Start with an Archangel

Chapter 217 The Ultimate Battle

However, a double A-level archangel did not deter Shi Fei. Level and talent do not determine the final outcome. Experience and tacit understanding of cooperation are the magic weapons for victory.

It was obvious that Da Liang was unable to cooperate with such a high-level archangel.

Archangels cannot ride and fight, and the one who can cooperate with the archangel is another archangel. Da Liang's mount, the Silver Pegasus, could not keep up with the Archangel's speed, so it could not fill the Archangel's gap or carry out cover or attack.

Dragons have great advantages in cooperating with players in combat. Dragons can be ridden. A giant dragon plus a calm-minded player who knows how to cooperate is definitely better than an archangel and a player in terms of combat effectiveness.

Just like Daliang now, he can only ride the silver Pegasus and eat ashes behind the golden dragon.

Looking back at Da Liang, Shi Fei sneered and thought: If you wait a few more minutes, I can kill you with one arrow, and then kill the archangel.

Daliang also knew that prolonging time would be very detrimental to him. That arrow made his heart tremble a little now.

"Julian, don't fight with them anymore. You just hold up the golden dragon, and I'll kill the elf on his back."

"Body Protective Stone Skin"

"The protection of the Holy Spirit"

"Protective Shield"

Various buffing magics were released on Julian, and the archangel, whose offensive and defensive attributes were improved, began to perform her original duties.

It is the archangel's job to resist the frontal pressure line, and fighting is just Julian's specialty. Like other level 14 troops, Julian can also be very competent.

A light shield appeared on Julian's left wrist, and the poisonous gas spurting out was blocked by the light shield. The escaped poisonous gas was dispersed by the holy light, and the sword slashed at the golden dragon's body.

At this time, an arrow hit Julian.

The racing golden dragon and archangel finally stopped. It was not easy for Julian to face a golden dragon and Shi Fei.

"Magic Arrow"

Daliang, who was approaching, threw an attack magic at Shi Fei.

The golden dragon raised its tail to block the magic attack for Shi Fei.

Controlling the Silver Pegasus to sway his body to escape a rain of arrows, Da Liang continued to approach and threw various magics at Shi Fei. Shi Fei also used bows and arrows to fight back, and occasionally mixed in a small amount of magic to increase his attack density.

The archangel and the golden dragon were fighting in the middle. Da Liang was flying around on a silver pegasus. Arrows and magic were flying in the air. For a moment, no one could do anything to anyone.

However, in this fight, Shi Fei was protected by the golden dragon, and Daliang suffered a great loss. Shi Fei's archery is very accurate, and he can still hit Daliang frequently in this kind of aerial battle.

The blood volume keeps decreasing, and using healing to increase one's blood inevitably reduces the suppression of Shi Fei.

The 600-second cooldown time for "Meteor and Fire Shower" has expired. Knowing that if he doesn't use it now, he will have no chance, Da Liang casts it immediately.

"Julian holds down the golden dragon and doesn't let him leave the range of the meteor shower."

Julian's hero level has reached level 13, and her total blood volume has exceeded 5,000. After fighting for such a long time, his blood volume is now more than 3,000. Even if he is attacked by a meteor shower, it will not be a big hindrance. .

And Shi Fei's golden dragon...

It was obvious that he had not obtained the Golden Dragon for a long time. It is very difficult to upgrade the hero level of a 14th-level creature. His total health volume is estimated to be below 4,000. After fighting Julian head-on for so long, his health volume must be reduced to About two thousand.

The lethality of Daliang's Meteor and Fire Rain is as high as 1500. The meteorite in the magic cannot kill the golden dragon, but it should be no problem to drop the stone flying in seconds.

The fire cloud gathered again, just above the heads of Jinlong and Julian.

Feeling the threat of magic, the golden dragon wanted to leave the coverage of "Meteor and Fire Shower". But his speed was not as good as Julian's.

Adhering to his duty, Julian unleashed all his speed, blocked the golden dragon's path and used a light shield to hold the dragon's head tightly, keeping him within the scope of the meteor shower.

Shi Fei did not expect that in order to suppress the golden dragon within the range of the meteor and fire shower, Daliang actually let the archangel be under the fire cloud.

It is very difficult to increase the level of a 14th-level biological hero. Da Liang, the archangel, must have been newly acquired in the past two days. He can only have 4,000 blood. After playing for such a long time, under the attacks of himself and the golden dragon, his health has dropped to two. Less than a thousand.

The damage value of Da Liang's Meteor Fire Shower just now has been calculated and is around 1,500.

I can hide under the golden dragon's body and let the dragon block this magical attack for me. By then, my golden dragon and archangel will have their last few hundred points of blood left, and Daliang... even if he has the silver pegasus to block him again. If hit, his current blood volume will also be cleared under the penetrating damage of "sniper".

At that time, an archangel with residual health will be my first level 14 trophy in my life.

The fire cloud in the sky has taken shape, and the CD that Shi Fei "sniped" has also been restored. Keeping the golden dragon balanced and stable, Shi Fei aimed his bow and arrow at Da Liang.

Seeing a magic shot coming from Daliang's hand, Shi Fei didn't move.

He saw the magic scroll that Daliang was holding when he cast "Meteor and Fire Shower", which meant that Daliang did not really master advanced magic. It can be seen from the many magic spells Daliang used just now that all the magic he mastered were first-level magic.

There is no first-level magic that can kill people instantly.

Therefore, Shi Fei had no intention of avoiding this flying magic, and the Fire Rain Meteor falling from above his head would not give him a chance to target Da Liang again.

The hand is released from the bowstring.

Without any time interval, Da Liang was pushed out from the back of the Silver Pegasus by the momentum, and a white light flashed out to show that he was dead.

Under everyone's gaze, Da Liang's body fell downwards.

The hatred in his heart relaxed a lot. Shi Fei took a satisfied look at Daliang who was killed by him, and then was hit by the magic that Daliang finally released.

Then Shi Fei found that he had lost control of his body. He actually drew his bow and shot his golden dragon with a hail of arrows.


Shi Fei saw the magic state he was hit by. This was level 4 fire magic, a rare control magic. How did Wang Daliang learn it?

Shooting close to him, the golden dragon withstood all the damage from the arrow rain. A cry came out of his mouth, and his strength inevitably decreased.

The pressure was relieved, and Julian immediately fell. The rain of fire and meteorites covered the golden dragon and Shi Fei, and they chased closely behind her.

Speed ​​up, speed up, speed up...change direction.

The dive allowed Julian to exceed her own speed limit. She stayed close to the ground and flew horizontally. The rain of fire and meteorites that fell instantly submerged the ground behind her.

The rain of fire continued to fall, and a huge creature fell heavily to the ground in the rain of fire.

The entire area was quiet, and the battlefield was already surrounded by players watching the battle.

No one spoke at this time, only the archangel rising slowly with his face revealed.

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