Start with an Archangel

Chapter 230 Meteor

Julian, Bartlett, Astro, and Daliang each used "healing" spells to increase their health.

The level 4 chain lightning just now was too overbearing, with fast casting speed, wide range, and high damage. Even a slightly weaker level 14 creature could not withstand such an attack.

Looking at the enemy ship "Dark River" again, a senior mage flew out of it.

Flying Thaumaturgy: Level 5 air magic.

Then a light door opened beside him.

Gate of Different Dimensions: Level 5 air magic.

The senior mage flew into the gate of another dimension and disappeared.

Mastering advanced air magic, he can also fly thaumaturgy, door to another dimension, and chain lightning. Isn't such a high-level magician a little too perverted? Who knows if he can do other advanced magic.

The transmission distance of the gate of different dimensions is 1 kilometer. It is not easy to find him in a ball with a radius of 1 kilometer.

At this time, an ice ring suddenly broke out in the Second Fleet that was blocking the voyage. The two brig warships were immediately frozen and temporarily lost control.

The senior mage actually attacked the separated fleet. Looking at the range and lethality of the ice magic ring, it was obvious that he had mastered advanced water magic.

How to fight this?

The Blackfire Fleet is waiting for Da Liang's instructions.

"That magician spent so much magic power to raid our squadron, obviously he wanted us to separate the level 14 troops for rescue. However, facing such a magician who can move quickly in space, once we separate, they can form a local advantage. Annihilate us one by one.

We don't care about the mage. All air units spread out to reduce the loss of being covered by magic. We approached the enemy fleet from a high altitude. Bartlett and I bombed their fleet with "Meteor Showers". We each fought our own way to see who could not hold on first for the ultimate biological decisive battle.

Sidney, ask all lookouts to keep their eyes open and focus on using magic mages. Once you find an enemy high-level mage appearing near you, immediately focus your attacks.

action. "

Continuing to use "healing" magic to restore their respective blood volumes, Archangel, Frost Dragon and Shu Xiao's troops began to approach the Jeju City Fleet from high altitude.

Air and space battleships are relatively agile in the air, so Da Liang and Bartlett targeted the surface battleships.

Crossing the "Dark River", under the alert of the black dragon and red dragon below, the air force of the Black Fire Fleet came to the sky above the surface battleship group of the Jeju City Fleet.

At this time, the Jeju City Fleet was still slowly increasing its speed, and the "Dark River" was condescending and had already brought the Black Fire Fleet into range.

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery fired fiercely, and the "Dark River" took the lead in firing the first shot of this naval battle. The twenty cannons on the side opened fire one after another, and the black shells flew towards the advancing Black Fire Fleet.

Water pillars rose up around the battleship.

No hits.

Knowing that artillery fire at this distance was more intimidating than practical, Daliang connected to the Judgment Corps data platform.

"Calculate the coverage area of ​​the 'Meteor Shower'."

Daliang's video was connected to the rear data platform, and the team responsible for processing the data was immediately startled by what they saw in front of them.

Below is the blue sea. On the sea is a marching fleet. Above the fleet is a flying aerial warship. The most surprising thing is that Da Liang is riding on a giant dragon at this time. Look at his appearance. It was the undead dragon that had appeared in Yunxiao Territory. There were two archangels flying with it on both sides of the dragon. One of them was Angel Ji who had appeared in Shangjiang City yesterday.

"Legion Commander, you are doing such a high-level mission that you actually ride a dragon and command an archangel."

"Don't talk nonsense. Now that you know this is a high-level plot mission, work quickly. This is a high-altitude bombing at sea. Be more precise. Don't throw a spell and it will all fall into the sea."

"Don't worry, legion commander. With the data of yesterday's 'Meteor Shower', I guarantee that it will be accurate to within 15 meters this time. The coverage area of ​​'Meteor Shower' has started to be calculated. The height is 964 meters, and the wind direction is 3.1 from the southwest... Yes The magic ground coverage is estimated. After the release point is determined, the yellow area is the magic coverage. The center range accuracy is +-14 meters, the edge range accuracy is +-39 meters, and the dark area is the meteorite landing point accuracy +-7 .Note: Because the release height is too high, the ground attack points will become sparse, and the original attack effect may not be achieved. The 'Meteor Fire Shower' release auxiliary program is running..."

As Da Liang moves the release point, another yellow broom-shaped magic coverage area appears on the sea. Compared with the yellow area of ​​the last magic coverage area, this time there are more dark yellow circles. These dark yellow circles are concentrated in The center area of ​​the broom head is the landing point of the meteorite.

The hull and sails of the ship have been treated with anti-magic and are immune to fire magic attacks. In other words, the fire rain of "Meteor Fire Rain" can only kill the sailors on the ship, but cannot cause damage to the hull. It can damage the ship. Only meteorites cause physical damage.

To effectively attack ships, it's best to let meteorites hit them.

Da Liang adjusted the magic release point according to the yellow coverage area. The meteorite landing point in the center area included a three-masted battleship, and the broom tail could sweep up a three-masted battleship and a two-masted battleship.

Bartlett on the side has completed the release of the "Meteor and Fire Rain", and the fire rain and meteorites hit the fleet traveling below.

It was just that the wind force of the "meteor fire shower" released from high altitude blew the fire rain and meteorites away from the battleship that Bartlett originally wanted to attack. The "meteor and fire rain" released by the advanced earth magic was very powerful, but all the meteorites fell into the sea. Apart from splashing water columns, they had no much effect. However, the fire rain that was dispersed by the wind did sweep up three battleships.

The fire rain had a very strong lethality on the sailors on the open deck of the battleship, and they would die if they touched it. However, the fire rain falling from high altitude was really sparse and did not cause much damage to the Jeju City fleet.

Bartlett was also very dissatisfied with the "Meteor and Fire Shower" he released, and at this time the bright "Meteor and Fire Shower" began to gather energy.

Da Liang only mastered elementary earth magic. The power of "Meteor and Fire Rain" was much weaker than that used by Bartlett. The color of the fire cloud was slightly lighter, and the meteorites formed inside were also two circles smaller.

After the "meteor shower" just now, the fleet below did not pay much attention to the fire cloud formed again in the sky. The accuracy of such meteorites falling from high altitude was really too low.

Magic energy gathering completed

"Meteor Shower" released.

The fire rain and meteorites began to fall, and gradually deviated from the original landing point under the influence of the sea breeze. The fire rain dispersed, and the meteorites rolled and smashed towards the fleet below.

The Jeju City fleet still maintained its formation and increased its speed without any evasive actions.


A meteorite hit the deck of a three-masted warship. The force of its momentum caused it to punch a hole in the ship's deck and burrow into it. Then a large amount of fire rain fell down, and the blazing high-temperature lava swept across, instantly covering the open deck. of sailors emptied.

Immediately afterwards, meteorites fell from the sky one after another. They hit the side of the ship, the poop, and the deck, opening holes in the hull. Each impact caused the warship to jolt violently.

Soon an intact battleship was shattered by the meteorite attack, and then an explosion came from the inside of the battleship. Under everyone's gaze, the back half of the three-masted battleship collapsed in the debris sprayed by the explosion.

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