In the strong wind, the frost dragon fell from the sky.

In the air flow stirred up by the wind pressure, Simon lowered his body and tried his best not to be blown away, but Bartlett stood there without any impact.

Astro folded his wings, stared at Bartlett with a pair of pale eyes, and the mist of death sprayed out from the slit of his mouth. Then the undead dragon lowered his body and used his left wing to support the ground, forming an inclined ladder.

"Bartlett, when we meet again after leaving Songjiang, you are even more energetic." Da Liang jumped off Astro's back. He gave Bartlett a warm hug and patted his armored shoulder. It was like meeting an old friend again; "Is the Duke's health okay? Please bring my greetings to the Duke when you go back this time."

Bartlett saluted respectfully to Daliang: "Good day, Viscount Feichen. I will bring your blessings to the Duke. At the same time, the Duke will also bring his greetings and thanks to you, the Viscount, through me. If it weren't for your timely response, Give him the recovery potion, I'm afraid his soul has returned to heaven."

"It's not that I'm afraid... it's definitely that if it wasn't for me, he would have been killed by Wilson. But the Duke doesn't seem to care about my help in saving his life. Just a thank you... can it be used as food?"

Daliang saw that Bartlett's gesture was one of request.

Then my attitude should be higher. Do you want to ask me to do something? Can……

Let's give the life-saving reward first. Everyone's camp is already hostile anyway, so there is no need to pay attention to the issue of face. Your Duke even dares to evade the favor of saving his life. He is so shameless. My brother is also shameless.

If you don't pay off your debt this time, I won't even let you enter Feichen Island.


"Meteor and Fire Shower"? Who wouldn’t?

Archangel? Who doesn’t?

Bartlett also didn't expect that Daliang would be so disrespectful of his status as a noble. When a guest came to visit, instead of inviting people in, he would first ask for things without even a hint of cover.

He is really a country viscount. He doesn't have any of the cultivation that a noble should have. Nobles only pay attention to methods when they want benefits.

Fortunately, I came well prepared this time, otherwise I really wouldn’t have been able to get in.

Bartlett chuckled and said: "At that time, the military situation in Songjiang was urgent. The Duke urgently needed to control and collect the troops in the underground city to prevent them from escaping. And the black elves, although they occupied Songjiang City with our cooperation, after all, the two sides had once After the war, it was difficult to distinguish between friend and foe, and the Grand Duke also needed to suppress the opponent. After everything was settled, it was discovered that the Viscount had left Songjiang. He did not express his gratitude in person. The Grand Duke was very regretful and annoyed. He waited until the war subsided. Immediately order me to come and convey His Excellency the Duke’s gratitude to you.”


Explaining that he had come with a reward, Daliang immediately enthusiastically welcomed Bartlett into Feichen Island.

"Hahaha, please come to the island...Simon, run quickly and find the red wine I took from Admiral Joyce last time. I want to have a drink with Bartlett."

"Yes, sir."

Simon mounted his royal griffon mount and flew towards Feichen Island, while Da Liang and Bartlett slowly walked through the city gate.

The construction on Feichen Island has begun to take shape, and the tall trees all over the island have provided enough wood for the construction of the Black Fire Territory.

The siege equipment factory has begun to manufacture light ballistae. This type of ballistae can fire short spears or can be modified to fire gravel. In solid defensive fortifications, these fragile weapons can still exert considerable power.

The system's control over artillery will not spread widely until players can independently produce artillery in private territories. The crossbows that can be manufactured in the territory in the early stage are a good defensive weapon for the player's legion station.

At the same time, the high price of artillery has led some players who own ships, especially player groups with battleship escorts, to choose to reduce the number of artillery configurations on merchant ships and increase the number of ballistae accordingly to improve the ship's defense capabilities.

The "junk" collected from the Pudong Fleet has opened up the sales channels of the Jiuding Merchant Alliance. Daliang took advantage of the situation and added the light ballista produced by himself to the goods list, which can be regarded as a stable source of income.

Taking Bartlett to the reception room on Feichen Island, Daliang picked up a wine glass filled with red wine and handed it to Bartlett: "To Your Majesty and the Grand Duke."

"To Your Majesty and the Grand Duke."

After drinking Daliang's welcome drink, Bartlett took out a list under Daliang's eager gaze: "This is the Duke's gratitude to you."


Those who have more rewards need to make a list. Sure enough, there is no greater merit than rescuing the driver. Since you gave it to me so sincerely, I feel embarrassed to accept it.

It’s just...what are these things...

Da Liang lowered his head and looked at some lists. He seemed familiar and had an ominous premonition.

"Bartlett, did you get the wrong one?"

Bartlett smiled and said: "No, these are gifts chosen by the Duke himself."

Sure enough, it's the same routine as Joyce.

Da Liang looked at it again.

Bloodstone: 100 units (alchemy material)

Black iron stone: 100 units (metallurgical material)

Cuprite: 100 units (metallurgical material)

Coal: 500 units (fuel)

Marble: 50 units (building material)

Clay: 100 units (pottery materials, building materials)

Granite: 100 units (building material)

Caveman Slave Miners: 2000

Big-Eared Monster Slave Miner: 2000

A mining pickaxe technology blueprint (used in the academy to research mining pickaxe technology, mine output increases by 10%)

A drawing of drilling technology (used in the academy to study drilling technology and increase mine output by 10%)

Five primary navigation skills.

Good guy, all kinds of minerals, slaves and mining technology, let me be the mine boss. Didn't Howard consider that Brother's Feichen Island could withstand the digging of 4,000 slave miners when he gave the gift?

The key point is that these things seem to be very useful; I'm not willing to accept them.

It’s uncomfortable.

Looking at Daliang's expression of refusing to welcome him, Bartlett explained: "The Duke's visit to Fengxian City was entirely due to a sudden incident. All his properties are in Shangjiang City. If the property in Shangjiang City is given to the Viscount, , will definitely cause unnecessary trouble for the Lord. After all, the relationship between the Duke and His Majesty is very bad.

It's just that Fengxian City is really too poor to give you anything decent to thank you for your kindness. These things are all high-quality minerals that we have carefully selected. Even if you don't need them in your territory, you can just buy them. Absolutely popular. "

Da Liang also sighed in his heart, Howard is now a plucked phoenix, worse than a chicken. He shamelessly withholds Navy personnel and supplies and refuses to return them to Joyce. To be able to give him so many things, it must be considered a bloodletting. ?

Take it.

If you don’t harvest it, there won’t even be any hair.

Besides, the five basic navigation skills in it are urgently needed by himself. Howard must also know that this gift list is really embarrassing, so he should put the technologies and skill trees that these brothers need to add more color.

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