After receiving the order from Da Liang, Shu Xiao, who was in the Judgment Legion station, immediately took the newly recruited Elf Silver Pegasus knight hero Obit and quickly flew to the coordinates given by Da Liang.

"A massive maritime conflict."

This is the scale of the war that Daliang told Shu Xiao.

Shu Xiao has already tried to think of a "large-scale maritime conflict" on top of a "large-scale maritime conflict" based on blocking the Unicorn troop transport.

But when she flew over the Black Fire Fleet, she was still startled by the fleet in front of her.

The entire sea area is filled with various warships with their bows facing north, and the cloud sails hanging on the towering masts can almost cover the sea.

In front of the fleet was a group of golden dragonflies moving hand in hand. Griffins were circling in groups in the airspace above the entire fleet. Thunderbirds and Rocs spread out their nearly 10-meter-long wings and were heading high into the sky at almost a right angle. Keep flying.

Did I go to the wrong place?

Isn’t that right? Master's Angel Ji was right above the fleet, flying together with another archangel and a giant frost dragon that had appeared in the Yunxiao Territory.

It seems that this time we really encountered a big scene.

Shu Xiao arrived and contacted Daliang urgently.

Da Liang on the bridge also saw Shu Xiao flying through the telescope, and he said: "I saw you, now you accept all the gryphon troops, and at the same time, two squadrons of dragon flies will be assigned to your command. under sequence.

This time we are engaged in a joint operation, and our mission is to destroy a fleet from Jeju City that invades the Shangjiang waters.

There are two black dragons and four red dragons among the enemy. These were given to me and our level 14 troops, but no manticores have been found yet. Your job is to ensure that air control is completely in our hands. "

Shu Xiao said excitedly: "Wow... it's so exciting to have so many ultimate soldiers fighting against each other. Master, don't worry, the harpies in the dungeon are only level 3 creatures. We are all level 5 griffons at the lowest. We will defeat them to death." Yes. As long as you hold back the black dragon and the red dragon, I guarantee that I can crush them and eliminate them in the shortest possible time."

While watching Shu Xiao gather his troops in the air, Da Liang said: "Don't be careless. The enemy has a level 5 air and space battleship. The Harpy will not fight you head-on. They will rely on the combination of surface battleships and air and space battleships." The three-dimensional air defense formed in the space is strictly guarded. The Evil Eye and Medusa in the dungeon are very powerful long-range units, and there are a large number of ballistae on the aerial battleship. It will not be easy for you. Remember that all griffons belong to me, Let Long Fei do the work of sending you to death."

"I understand, Master!"

Shu Xiao has completed the acceptance and reorganization of his army. The aerial group formed by griffins and dragonflies cast a large shadow on the sea below.

All attacking forces had already entered their positions, and the sun was approaching noon. The bright light announced the beginning of the annihilation battle against Viscount Bob's squadron that was invading Jeju City.


All the battleships in the Black Fire Fleet raised battle flags, and black skull and crossbones flags fluttered in the wind.

A squadron of dragonflies leading the route took the lead in speeding up and flying forward against the sea.

Daliang handed over the command of the "Skeleton Warrior" to Simon beside him, and he summoned a silver Pegasus to ride on the frost dragon in the air.

"Julian, Bartlett, it's up to us whether we can win this battle quickly and reduce the losses. Black dragon, one of you, leave the red dragon to me and Astro."

"Yes, sir."

go ahead.

The Archangel and the Frost Dragon slowly accelerated, and when they passed over the "Skeleton Soldier", five rays of magic shot up, and the magic fireworks exploded.

Advanced body shield

Advanced Atmospheric Aegis

Advanced bloodthirsty thaumaturgy

Advanced attack acceleration

Advanced stone skin care

After the archangel and the frost dragon, Shu Xiao followed up with her aerial team, and the same five high-level blessing magics were applied to the griffins and dragon flies.

At the pier on the south shore of Aoba Island in the north, Viscount Bob's fleet was anchored at sea. Except for the three two-masted warships that were on guard outside, all other ships were floating on the water with their sails lowered and anchored.

There is a simple barracks in the woods on the dock. Sailors in the fleet will take turns to go ashore to rest to maintain the morale of the entire fleet.

As underground creatures, sunlight during the day has a great impact on them. Even though as the navy of the underground city, all the sailors in the fleet have been trained to fight in the daytime, but when noon comes, the direct sunlight makes the vision of all the underground city soldiers completely white.

Just like the middle of the night is pitch black in the eyes of surface creatures.

At this time, the battleships in the dungeon will gather together, and when night falls, they will become active, looking for merchant ships sailing at night.

Three squads of harpies flew in the air, serving as airborne surveillance posts for the resting fleet.

There is not a single cloud in the sky at noon today. The summer sun shines down so brightly that the strong light forms a white barrier in the eyes of the harpies, just like when we are illuminated by the high beam of a car at night. When the harpy faces south, the light becomes an obstacle at this time.

The harpies still performed their duties. In accordance with the daytime combat regulations, they extended the detection range to the south and used the expanded warning range to make up for the loss of vision.

A small group of harpies flew towards the southern sea, and at the same time, a squadron of dragonflies flying north along the sea were about to encounter them.

The distance between the two sides decreased rapidly. The harpies did not find the enemy in the background of the sea, and the dragonflies had divided into two teams and flew diagonally upward towards the harpies.

The "buzzing" sound became louder and louder. The harpies originally thought it was the sound of the sea breeze, but they soon heard that it was the sound of huge insects flapping their wings.

There are a large group of flying creatures approaching!

The harpies were about to warn them, but they found a group of swamp dragon flies jumping up from below.

The dragon fly's long jaws like pliers bit their bodies, and the magic effect was quickly produced.

Weakness: Reduces the selected unit's attack power by 3 points.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon flies surrounded the harpies, and with their level and numerical advantages, they quickly eliminated the harpy squad.

The attacking dragonflies continued to advance. The Black Fire Fleet in the south had already seen Qingye Island, but the fleet on Jeju Island still had not made any move.

However, the raid did not continue smoothly. The Dragonfly commando team that entered the inner guard area of ​​the Jeju City fleet was discovered.

They triggered the magical sentries set up by the enemy fleet.

A magic shot into the sky from the largest battleship in the Jeju City fleet. The magic exploded and the entire sky was enveloped in strange magical colors.

Bartlett turned back to Da Liang and said: "It's an advanced see-through atmosphere. Under this magic, the vision of underground creatures has returned to normal. The enemy has heroes who master advanced air magic, so we need to be careful."

Before Daliang could answer, dragon roars were heard from Qingye Island.

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