Start with an Archangel

Chapter 214 Ambush and Surrounding


Could it be that Shi Fei found out that he was already in contact with his future wife? But...who is it?

What Boss Jin said next dispelled Da Liang's imagination: "Yes, it's you. By flying sand and stones and leading the lords to start recovering gold coins, you can know that they have guessed our plan. And we will do our best to build momentum for you, so that they can also guess You are our elected leader. In this way, the purpose of Feishanzushishi coming to Shangjiang can be explained. He wants to defeat you here, destroy your Judgment Legion, destroy your army, and kill you so much that you dare not leave Shangjiang City. , let everyone see your embarrassed appearance."

As a result, the gold merchants' efforts on Daliang were all in vain. Even if they changed another candidate, they would still be discovered by flying sand and stones, and then fall from the altar during the siege.

Shi Fei is near the Judgment Legion's station.

Daliang looked down from the air, and a dense forest caught his attention. It was the most convenient place to hide the army.

Raising the height again, a silver pegasus is extremely inconspicuous when viewed from the ground.

Shi Fei is there.

Daliang did not dare to take Shi Fei lightly. No matter what heroes and troops Shi Fei suddenly came up with, he would not be surprised at all.

This is an enemy in destiny, a big stone that weighs on Daliang's heart. At the same time, Daliang also longs to defeat Shi Fei.

"Julian, join me and approach at high altitude without being discovered."

Julian, who was in the Pudong fleet, immediately took off and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Shu Xiao, notify the Judgment Legion to prepare for battle."

"Yes, Sir Master. These intruders are all soft-footed shrimps. I guarantee that I can disperse them with a single charge."

"Our enemies are not the ones across from you. Have you seen the woods to the south-west?"

"Not them?" Shu Xiao looked into the distance in confusion, "I saw it. The trees are tall and leafy. It's a good place to hide soldiers."

"Wait for my order in a moment. The entire Judgment Legion will conduct a quick assault there and eliminate everyone inside."

"Ah? What about our station? We are leaving. The honor guard alone cannot stop so many players."

"Don't worry about the station for now."

"Okay, Master."

Daliang arranged an attack strategy to Shu Xiao, and then Julian flew to his side.

At this time, a private chat request came in, which was the seventeen nose rings of Rampant Niutou.

"Boss Da Liang, I have led the men from the Rampage Niutou Guild out of the south gate of Shangjiang City and are running towards your legion station. There are 2,000 people and 10,000 soldiers. They are all good brothers who dare to fight. How to fight, all Listen to you, boss."

Seventeen nose rings from Songjiang City actually came to support them, and now they had more strength.

"You contact Xu Man now and ask her to include you on the data command platform. Then you can see the attack route I sent you. This time we are going to kill a big shot."

Seventeen Nose Rings contacted Xu Man and asked eagerly: "Who is the big shot?"

"Someone bigger than me."

It's bigger than Daliang, wouldn't that mean...

Seventeen Nose Rings immediately guessed who it was, and couldn't help but feel excited. If they could kill him, they would really become famous in China, and even the whole world.

"Boss Daliang, this battle is entirely up to you. As long as we can kill him, it won't be a big deal even if our Rampage Niutou dies."

The data links of the seventeen nose rings were connected. On the map provided by the College Alliance, an arrow pointed out the marching route, ambush location, attack time, attack direction and attack target.

High in the sky, Da Liang found the location of the Rampant Tauren Guild through the telescope. They followed a depression from the west to a short slope in the west of the woods.

Then a player riding a Pegasus appeared in his camera.

Pegasus... that should be the aerial sentinel released by Shi Fei. A single sentinel from a distance is very inconspicuous. Fortunately, he has not noticed Da Liang yet.

If Rampage Niu Tou comes any closer, he will definitely find him.

Da Liang quickly called Seventeen Nose Rings: "Stop, there are sentries in the air. If you go further, you will be discovered."

Seventeen Nose Rings said: "Then what should we do?"

At this time, several groups of players came running towards Shangjiang City in the distance. Looking in the direction, they all pointed towards the headquarters of the Judgment Legion. Some of them came from hostile guilds to attack, and some were reinforcements sent by the college alliance.

"The plan has been adjusted. Now we don't know how many guilds are attacking the College Alliance. I guess they don't know it either. You just pretend to be players attacking the Judgment Legion and run against the edge of the woods to where the Judgment Legion is stationed. Wait for me here After launching the attack, you go straight in."


After receiving the order, the Rampant Niutou team immediately turned east and ran towards the Judgment Legion's station. At the same time, the direction of travel slowly approached the woods.

Now, the wild south of Shangjiang City is full of players running towards the legions of the College Alliance. Although there are many people in the Rampage Niutou, the appearance of each dungeon is that of the local guild of Songjiang City. Since they are not from the College Alliance, That's basically friendly forces.

The Pegasus knight who was responsible for surveillance at high altitude also saw the group of seventeen nose rings.

Analysis on this team was quickly sent to the data support backend.

The well-known large guild in Songjiang City is the Rampage Niutou. Some time ago, because he offended Daliang in Songjiang, he was severely punished by the university alliance. He must have come from Songjiang to seek revenge, and his target was facing the Judgment Legion station in Daliang. His menacing appearance was consistent with the behavior of the rampaging Niutou Guild.

It is estimated that with the leadership of these bull-headed players, those timid guilds will be able to boldly attack the headquarters of the Judgment Legion.

Xu Man was in charge of the negotiations between the Rampage Niutou and the university alliance. The alliance between the two guilds had just been established and had not yet been made public.

Therefore, as soon as the Rampage Niu Tou appeared in public, no one thought that they were here to help the college alliance fight the war.

The team of Rampant Bull Head is approaching the woods.

Da Liang connected to the exclusive data support platform of the Judgment Legion.

"Analyzing the ground coverage of the 'Meteor Shower' at my height."

"'Meteor Fire Shower' coverage analysis is carried out... The height is 1132 meters, the wind direction is 2.4 levels northeast... The magic ground coverage is estimated. After the release point is determined, the yellow area is both the magic coverage, and the center range accuracy is +-20 meters, edge range accuracy +-50 meters. Note: Because the release height is too high, the ground attack points will become sparse, and the original attack effect may not be achieved. The 'Meteor Fire Shower' release auxiliary program is running."

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