Start with an Archangel

Chapter 190 Ambush

How to fight an offensive war with superior troops and superior terrain?

It must be the central army advancing, squeezing the enemy's front, and pulling the enemy's main force to the front. Then the two wings use high-speed troops to outflank and attack the enemy's weak points from the sides. The forceful penetration causes the enemy's formation to waver, and the enemy's main force has to move forward. When dividing the troops to maintain the flank defense line, concentrate all the troops in the middle to break through and disperse the enemy formation in one fell swoop. The rest is just to divide, encircle and annihilate.

For Daliang, under the cover of the forest, he did not know where the main enemy force was, nor did he know where the enemy forces on the flanks were. In the same situation, the Elf army also did not know his troop deployment.

According to the feedback from the Death Shadow, they should have encountered the forward of the main elves, because if they were outflanking the troops, they would not attack the Shadow for concealment, but would move away from a distance. Only the main force will advance with such a loud momentum. They just want to tell the enemy that they are coming, so as to focus the enemy's attention on themselves and provide cover for the outflanking army.

Daliang drew a circle in the area where the ghosts died. This is the area where the main elf force is located. Although the specific number and exact location are not yet known, it does not affect the implementation of his tactics.

Look up and see the direction the treetops are swinging, the southwest wind.

Daliang ordered that the skeleton soldiers deployed in the forest to the west, after discovering the enemy, all moved to the northeast.

The Blackfire fleet sailed southward against the wind, pretending to support the Blackfire leader's retreat from the shore.

Sure enough, as soon as the Blackfire Fleet appeared on the sea, it was discovered by the sentinels arranged by the elves in the coastal forest. A fleet is approaching, and the army of the Black Fire Lord is retreating rapidly. There are various signs that the army of the Black Fire Lord has discovered the approaching elven army. Knowing that they are outmatched, they want to escape.

All kinds of arrangements turned the Black Fire Lord's army into a turtle in a urn. Of course, the hero who commanded this elven army would not watch the enemy army escape.

The leader of this elf army is Earl Wilder, a hero assigned by Joshua to stay in Chongming City. Because this time the opponent was Baron Flying Dust, which made Joshua grit his teeth, so Earl Wilder personally led his army and brought his most trusted magic advisor, the elf Druid Fred.

Riding on a unicorn, looking around at the armies scattered throughout the forest heading northeast, Earl Wilder said to Fred beside him: "The Blackfire Territory's army wants to escape, and their fleet has already arrived. Come here, we must catch up with them as soon as possible. As long as we block them on the coast, the artillery on their warships will not dare to fire casually."

Fred nodded and said: "The earl is right. As long as we surround them on the beach, we can slowly trap them to death. As long as the Black Fire Army is eliminated and Baron Feichen is seriously injured, the earl will definitely be able to get the city lord." My lord’s appreciation. When the time comes when the Marquis captures Shangjiang City and becomes the King of East China Sea, your lord should also be promoted to the rank of Marquis.”

Earl Wilder is not very optimistic about the current situation of the Shangjiang war: "The changes in Songjiang City are very unfavorable to us. The Marquis urgently needs support. In order to defend against the ultimate creature possessed by Feichen Island, Chongming City has to leave three people behind." A golden dragon, a three-headed green dragon and the two of us. Now that the Black Fire Lord’s army has landed on the island, it is a good thing for us. As long as the army of Baron Flying Dust is eliminated, we can allocate a large part of our military strength. Support Shangjiang and determine victory before the army from the underground city joins the battle.”

Fred saluted and said: "I will do my best to win this victory for the Earl."

Earl Wilder nodded and said: "The other party's level 15 Hell's Angel, level 14 Archangel and the new level 14 creature Frost Dragon, I leave it to you and your dragon."

Fred looked at the golden dragons and green dragons walking past, and said confidently: "Leave it to me and Ralph."

At this time, a golden dragon that was much larger than the other dragons stopped next to Fred. His scales were even more golden and there was a dragon saddle strapped on his back. He said: "With Feret's magic Help, I can deal with a level 15 creature with a low hero level, and in order to win, I allow you to ride on my back and fight."

The main force of the elves was successfully led to the northern coast, and the army of the Black Fire Territory turned left collectively, facing the south.

According to the attacker's thinking, there should be a small elf army coming over there.

The blowing south wind brought some different temperatures into the underground lizard's nose, and a group of elves came over.

"All troops are concealed and no movement is allowed without orders."

The giant frost dragon lay down, and the nearby soldiers put branches on him to cover his huge body as much as possible.

Soon an elf army appeared in the woods not far away.

There are about two thousand of them, mainly three types of troops with relatively strong mobility: centaurs, elf archers, and Pegasus knights. A green dragon walks in the middle of the team, and an elf hero sits on his back. Judging from the attire, he should be an elf ranger, a commander-in-chief hero.

This elf hero has just received an order from Count Wilder: the main force of the enemy army is moving towards the coast, and their outflanking army needs to block the enemy's left flank.

The elven troops who were sure that there were no enemies around were moving quickly in the forest. They needed to block the enemy's eastward path in time. To the east was the Dongtan Wetland. The swampy terrain there was not conducive to the elves' rapid encirclement and annihilation of the enemy.

During the rapid march, the green dragon suddenly stopped. He quickly sucked in the air around him. The airflow that formed a swirl in the forest contained some different smells.

"Why did you stop?" The strange behavior of the green dragon caused the entire elf army to stop, and the elf hero who was in a hurry asked anxiously.

"Get ready to fight, we're surrounded."

A dragon roar sounded from the woods in front. An undead dragon exuding fear lifted up the branches and stood up. He roared at the elven army. Some elven soldiers were so frightened that they put down their weapons and turned around to run away.

Arrows like locusts were shot from the surrounding grass, and enemy soldiers were everywhere in the forest. The Pegasus knight wanted to take off, but found that the sky above was already occupied by griffons.

"Formation! Formation!" the elf hero shouted to the bewildered soldiers: "Gather to me to form a defensive front. Earl Wilder's army is nearby. As long as we hold on for a while, we will be waiting for support. …”

As soon as the hero finished speaking, the roar of artillery started in a series.

All the artillery captured from the outpost fortress were brought out by Da Liang using the frost dragon and archangel. The artillery that had taken off its camouflage had already completed loading, and it was impossible to avoid the firing that was so close. The grape bullets loaded by all twelve artillery pieces instantly formed a metal storm and swept across the elves' ranks.

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