Start with an Archangel

Chapter 196 Fighting

The golden dragons and green dragons rose into the air, and then swooped down using the momentum. Below were the players pushing the elven defenders forward.

The dragon roars!

The players in front have already seen the dragon charging towards them, but they are so crowded that they want to hide but there is no room.

The dragons crashed down and they flew close to the ground, like a tank rushing into a herd of sheep, and like a heavy plow turning up players like dirt. No player could stop them. When they saw that they wanted to attack, the dragon had already rushed over, although there were very few magics that could hit them.

However, green dragons are immune to level 1-3 magic, and gold dragons are immune to level 1-4 magic.

The magic the players now have has absolutely no effect on them.

After experiencing the Archangel, players in the Shangjiang area once again learned about the crushing strength of level 14 creatures. It is a theory that a sea of ​​people can defeat them, but how to turn the theory into a limit is a technical gap, at least for players who do not have unified command. It is impossible to complete this complex operation.

The dragon once again firmly told the players how big the gap between their power and the NPC army was.

The massacre is ongoing, and the elves' army begins to retreat. Even if they can defeat the players in front of them, they may not be able to defeat the army of the Black Fire Lord.

In the outpost fortress, a group of players divided into three groups and faced each other in the square.

They are the raging flames, the blooming flowers of that year, and the silver warriors.

The minds of the three player groups clearly know what is most important to them now, and they are absolutely not interested in the equipment that they don't know exists in the pit.

The player's departure made the place a lot cleaner. Players who were originally thinking about this territory also left obediently after seeing these three minds.

The arrogance was no longer visible in Lieyan's raging expression. As the leader of the Shangjiang branch, he was the key person to take care of during the melee. In addition, he was a spellcaster. He was resurrected in just a few hours of fighting. three times.

The situation of Huakai and Silver Samurai was similar that year. A battle for territory severely damaged their strength.

Therefore, the three of them stood here without any thought of fighting again... They had no intention of fighting in the first place, but the situation forced them to fight.

Lieyan Kuanteng said: "While the players who are currently in the way are not here, we should unite to occupy this territory first, block other people's peek at this territory, and then discuss the distribution of this territory?"

Nian Huakai nodded and said: "I agree, none of us can hold such a public territory alone. Cooperation is a good choice."

After asking the boss behind him for instructions, the Silver Warrior also agreed to the proposal of the three companies to divide the territory.

But a voice came in from outside the gate: "Don't you think it's too shameless for the three of you to discuss the separation of other people's territories in their own territory?"

The three of them looked back and found that the person who came was actually Da Liang. Behind him, a large group of players came in and surrounded the three player organizations.

When Lieyan Kuangteng saw Daliang, he immediately shouted loudly: "Hey, Daliang. You have nothing to do here. If we really fight, we can beat you back to Shangjiang in a while."

Daliang pointed to a few players around him and said: "Be careful of the impact when you speak. I have a live broadcast here. After all, we are all members of the college alliance. Personal grudges are personal grudges. Kill us all to cause division. It will not be good for your image." Okay, although your image is not good to begin with. Of course, if you take your people and withdraw from the college league now, you can pretend that I didn't say anything."

Lieyan Kuanteng looked over and saw several players pretending to be taking pictures. He suppressed his anger and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "My grabbing this territory is my personal matter and has nothing to do with the college alliance. Daliang, I said I won't trouble you in the game, and you don't want to trouble me either. trouble."

"Since you still remember what you said, there are also the Flower Blossoms and Silver Warriors of 3G. Now I officially tell you that the ownership of this territory belongs to the College Alliance, and the lord is Hunter Hongshang. As Hunter Hongshang My friends, if you take her territory, you are taking my territory. The flames are raging, whether it is because of our personal grudges or whether you are a member of the alliance, if you still have intentions for this territory, withdraw from the alliance first, and I will teach you. You should be a good person. As for the two presidents and bosses, you are live broadcasting here now. You also have to express your position. Are you no longer interested in our territory and we will be friendly in the future? Or are you a villain and want to start an all-out war with our college alliance? ?”

Lie Yanteng smiled wildly and said: "Da Liang, please stop fooling people. We have all seen that the person who completed the territory task was a female elf druid player, and Hunter Hongshang was a human knight. Do you really think that tens of thousands of pairs of eyes were blind at that time? Really? Get out of here, or I will teach you how to be a good person."

Da Liang just smiled and said nothing.

At this time, Xu Man announced on the national channel: "Hello everyone, my name is Lie Hongshang, and I am a player in Shangjiang City. Now I have obtained a territory and become the eighth lord in China. The territory is in the east of Chongming Island in the Shangjiang area. Duan, my name is Qianshaoling, and now I have changed my name to Yunxiaoling. I hope that every student in the University Alliance can 'risen with the same wind in one day and soar to 90,000 miles.' I also hope that friends in the Shangjiang area can help me a lot. , a lot of support.”

After reading Xu Man's speech, several people immediately checked the information of the Outpost Leader, and sure enough it turned into the Yunxiao Leader.

The lord turned out to be Xu Man.

Lieyan Kuangteng didn't know what to do. He was still a member of the College Alliance, so snatching his own territory would definitely bring him notoriety, and he really couldn't beat Xu Man.

"Boss Fei, what should I do?"

The situation around the Outpost Territory, which is now the Yunxiao Territory, has left Shi Fei, who is far away in Hong Kong, confused and can only describe it as "chaotic".

Players are fighting randomly, NPCs are fighting randomly, players and NPCs are fighting randomly, it seems that there is a hand controlling it, but it is impossible to see where the fundamental source is.

Could it be Da Liang? Definitely not. How could he have such great ability to control Chongming City and tens of thousands of players? He must have been arranged by Xu Man on Chongming Island to lead people there to seize territory, but it just happened that Qihe commanded a battle with a little popularity.

How could a good territory just fall into Xu Man's hands?

They should have been the first to find the female player who was lucky enough to obtain the territory, and bought the ownership of the territory from her.

It's a pity that Xu Man can't compete with the fierce strength of Lieyang, but Yunxiao leads Chongming Island...

"Since our strength in Shangjiang City cannot defeat Xu Man, we should take a step back. There is no way that the people from 3G and Shanglian will not fight without fighting. It will be difficult for Xu Man to send troops to Chongming City. Let them fight. In the end, you will be the fisherman."


After receiving Shi Fei's instructions, Lieyan Kuanteng waved his hand and said, "Since the territory really belongs to Xu Man, I won't compete with her. What do Boss Huakai and Boss Baiyin mean?"

The two of them never expected that the territory would really fall into the hands of the College Alliance. If they gave up the fight for the territory, they would definitely not be willing to accept it. The territory is in the hands of the university linkage. In the future, there will be room for their development in Shangjiang.

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