Start with an Archangel

Chapter 226 Preparation before the war

Sky battleships are the crystallization of alchemy technology and sailing technology. They are divided into five levels according to the size of the sky battleships.

Level 5 air and space battleships are the smallest.

Total load capacity:2000

Maximum weapons: 60+40 (three-layer artillery deck, 40 broadside guns, 10 bow guns, 10 stern guns, 40 various types of ballistae)

Large biological chamber: 2

Elementary magic prohibition device: 1 (resist magic attacks below level 2)

Steering force: 50-100 (50 on the water, 100 in the air)

Propulsion: 40-110 (40 on water surface, 110 in air)

Standard sailor: 400

Required sailors: 75

Maximum sailors: 700

Every air and space battleship is a weapon for air supremacy. Each air and space battleship houses a large number of air units. If you want to defeat an air and space battleship, in addition to using air and space battleships, you can only use top-notch or a large number of conventional air forces to defeat the air and space battleships. With control of the air, use the ballistas, long-range attacks and magic on the battleship to break through the air.

According to the current strength of the Black Fire Fleet, it is not even qualified to fight even the lowest air and space battleship.

Faced with Daliang's refusal, Bartlett said: "We have no intention of letting you, Viscount, face the Jeju Fleet alone. The Nanhui Fleet can temporarily assign a small fleet to your command, including 5 three-masted battleships, 15 With two-masted battleships, four large air force garrison ships, and your Blackfire fleet, our fleet strength on the water has surpassed Viscount Bob’s fleet.”

"Aren't there any aerial warships? The artillery elevation of surface warships may not be able to attack warships in the sky."

Bartlett said: "No, Nanhui City does not have the ability to manufacture aerial battleships yet. However, I will bring 10 Thunderbirds and 20 Rocs to participate in this battle. Nanhui City has specially allocated 3 squadrons for this battle. The dragon flies. This time, all the troops transferred from Nanhui City and Fengxian City will temporarily belong to the order of the Black Fire Lord. Because we are attacking the fleet of Jeju City, if we don’t want all the Jeju fleet to come up the river, we can’t Leave them no excuses."

Julian, Astro, and Bartlett are all the best among level 14 creatures, 10 thunderbirds (level 10 orcs), 20 rocs (level 9 orcs), 300 dragonflies (6 level swamp), plus the 150 griffins that Da Liang can use.

This time the Black Fire Fleet's air power can compete with the Jeju City squadron.

And surface warships can crush them.

The odds of winning are relatively good and you can fight.

Daliang nodded and said: "Let's fight. When will your battle fleet arrive?"

"That's enough tonight. The dungeon fleet's night fighting capabilities are relatively strong. We'll attack in the early morning and decide the outcome during the day."


Daliang contacted Sidney at the Pudong Fleet Naval Port: "Has the new ship been delivered for use?"

"One three-masted warship, two two-masted warships, and four single-masted warships have been delivered. I have assigned the trained sailors to each ship. As long as the captain is in place, combat effectiveness can be formed immediately."

In order to train enough sailors, the Black Fire Fleet has a very large amount of training, just to have enough manpower to operate the ship after it gets a new ship.

After learning that Daliang had entrusted the Pudong Fleet Shipyard to build new ships, Sidney, who received 500,000 gold coins, once again increased the intensity of fleet training to a higher level.

"You select two potential heroes to serve as captains of two brigantine battleships. I have basic navigation skills for them to learn. All four single-masted battleships are sent to the Blackfire Territory to serve as guard posts outside the territory and serve as training Training ship for sailors.”

"It's the Lord."

"Now the Black Fire Fleet is heading to Feichen Island to prepare for battle."

"It's the Lord."

The Black Fire Fleet departed from Pudong Military Port and headed towards Feichen Island.

Julian, Monica, and Sidney flew to Feichen Island first to meet up with Daliang.

In the tactical command room of Feichen Island, several major heroes who participated in this naval battle gathered around a sea chart.

Bartlett, who had already conducted reconnaissance on Viscount Bob's fleet, placed ship models on the chart.

"The Jeju Fleet's Viscount Bob Squadron has a total of one level 5 aerospace battleship, four three-masted battleships, and ten two-masted battleships. There are two black dragons, four red dragons, and the number of other harpies is about 280 - 350. We did not see manticores in Viscount Bob’s fleet. It seems that the functions of manticores and dragons overlap, and the enemy does not deploy a large number of manticores, so even if they have manticores, they will not have too many.

At this time, Viscount Bob's squadron was stationed on the south side of Aoba Island in the sea off the upper river.

By night, our Blackfire fleet can reach 7 three-masted warships, 21 two-masted warships, 4 air force station ships, two archangels, a frost dragon, and 480 other various air units.


After Bartlett introduced the forces of both sides, he handed over the tactical deployment power to Da Liang, who then looked at Sidney.

At this time, Sidney already had the bearing of a fleet commander. While moving the ship model, he said: "Qingye Island has an area of ​​30 square kilometers. It is the largest island in the northern sea of ​​​​Shangjiang. It has fresh water and dense vegetation. . Ships sailing from south to north, whether heading to the coast of the mainland or to the Korean Peninsula, pass here, so the strategic location of this northernmost territory on the Shangjiang River is very important. In the past, an elf force was stationed on it, and it was assigned by default. In Chongming City.

On the south coast of Aoba Island, where Viscount Bob's squadron is stationed, there is a pier that can berth ships. The pier is relatively small and cannot park too many ships. In other words, the soldiers in the underground city can only take turns to go ashore to rest to maintain their morale, but their morale will definitely not be very high. Moreover, fighting during the day will be very uncomfortable for underground creatures who are accustomed to the dark underground environment, and their morale will drop very quickly. . "

At this point, Sidney looked at Monica, the only underground creature.

Monica nodded and said: "Yes, being under the sun during the day will make me very uncomfortable, especially when I walk on the street at noon, I will be in a very bad mood, and I just want to find a dark place to have a good sleep. .”

Daliang said: "Then we will postpone the official attack time and start the general attack at noon."

Sidney moved the model of the Black Fire Fleet and said: "The best time to attack at noon is indeed the best time. At that time, the sun is due south and the light is strongest. Our fleet will approach from the due south of Aoba Island... "

When Daliang summoned his men to prepare to attack the Jeju City fleet, Feishanzushi also summoned the capable generals from his master army station.

Looking at the round table in front of him and the group of famous players from the previous life sitting around it, the ambiguity in Shi Fei's heart finally disappeared a little.

"What is certain now is that gold merchants are secretly planning a large-scale national war. Once the national war starts, no one can stop it, and the price of gold will skyrocket. Not only will we suffer heavy losses, but our economy will also suffer in the future. The lifeline will also be in the hands of gold merchants, which I absolutely cannot allow. Finding the real starting point of the national war and attacking when they gather their manpower is our last chance.

Half Moon Cat, you are responsible for the intelligence work of our master, tell me what you have found? "

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