Start with an Archangel

Chapter 223 Visitors to Feichen Island

After the war, although Shangjiang City successfully blocked the elves' attack, it lost all its deterrent effect on the vice city.

The inability of King Donghai's rule caused the Vice City to lose its restraints. Joshua and Howard, who had already broken up with each other, began to upgrade the cities they ruled for future wars. An arms race began among various cities.

After persuading Marquis Stanley to upgrade Jiading City, Daliang also obtained all the basic architectural drawings of the third-level territory. At this time, he had tied up with the construction progress of the Dragon Star Territory and completed the upgrade of the third-level territory.

Recruitment buildings for new units can be built in the third-level territory.

Cemetery: 10,000 gold coins, 10 units of wood, 10 units of stone, and cemetery building drawings. Can recruit zombies, 12+12/day.

The walking zombies, this guy who is despised by even the undead, have found a new home in the hands of Da Liang. In the evil prison, they can be transformed into plague crawlers. If they are used well, they can blow up their enemies to the sky. If they are used badly, they can blow themselves up into the sky. , it can be regarded as a strange weapon that can produce miraculous effects.

The cemetery is confirmed to be built. A cemetery can provide Daliang with 24 walking corpses every day. For Daliang, this output is a bit low, so he still ordered 2,000 walking corpses from Jiading City.

Marquis Stanley hated walking corpses deeply. 10,000 walking corpses had just been eliminated at the entrance of the stone cave. The system was forcibly refreshing the walking corpses to supplement the losses in Jiading City. No matter what, it would not work.

So when Daliang proposed to buy a walking corpse, the Marquis gave Daliang another hug: "No problem, brother Daliang, give me an address and I will send it to you for free... Hahahaha."

All the walking corpses and architectural drawings are done.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce used money everywhere when it was first established. The gold coins saved by Marquis Stanley will probably be consumed soon, and the dividend of 20% of the shares will not be available for the time being.

After finishing everything in Jiading City, Daliang returned to the Black Fire Territory.

The third-level territory has been given to the Black Fire Territory on a small scale, but most of the buildings cannot be seen underwater.

Construction of the cemetery has begun.

Daliang saw that he had enough funds and stones on hand, but the wood needed to be purchased. After the consumption of the secondary territory, there was not much left.

About 3,000 square meters of land have been filled in around the island, and Da Liang selected a few buildings that did not require much wood to build on it.

Pig iron refining furnace

wind blower

stone cutting workshop

Then there is the third-level special construction for the undead: the Skeleton Stable.

Skeleton horses are the main animal power of the undead, and they also have the characteristics of not needing to eat or rest. However, the load-bearing capacity of ordinary skeleton horses is relatively low. The strength of two ordinary skeleton horses can only be compared with that of one ordinary horse, so its main function is to pull carts.

Of course, lighter undead heroes can still ride skeleton horses.

After being promoted, the Skeleton Stable can produce Skeleton War Horses, which are exclusive mounts for undead heroes.

There are now about thirty undead heroes that Daliang has recruited from the tavern. They are all ordinary garbage heroes. Daliang can't even remember their names, let alone give them royal griffon mounts and Pegasus equipment, so These undead heroes who command the army at the grassroots level are currently all infantry.

If the territory can produce its own skeleton horses, these and the undead heroes recruited in the future will be upgraded to cavalry.

Moreover, the skeleton horse also significantly improves the work efficiency of the territory.

Skeleton stable construction.

Thinking of the hero, Daliang made a special trip to the tavern.

As expected, there were no surprises. A skeleton hero without any special skills or specialties was drinking wine inside, and then the wine dripped all over the floor along his feet.

IQ is not online.

Let's do it, maybe I'll be able to learn an incredible skill in the future?

After paying 500 gold coins to recruit this hero who didn't even bother to read his name, Daliang received Simon's message.

"The envoy of Archduke Howard is on Feichen Island."

Archduke Howard? What did he send people for? Could it be that he remembered that my brother saved his life and sent him a reward?

Now Archduke Howard is one of the three giants in the Shangjiang area and a thorn in the side of King Donghai. If anyone knows that he has met with his people, he will definitely get into trouble. But Da Liang didn't even dare to meet Joshua, who wanted to kill the King of East China Sea, let alone Howard, who was originally in the same camp.

"How many people came from the messenger? Did they say anything?"

"Back to your lord, the messenger called himself Bartlett and said he was an old friend of your lord. But he didn't tell me the purpose of his coming."

Archangel Bartlett, it was him who came. With his status, it was almost the same as Archangel Howard coming in person.

What is it that requires Howard's personal archangel to come to Feichen Island to find me?

No matter what Bartlett is doing, you will know it when you meet him.

Now Julian is still suppressing all dissatisfaction for Xu Man in the sky south of Shangjiang City. Da Liang decided to take the frost dragon Astro to Feichen Island. With a new level 14 creature around, regardless of whether Howard sent Bartlett with good intentions or bad intentions, at least it can improve his own weight in his mind.

Through the Black Fire Territory and the teleportation array of Shangjiang City, Daliang and Astro arrived at Shangjiang, and then flew from the air to Feichen Island.

Bartlett was dressed as a human knight, and the shining armor made his already strong body even bigger.

He stood on the beach of Feichen Island, with a city wall in front of him. There was a fort at each end of the city wall, and three heavy crossbows were placed above the middle city gate.

In front of him was Simon, the big-eared orc, whose height could only reach Bartlett's belly. However, as the top officer of the Feichen Island garrison of the Black Fire Territory, he also puffed up his chest and tiptoed to make himself as tall as possible.

"Knight Bartlett, my lord will be arriving soon, please wait a moment."

"Thank you very much for conveying this message to me, Knight Simon. I wonder if your hometown is in Fengxian City?"

Simon kept his body steady and replied: "Yes, my hometown is Fengxian City. My family and I are good at raising wargs, until one day I suddenly seemed to go out and have a chance, and then I met Xi Deni, then we followed the lord together."

"What a coincidence. Your Excellency Duke Howard and I are also visiting Fengxian City now. If you come home to visit your relatives at any time, Your Excellency the Duke and I hope to visit your family with you."

"Praising the Duke, this is definitely something that will make our whole family feel honored. But the premise is that Shangjiang City and Fengxian City end this mutual hostility, otherwise my family should not allow me to go back to visit my relatives."

Bartlett chuckled and said: "The conflict between the Duke and His Majesty is just a personal grudge, but we and Viscount Daliang are very good friends. Knight Simon, this is just an ordinary invitation, you don't need to have any worries."

"Whether you are a friend or not, the Viscount has the final say." Simon pointed to the western sky, "Look, your lord is here."

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