Start with an Archangel

Chapter 229 Lightning

The Jeju City fleet discovered the invading enemy. The fleet almost covered the entire southern sea surface, causing the creatures in the underground city to sound the most piercing alarm.

The sound of dragon roars came from the island, and giant dragons flew up from the forest on the island. They roared towards the invading fleet, and then flapped their wings and came to the sky above their own fleet. They must protect the safety above the fleet until their own fleet is ready for battle.

A large number of underground city soldiers ran out of the camp on the shore. Cave, Evil Eye, and Medusa quickly boarded the battleship on the dock. The tauren who stayed on the battleship skillfully untied the cables tied to the dock and raised the sail.

Before the enemy fleet arrives, they need to reach a speed capable of engaging in a naval battle.

It's just that the invading enemy fleet took advantage of the scorching sun at noon to get closer. By the time they discovered them, they were already too close.

At this time, for the Jeju Island Fleet, every second faster may determine life or death.

At this time, a large number of dragonflies jumped onto the battleship from the sea. With their high-speed flight and dexterous avoidance, they harassed the sailors on the deck. The Jeju Island fleet set sail even slower.

The evil eye's rays and Medusa's bows and arrows began to exert their power, and the harassing dragonflies escaped from the deck of the Jeju City fleet after paying a lot of losses.

The combatants of the fleet entered their respective positions, and the warships with sails raised left the dock one by one and began to accelerate into the combat formation.

In the Jeju City fleet, the largest warship raised its flagship flag, and slowly floated up out of the water and flew up.

The balance sails extend from both wings of the hull, and the warship's speed is rapidly increased without being affected by sea resistance.

All the gun doors on the hull were opened, and the loaded artillery muzzles protruded from the gun doors.

There are also various types of ballistae equipped with long spears and short spears, making this battleship look like a hedgehog covered with spikes.

Level 5 air and space battleship: Dark River

The "Dark River", which was the first to complete combat preparations, led a group of taking-off harpies on a deterrent voyage to the southern seas, buying time for the fleet to speed up. The black dragons and red dragons flew in the upper sky.

Viscount Bob was a tauren hero. He stood on the bridge and observed the invading fleet with a telescope.

"Raising the pirate flag, do you really think we are fools? Dragon flies, griffins, archangels... and an undead dragon, which is obviously disguised by the Shangjiang Navy. Master Ackerman, fortunately you have arranged magic in the surrounding sea area Sentinels, otherwise these enemies who follow us at noon will catch us by surprise."

Standing next to Viscount Bob was a short caveman with blue skin wearing a wizard's robe. He held a staff inlaid with magic crystal in his thin hand.

Cave people have no eyes, and they rely entirely on perception to observe the outside world. This gives cave people very good magical talents. It’s just that the status of cavemen in the dungeon is too low, and most cavemen cannot survive until the moment their magical talents are discovered.

Caveman Ackerman is a lucky man. His magic talent was discovered early and was trained by the magic guild in Jeju City.

The large-scale invading enemy ships did not cause Ackerman any panic. He said: "Shangjiang City has just experienced a more brutal war than Jeju City. Their city is still in a state of division. Disguised as a pirate attack We mean that they are afraid of our Jeju fleet and afraid that our city will declare war on them."

Viscount Bob continued to observe the approaching enemy fleet: "They don't have aerial battleships, but their air force is much higher than ours. There are two archangels at level 14, and the undead dragon that looks like a bone dragon is probably also at level 14." Level, there are no level 13 creatures. In the ultimate strength confrontation, with your assistance, Master, we have a certain advantage. In addition, we have the Dark River in this battle, we can still win."

Ackerman said: "We cannot take it lightly. If they dare to attack us, they must be sure of victory. I suggest that the fleet adopt a conservative strategy and try to delay the battle until the night. At long as they don't have a mage who can use advanced air magic to cast clairvoyance Atmosphere, this is our world.”

"You are right, we should postpone the battle until night." Viscount Bob put down the telescope and issued an order to the fleet: "All troops obey the order. The warships quickly completed the formation and sailed around the island clockwise. We used Aoba Island coastline to limit the firepower of the enemy fleet; all air units rely on the air defense network between the "Dark River" and the fleet to defend our skies. Master Ackerman, please lead our dragons to resist the attack of the enemy's ultimate unit. .”

Under the order of Viscount Bob, the Jeju City Fleet sailed along the coastline around Aoba Island while increasing speed.

After seeing the changes in the Jeju City fleet, Commander Sidney of the Black Fire Fleet immediately ordered the Second Fleet on the left wing of the fleet to intercept. At the same time, he asked Da Liang and Shu Xiao to attack to hold back the enemy's air power and prevent them from attacking alone. of the Second Fleet.

Da Liang patted Astro's neck: "Come on, let's kill all these dragons."

The Archangel and the Frost Dragon used their speed, leaving the fleet behind and rushing towards the "Dark River".

Shu Xiao followed closely with the gryphons and dragonflies.

The harpies' absolute disadvantage in the air forced them to adopt defensive tactics. These harpies in the air flew close to the "Dark River", while the "Dark River" stayed 100 meters above their own fleet, putting themselves in a Surface combatants are protected by long-range units.

Daliang continued to approach with the air units of the Black Fire Fleet: "Everyone, be careful not to rush in rashly. Our current task is to restrict their air units and protect our fleet from approaching..."

But before Daliang finished speaking, a lightning ball was shot out from the "Dark River".

It's just... The distance between the two sides is now outside the range of magic attacks. Did the enemy throw this magic too early?

At this time, Bartlett shouted loudly: "Everyone rise up! Raise up! This is chain lightning."

After receiving the warning, the Blackfire Fleet's air force immediately climbed upwards as a whole.

But the lightning ball exploded 200 meters away from them.

Chains of lightning crackled in the air like whips, the tips of the whips lashing out at every enemy within its attack range.

His body was numb for a while after the electric current attack. Da Liang looked at his blood volume. His blood value of 1,300 was actually 600 less. This was because Astro blocked most of the damage from the lightning chain, and he was only attacked by the overflowing current. .

Looking behind me, I saw a large group of dragon flies falling down, at least thirty of them.

Chain Lightning: Level 4 air magic, generates forty lightning chains to attack all nearby creatures, with an attack range of 200 meters.

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