Start with an Archangel

Chapter 216 Shi Fei versus Daliang

"Attack acceleration"

The Silver Pegasus, boosted by Julian's speed, rolled in the air to avoid the arrows. Da Liang used magic to fight back while flipping, but was blocked by Jin Long with his body.

The golden dragon is immune to magical effects of levels 1-4. In addition to mastering magic that can produce physical attacks, ordinary magicians have nothing to do with the golden dragon.

Among the magics that Daliang currently masters, the meteorites in "Meteor of Fire" and the "Rage Iron Fist" can both cause damage to the golden dragon. However, the attack speed of these two magics is too slow and it is difficult to hit the golden dragon flying at high speed in the air.

The best way is to attack Shi Fei directly, but the arrow that Shi Fei shot to death Yin Pegasus just now left Da Liang with lingering fear. The lethality was too high.

Fortunately, Shi Fei's next attack was not so abnormal, which showed that the high attack skill could not be released casually. Like magic, this powerful archery skill also required recovery time, but he didn't know how long he would have to wait. You can release the next skill.

Juliet stopped the golden dragon with her own speed, allowing Daliang to hide aside and use healing magic to restore his blood volume.

The woods below were all on fire after being baptized by the meteors and fire showers. Players who were stunned by the bombing tried to escape from the fire, but they encountered attacks from the ground and the sky.

The Rampant Niutou divided into more than a dozen small teams and entered the woods from a place where the fire was weaker. They advanced slowly and carefully. Fire spread in the woods, thick smoke filled the air, and the bodies of a large number of soldiers lay on the ground.

The fire separated the players who were hiding inside, and they gathered together to find a way out. The arrival of the Rampage Bullhead members made these players think that reinforcements were coming. They quickly approached, but were swiftly attacked.

Seventeen Nose Rings led the rampaging Tauren Guild to clear out and sort out the hostile players and soldiers in the fire scene step by step. Shu Xiao led the Judgment Legion in the air and flew around the woods. When he saw someone running out of it, he immediately separated a team to attack and block the enemies who wanted to leave.

The Judgment Legion and the Rampant Bullhead teamed up to encircle and suppress the players in the woods, while the players outside the Judgment Legion's station focused all their attention on the sky.

This should be the first major showdown between players between the ultimate arms and the ultimate arms since the open beta of Hero World.

Archangel and golden dragon.

They are the strongest creatures of the popular races of humans and elves respectively, and they are also the most beautiful creatures.

The news of a battle between two players with level 14 creatures instantly hit the Internet. Even the Yunxiao Leader battle, which was heavily promoted by the five major gold merchants, was suppressed by the live broadcast of this battle.

The fighting among the players in Shangjiang City suddenly stopped, and all the players in China turned their attention to the air battle outside the Judgment Legion station in the south of Shangjiang City.

Is it using Juliet?

Da Liang thought about it.

If you use Juliet, you can easily kill Shi Fei and his golden dragon, but what should you do next...

Shi Fei can be resurrected, but this enemy still exists.

Now it can be said that almost all players do not know that level 14 is not the limit of creatures. In this game, there is level 15 that crushes level 14, and there is also the real ultimate level 16.

And what kind of changes will it bring to future life by exposing a level 15 creature that stands at the top of the entire game, including players and system heroes?

Is Xu Man still his close comrade-in-arms? Does Boss Jin still treat his brother as a brother? Nowadays, the changes in life have made Da Liang unable to adapt, and once Juliet is exposed to the public, his life will probably be derailed and out of control.

Juliet's existence must never be known to anyone.

Shi Fei in front of him could only let himself and Julian deal with it.

With bursts of speed, Julian flew up and down around the golden dragon. Her hero level gave her a certain advantage over the golden dragon.

However, that golden dragon was obviously the best among level 14. He knew that speed was no match for the archangel in front of him, so he let her fly however she wanted and just held her position firmly. When the attack came, she quickly dodged and then waited for an opportunity to counterattack.

Riding on his back, Shi Fei seemed to have an extra pair of eyes. His past life experience allowed Shi Fei to quickly form a tacit understanding with Jin Long. He knows that players should never put themselves in a dominant position when riding a dragon in aerial combat. These level 14 creatures are all heroes and have superb aerial combat skills. Players' rash command will only disrupt their rhythm.

At this moment, Shi Fei regarded himself as an assistant, a pair of eyes. He is responsible for all the blind spots that the golden dragon cannot see, and reminds him to stop the golden dragon's attacks from the rear. At the same time, he must constantly use bows and arrows to block the archangel's flight path or directly participate in the attack.

After a short confrontation, Shi Fei used the standards of his previous life to make an evaluation of Julian's strength that even surprised him.

This is a double A-level archangel. She is an extremely talented member of the archangel sequence. Archangels of this level are very rare. In Yunzhong City, they are trained as future 15-level holy angels. When Yunzhong City When facing a war, a group of holy angels can be quickly promoted to serve as the commanders of the angel army.

In Shi Fei's previous life, when players came into contact with more and more level 14 creatures, they discovered that the strength of these top-level soldiers was not the same. Even two level 14 creatures of the same race with the same attributes may have a very large gap in strength.

At that time, players divided level 14 creatures into four levels based on their combat effectiveness.

C level: Most level 14 creatures are of this level. The data they show is their true combat power. Most of the people who come into contact with players and are hired are of this level.

B-level: Possessing hidden combat attributes, their individual combat effectiveness should be able to deal with two C-levels at the same time without any external factors and the hero level is the same. In various base camps, they are the basic commanders of the 14th-level biological army. . Level 14 creatures of this level are the top level that ordinary high-level players can touch.

A-level: They are already elite among level 14 creatures. They have very perfect techniques and tactics. They serve as the intermediate commanders of the level 14 biological army, or form the most elite small army alone. There were very, very few players who had A-level 14th-level creatures in the previous life, and non-lord players were not even qualified to talk to them, let alone recruit them.

At least in his previous life, Shi Fei had only seen and never touched A-level and 14th-level creatures.

But in this life, Shi Fei got an A-level golden dragon. Perhaps it was a hidden reward because he was the first player to recruit a golden dragon.

But Shi Fei didn't expect that he would see a double-A-level archangel so quickly.

This is not something that can be recruited from the level 14 recruitment building. It is impossible for the base camp of any race to release double-A level 14 creatures to accept recruitment from players.

What incredible mission did Wang Daliang do to recruit a double-A-level archangel from Yunzhong City? !

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