Start with an Archangel

Chapter 215 Meteor and Fire Shower

The auxiliary program started to work. Da Liang randomly found a release point lower in the air. An irregular translucent broom-shaped yellow pattern immediately appeared on the ground below. This is the area where fire rain and meteorites are scattered under the influence of wind. .

On this broomstick pattern, the head is toward the northeast and the tail is toward the southwest. The two farthest points reach 1,000 meters, and the saturated coverage diameter of the "meteor shower" on the ground is 200 meters.

The expansion of the coverage area means that the originally dense attack points become sparse. Of course, Da Liang did not expect that this "meteor shower" could wipe out Shi Fei and his hidden army. His purpose was to ignite the forest and cause chaos to Shi Fei's army, and then rampage Niutou and the Judgment Legion to attack from the ground and the air. , annihilating Shi Fei's army inside.

Move the release point so that the ground cover covers the center area of ​​the woods.

"Meteor and Fire Shower"


Fire clouds gathered high in the sky.

The strange sight in the sky attracted the attention of the player riding the Pegasus.

"Alert! Legion Commander, there is magic energy gathering in the air, with a height of 1020 meters. The type of magic is 'meteor and fire shower'. The magic is about to be released. In 13 seconds, the ground within the red mark will be attacked. Please avoid it in advance."

At this time, an alarm from the data background rang in Shi Fei's ears, and then the ground in his field of vision was dyed bright red.

The entire forest is within the coverage of magic, how could he escape in 13 seconds, could any player learn "Meteor and Fire Rain" now, which is a fourth-level earth magic.

"Immediately look for who is releasing the magic. The maximum release distance of the 'Meteor and Fire Rain' is 300 meters. He must be near Huoyun."

Shi Fei jumped on Jin Long's back, a recurve bow appeared in his hand, the fire cloud in the sky had taken shape, and the fire rain and meteorites were about to fall.

"Found it, legion commander. Altitude 1294, bearing 4.12, target riding a silver pegasus, suspected player."

Shi Fei drew his bow and arrow to increase his field of vision according to the position reported in the background.

Hero Specialty: Sniper (Active: Range increased by 100%, target defense ignored by 50%, archery damage increased by 200%, arrow speed increased by 200%, no shooting distance penalty, penetrating shot, field of view × 2.5 times, accuracy modifier 12. Mana Costs 15, skill recovery time is 600 seconds. Passive: The unit's long-range attack damage is increased by 20%, the range is increased by 20%, and the shooting distance penalty is reduced by 20%)

In the enlarged field of view, Shi Fei saw the familiar face.

"go to hell!"

Shi Fei loosened his bowstring.

"Meteor Shower" released.

Huge meteorites fell from the red clouds with rain of fire.


Da Liang then issued attack instructions to Seventeen Nose Rings and Shu Xiao, and then in the corner of his field of vision, he saw a dotted line flash past.

Not knowing what it was, Daliang casually deflected the sitting Silver Pegasus.

Then he felt his whole body sway, and then he lost most of his blood, and his whole body fell with the Silver Pegasus.

"This attack power is too overbearing. I'm afraid no one in the game can block such a blow."

The Silver Pegasus was killed with one blow.

With a kick on the horse's back, Daliang separated from the dead Silver Pegasus, summoned another Silver Pegasus and climbed up in a hurry.

At this time, the Rampant Niutou players had already summoned their soldiers towards the woods and quickly formed a long military line to the north of the woods. These bull-headed players looked up at the rain of fire and meteorites falling from the sky. They had seen this scene twice in Matsue City, and the shocking power was reminded of them again.

Seeing that some people were afraid of being hit by magic and wanted to retreat, Seventeen Nose Rings shouted: "Everyone, stand in your position. This is the magic coverage accurately calculated by the college alliance data background. As long as you don't enter the woods, It will definitely not hit us. Now listen to me, this is a coordinated operation between us and the Judgment Legion. After the magic bombing is completed, we will rush in immediately. There is a big fish inside, as long as we can kill him, the entire game world Everyone knows the name of our rampaging Niutou. Now shout with me, Niutou!"

"Bull head!"

At this time, someone rushed out of the woods to avoid the magic covering bombardment. The rampant players immediately ordered their soldiers to attack them.

In the direction of the Judgment Legion's station, under Shu Xiao's order, all members of the Judgment took back all the soldiers who had been sent out, and then took off together, climbing quickly.

Those players who originally faced off against the Judgment Legion immediately thought that the Judgment Legion had thrown a powerful and self-destructive unit in the battle of Yunxiao Leader. Now seeing all the Judgment Legion flying towards them, the players immediately fled in all directions.

However, they soon discovered that the Judgment Legion did not attack them, but flew over their heads to the west.

Then the players were stunned by what they saw.

The entire sky was filled with a falling red fire rain, and large pieces of burning meteorites fell in the fire rain. The woods below were immediately ignited, and the trees were knocked down entirely.

It's like the end is coming.

This is the power of advanced magic!

Is this the power held by the Judgment Legion?

And just as the players were watching the grand spectacle of the "Meteor and Fire Shower", a dragon roar erupted from the woods, and then a golden dragon rushed out of the gradually igniting fire and rushed high into the sky.

It turned out to be the ultimate creature of the elves, a level 14 golden dragon!

Sharp-eyed players also saw an elf sitting on the back of the golden dragon. He opened his bow and shot an arrow into the sky above. The direction of the arrow was a player riding a silver Pegasus.

"I am flying sand and stone. All players outside the Judgment Legion's station immediately attack the Judgment's station."

"I am Da Liang, and anyone who attacks my legion is my enemy!"

Now the players have guessed that the elf player riding the golden dragon is the world's number one lord, Feishanzushishi, and the player riding the silver pegasus is Daliang, the number one player in Shangjiang who has been in the limelight recently.

One has the world-famous Golden Dragon Flying Sand and Rocks, and the other is Daliang, the strongest local man who can cast the "Meteor and Fire Shower".

Who should you listen to?

Just when the players were hesitant, an archangel suddenly appeared in the sky.

She spread her wings, and the armor on her body reflected a dazzling brilliance in the sunset. The sword was held in her hand and charged backwards, and her long golden hair flew with the airflow.

She fell downwards, with Da Liang dodging arrows next to her, and a golden dragon showing its teeth and claws below. The stream of light scattered behind her, and the orange-red sun became a background. At this moment, the world seemed to freeze, and everything existed to set off her. .

The big sword slashed down in the air, and a half-moon-shaped white sword light split the air and space, slashing towards the golden dragon rushing up below.

The golden dragon nimbly dodged sideways, and an arrow shot out from his back, splitting into 20 arrows in the air to form a rain of arrows and shooting towards the archangel and Da Liang.

Thanks for the reward and more updates.

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