch mounts, and royal griffon mounts.

The background data support platform began to assign a take-off sequence according to Shu Xiao's order. A small group of players riding Royal Griffin mounts took off first and searched and investigated ahead according to the route given by the data. Then teams of players took off one after another and completed the aerial formation and flew together to the Dongtan Wetland in the northeast.

Arriving at Dongtan Wetland, we escaped the surveillance of the elf sentries in the forest.

Shu Xiao got the exact coordinates sent by Daliang.

The legion system is not yet online. In the air, Shu Xiao had no way to directly issue orders to each member. She sent the coordinates to the data background, and the personnel supported by the auxiliary data adjusted the flight route and sent it to each end user.

Although there was a delay, this thousand-man flying force still completed an overall turn in the air.

The ruling force continued flying north, over the Dongtan Wetlands and into the ocean.

Daliang continued to pass new coordinates to Shu Xiao based on the location of the Black Fire Fleet, and the Judgment Force also continued to make fine adjustments based on the coordinates.

Every member of the Judgment clearly felt that they were tracking a fleet sailing on the sea, but they were a little curious. According to the latest trends in the alliance, all the ships in the alliance are now transporting players to Chongming Island. How come there are still The ship is in the northern waters of Chongming Island.

Moreover, the physical strength of the flying mount is already very exhausted, and it urgently needs a rest. Can the fleet they are tracking now support the takeoff and landing of so many flying units?

Although they were confused, everyone still admired Shu Xiao, the instructor and commander. Although she looked fierce and scary, her words and deeds showed that she was an expert with a very high level of military expertise.

Therefore, Shu Xiao was able to manage the personnel of the adjudication force in a short period of time, and orders could be carried out to the letter.

The direction was changed according to the last coordinate change, and soon a fleet sailing from north to south appeared in front of the ruling force.

This is a fleet without any flags. There are as many as nine ships of various types. The leading three-masted warship can only be seen in the navy. The tall masts are hung with a sail full of wind. , and the cannons on the deck, all aroused waves of admiration.

"Arrived at the scheduled location, everyone is preparing to land on the merchant ship, and the landing order distribution begins in the background. Everyone, please pay attention, after entering the ship, stay there honestly and do not affect the work of the sailors. The landing begins..."

Shu Xiao landed on the flagship "Skeleton Soldier" and met Sidney in the captain's cabin.

After all members of the Judgment Force had landed, Sidney reported to Daliang: "Sir, the Blackfire Fleet has arrived at the designated position. We are at the edge of the horizontal visual range of Chongming Island. If we sail further, we may be attacked by the elves in the coastline forest. Sentinel discovered.”

"Did everyone on the Broken Moon Knight land safely?"

"Everyone has landed safely on the merchant ship and is now feeding and resting their mounts."

Daliang said: "There is a special group of soldiers in the cabin of the ship that Juliet is escorting. You give them all to the Knight of the Broken Moon and let her be responsible for their distribution."

"Yes, sir."

"The Blackfire Fleet prepares for battle."


Da Liang in the forest looked around again. All the forces he could mobilize were in place. The most important thing now was to determine the location of the enemy. He looked at the time.


There were still about four hours until dark.

Yesterday, the army of the Black Fire Territory successfully passed through, and the forest covered with elf sentries attacked the outpost manor. Chongming City must know that my army has stronger night fighting capabilities than them, so this elf army nearby will definitely not drag out the battle. until night.

It is estimated that they have discovered our whereabouts, but they do not know my military subordinates. However, delaying time will not do them any good. If the fighting time is included, they should also attack. They still occupy a large part of the battle in the forest. Advantage.

"Shu Xiao, have you seen the Plague Crawler?"

"Master, sir, where did you get such a disgusting thing? It makes me sick to look at it. This is considered a biological weapon. Will our use violate the Geneva Protocol?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Distribute these plague crawlers to the team members. Remember to protect the team members carrying the plague crawlers. After resting, be ready to take off at any time and wait for my next order. Your first task is to airdrop the plague crawlers. Time, Position, wait for my instructions."


After taking a short rest, the Judgment Force began to accept the assigned plague crawlers, and the ghosts that Liang placed in the forest to the west were also attacked.

Shades are summoned creatures by the frost dragon Astro, and their death is immediately sensed.

Feeling that the ghosts he had released were rapidly decreasing, Astro said to Daliang: "The elves are launching a surprise attack on us. Their speed is very fast, and their direction is right here."

Elves are excellent hunters in the jungle. With so many people from the Black Fire Territory here, the traces left along the road are enough for the elves to determine their general location.

Last night's attack had already made the elves aware of the size and type of Da Liang's army. Therefore, the elves' army, which had superior terrain and military strength, launched an attack directly without waiting for a better opportunity. They believed that the elves had no opponents in the forest, and were unwilling to drag out the battle until dark.

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