Start with an Archangel

Chapter 195 Explosion

The fire cloud in the sky covers the entire south of the outpost fortress, including all players and the Blackfire Lord's army within its attack range.

Neither the players nor Da Liang have the means to fight against this kind of magic, and can only place their hope on the players who all ride flying mounts to attack the elf rear team. That was the adjudication force organized by the University Alliance. Before it was even established, it was surrounded by all kinds of news and fame.

Now, both the players in the battlefield and the players outside the live broadcast are watching the battle there to see if the adjudication force can stop this catastrophe.

The elf rear team and the elf archers who arrived shot arrows at the undead creatures that interfered with the mage's spellcasting. These scary-looking things seemed to have no matching strength. After one attack, they fell down with arrows embedded in their bodies.

This slight harassment did not affect the mages. The elven archers continued to shoot at the enemies scurrying in the sky, and the same undead creatures were thrown out. The elves who knew that these were low-level undead creatures did not take it to heart. They would be killed soon after landing.

In the magic circle, all the mages set their sights on the fire cloud in the southern sky. This is a great magic, and being able to participate in its release is an honor for any spell-casting hero.

All the elves were looking forward to the moment when the fire cloud dropped fire rain and meteorites, but no one paid attention to the changes in the dead souls.

The dead plague crawlers lay on the ground, their backs swollen and bulged, the long cracks became more long, and the disgusting flesh bubbles became brighter. Then with a loud noise, the crawler's back exploded with a loud noise, fragments flew in the shock wave, and black poisonous mist spread in the turbulent gas.

Dense explosions sounded like firecrackers throughout the entire elves' army. Groups of figures were lifted into the air, and the black poisonous mist enveloped most of the elves in it.

Before the elves knew what they were being attacked by, a more violent explosion sounded.

The ground shook, the nearby elf soldiers fell to the ground, and mud fell from the sky like rain.

A large pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared in the elf rear team. The pit was surrounded by elf soldiers who died in the explosion, and some elf mages who were dizzy after being bombed staggered to stand up.

The self-destruction of the Plague Creeper triggered a turbulent flow of magic. The turbulent flow of magic triggered an explosion of the magic circle. Nearly half of the mage heroes died directly in this explosion. The fire cloud in the southern sky quickly faded away without the injection of magic power. The entire elves The army was in a state of disarray and suffered heavy losses.

Earl Wilder looked at his army in disbelief. There were bombed soldiers everywhere, and corpses were everywhere. Those inconspicuous undead creatures actually caused him such heavy losses. The deaths of other troops were still within the Earl's tolerance. What he was most worried about was his druid mages, and his friend and important assistant Fred.

"Go and rescue Master Fred quickly."

In the large pit caused by the explosion caused by magic, Fred climbed out of the pit with difficulty. He was the end point of the energy of the entire magic circle, and the resurgence of magic started from him. Now being hurt by the backlash of huge magic power and being at the center of the explosion, Fred was very lucky to survive.

He crawled out and sat on the ground, looking at the desolation. He wanted to use "healing" magic to treat his injuries, but found that the magic power in his body was still in shock and could not be concentrated.

At this time, when all the elves were stunned by the explosion, a group of adventurers riding aerial mounts fell from the sky.

A large number of soldiers who were good at defense were released to form a peripheral defense line with the big pit as the center, while the adventurers killed the mages who were struggling on the ground but unable to cast magic.

The main responsibility of the second squadron of the Judgment Force is to provide a solid line of defense for the army. The characteristics of the soldiers in the hands of players are that they focus on high defense and high blood pressure. Academic stonemen, undead zombies, and elven combat dwarves are all known for their thick skin and thick flesh. .

These human shields temporarily blocked the elven army's rescue of the mages. Shu Xiao led the players to besiege the mages who had lost their health and lost their magic control. These high-level druid mages enshrined by the elves were thrown to the ground by the players like street fights. They slashed with swords and used attack magic. Soon there were big explosions one after another, bringing about time and time again. cheers.

The player's human shield soldiers were quickly wiped out, and the elf mages were also killed.

Shu Xiao took the players off quickly, but half of the members were shot down to the ground by the angry elves.

"Retreat, our mission has been completed, all climb up and retreat eastward!"

The remaining members of the Judgment immediately raised their altitude to avoid the attack of the elven long-range troops, and then gathered to fly east.

The Pegasus knights did not pursue them because all the adventurers from the south had already rushed over.

Of course, there was also a Silver Pegasus knight chasing after the Judgment troops. Shu Xiao stopped those team members who wanted to attack:

"Let me do this myself."


Da Liang shouted crazily on the regional channel: "What did you hit? I cao! Attack 10, defense 10, intelligence 10, knowledge 10, the power of the built-in magic 'Meteor and Fire Rain' is increased by 200%, this kind of awesome hero equipment They were all exploded by our ruling! Did you see the big pit that was blown up? It was all filled with the spell-casting hero bosses that were killed by the explosion. The pit was all filled with such equipment. Our people can’t carry it anymore. Go and grab it. ah."

"See! The elves' soldiers have all been poisoned. How long will it take if we don't kill them now? With so many of us, we will pile them up and kill them. They also have many heroes and their generals, who must be able to explode artifacts. of."

"People from the College Alliance, come with me and you will die in the pit."

Facing the temptation of top-quality equipment, the players, who had long been dazzled by the passionate battle, roared together and rushed towards the elves' army collectively.

A more intense battle started again.

The players rushed towards the big crater that was blown up, not caring that it was the rear of the elven army, with a row of giant dragons standing not far away.

"With so many people charging, I may not die."

The feeling of luck allowed the player to throw away all worries. As Daliang said, flying corpses will also fall into the pit. If they hit a top-quality equipment, they will make a profit.

An aerial bombardment caused the elf army to lose almost all high-level mages. The elf archer unit that was under special care also suffered heavy casualties and lost sufficient long-range support. The small number of elves were at a disadvantage in melee combat.

The originally powerful elven army is now at risk of being surrounded and annihilated by players.

The remaining troops must be allowed to retreat safely. Knowing that the war situation was irreversible, Earl Wilder said to the golden dragon beside him: "Ralph, take your brothers to attack and cover our army's retreat into the forest. Be careful! Be careful of the Blackfire Leader's sneak attack."

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