Start with an Archangel

Chapter 227 Traitor?

The half-moon cat race is the succubus of hell. Just like her chosen race, in Shi Fei's previous life, the half-moon cat was almost synonymous with leaks and conspiracy. No one knows how she obtained all kinds of secrets and sold them online, and no one knows who she is outside the game.

Shi Fei asked Banyue Mao to be his intelligence officer, and after careful consideration, this woman was like a double-edged sword. If she used it well, she would be his right-hand man. If she used it poorly, she would suffer backlash.

However, Shi Fei chose Ban Yue Mao in the end because this woman was really very curious and would not give up until she identified a certain secret. Shi Fei believed that he had enough secrets to keep Ban Yue Mao guessing for a lifetime.

After being called by Shi Fei, Ban Yue Mao stood up, and her charming body attracted the attention of all the men present.

"I found out the current locations of the five major gold merchants. They are all in a private mansion in Shangjiang City. This mansion is at No. 312 Angel Avenue. The owner is Da Liang."

Shi Fei frowned when he heard this and said, "The five major gold merchants are in Shangjiang?"

"They are right there, and the entire national war planning team is there. It's just that the security there is very tight, and my people can't sneak in. The only thing that's certain is that there are as many as 32 or more border areas where gold merchants have concentrated contact. , but only one place is true, and only six people know this location, the five major gold merchants and Daliang."

Shi Fei asked: "So you didn't find their attack point?"

Ban Yue Mao said confidently: "Not yet. However, there is accurate news that Boss Jin, one of the five major gold merchants, recently obtained a batch of artillery, as many as 1,000 pieces."

"Where did he get 1,000 artillery pieces?"

"Daliang also sold it to him. This guy is very capable at the NPC in Shangjiang City. He was able to steal the artillery of the Pudong Fleet and sell it. But this is not important. What is important is that Boss Jin now has 1,000 artillery pieces. He has left a way out for himself. Even if the National War fails, he is the only gold merchant who can survive. Perhaps he is also the only one in No. 312 Angel Avenue who hopes that the National War will fail and other gold merchants will suffer heavy losses and quit the game. "

Gold merchants are not monolithic. In fact, they are all competitors. If it were not for the collective suppression of gold prices by the lords this time, which brought the gold merchants to the brink of life and death, they would still be fighting to the death in the game.

Now there is a person in this gold merchant alliance that is ready to go all out and prepare for a big fight, so this is an opportunity for the lords.

Shi Fei said: "Contact Boss Jin immediately and say that on behalf of all the lords in China, I am willing to carry out the deepest cooperation with the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce. We started the gold war this time because we were completely helpless. The price of gold is too expensive and has seriously affected the China region. For the development of the territory, we will need lords for national wars in the future, and our economic backing needs a truly knowledgeable and large financial business group. As long as Boss Jin supports us, our army will firmly support the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce."

"Hehehe, legion commander... I'm already in the elevator with an appointment with Boss Jin."

A long night passed.

On the rippling blue sea.

Da Liang stood on the bridge of the three-masted battleship named "Skeleton Warrior". On the brand-new deck were

The busy sailors adjusted the sails according to the wind direction. The white sails, which were dozens of square meters in size, carried the bulging sea breeze and provided sufficient power for the entire battleship.

In front of the "Skeleton Warrior" is the "Skeleton Warrior". This three-masted battleship is the flagship of the entire fleet. As the commander of the entire fleet, Sidney is responsible for commanding the naval battle against the Jeju City Fleet.

The other six brigs of the Blackfire Fleet lined up behind the fleet.

The Nanhui Fleet on the side of the Black Fire Fleet has five three-masted battleships, fifteen two-masted battleships and four air force station ships.

The two fleets sailed side by side towards the northern seas, coordinating and merging their command systems while slowly converging in the middle to form a fleet under the command of Sidney.

At the front of the fleet was a squadron of dragonflies.

Dragonfly (level 6 swamp)

Attack: 7

Defense: 9

Kill: 20-50

HP: 200

Special skills of the unit: expel all beneficial magic from the attack target, and apply magic "weakness" to the attack target.

The dragon fly is an upgraded version of the level 5 swamp poisonous fly. It has a slender body, a golden body, and a maximum head-to-tail distance of up to 1.8 meters. Their offensive and defensive capabilities are not outstanding among arms at the same level, but their good speed and unique skills make them an important strategic arm in the Swamp Clan army.

Except for a few creatures that are immune to magic, no one wants to be bitten by a dragonfly.

This time, in order to open up the voyage to the north, Archduke Howard actually deployed three squadrons of dragonflies at once. It can be seen that the fleet in Jeju City has seriously threatened his maritime lifeline.

In addition to these 300 dragon flies, Howard also provided 10 Thunderbirds and 20 Rocs for this naval battle, further showing his determination to win this naval battle.

Dapeng (Level 9 Orc)

Attack: 13

Defense: 11

Kill: 110-150

HP: 600

Dapeng is the most useful soldier among the same-level arms. It is a flying unit with excellent attack, defense and damage. As the only flying unit in the Orc army, Dapeng has to shoulder more combat tasks.

Thunderbird (Level 10 Orc)

Attack: 13

Defense: 11

Kill: 110-150

HP: 600

Special skills of the unit: 20% chance of causing lightning damage when attacking the target, with a lethality of 100.

Thunderbirds are Dapeng's upgraded unit. After inheriting Dapeng's offensive and defensive capabilities, their increased speed and powerful stunts make them more comfortable in aerial combat.

These distinctive and powerful flying units, coupled with the gryphons in Da Liang's hands, allow the Blackfire Fleet to completely crush the harpies in the underground city in terms of regular flying force.

The reorganization was completed during the voyage, and the two fleets combined to form a new Blackfire Fleet.

The position of the sun in the sky slowly shifted to the south, and the sunlight was even more dazzling in the cloudless sky.

The fleet is about to enter the southern waters of Qingye Island, where it will encounter the Harpy aerial patrol sent by the Jeju City Fleet at any time.

Under the command of Sidney, the Blackfire Fleet began to enter combat formation.

The seven ships formed the main fleet in a formation of three at the front and four at the back. The other 21 brig warships were divided into the second fleet and the third fleet and were scattered on both wings of the main fleet.

An orc ogre hero rode a thunderbird and took off from an air force stationed ship at the rear of the entire fleet. Other thunderbirds and rocs took off one after another, and gathered together in a double herringbone formation upwards. Climb.

While the Thunderbirds and Rocs climbed up to occupy high positions, two silver Pegasus knights flew over from the southwest sky.

"Master, Orbit and I have arrived. Why are there so many battleships here! A mix of orcs, swamps, humans, and undead, more than thirty battleships, archangels and frost dragons are all dispatched. Who is it in such a big war plot? So unlucky?"

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