Start with an Archangel

Chapter 231 Contact War

The three-masted battleship, which had lost its entire stern, tilted rapidly as the water poured in. The surviving sailors issued a miserable cry for help, but were swept into the sea by the whirlpool caused by the sinking of the ship.

The "Dark River" attack, which was firing continuously, paused for a moment.

Viscount Bob looked at the enemy flying troops in the sky and couldn't imagine how they could accurately hit his warship from such a long distance.

Is it luck?

The rain of fire continued to fall. They were blown away by the sea breeze and then enveloped the two nearby battleships.

Different from the "Meteor and Fire Rain" just now, where the outer rain of fire only swept onto the deck of the battleship sporadically, the two warships that were attacked by the "Meteor and Fire Rain" this time were in the center of the fire rain.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

The lava really fell like raindrops on the deck of the battleship. Although its density had become sparse, it still caused a lot of damage to the sailors on the open deck.

This is definitely not luck.

Viscount Bob received reports of fleet losses. A three-masted battleship was sunk, and a three-masted battleship and a brig lost 50 sailors.

This "meteor shower" not only caused heavy losses to the Jeju City fleet, but also greatly slowed down the speed of the fleet formation.

The enemy's main fleet was approaching at full speed. Faced with the bombardment of the "Dark River", they made no evasive action.

And the squadron composed of 11 two-masted battleships that came to intercept had no intention of slowing down because it was attacked by the senior mage. They abandoned the two temporarily paralyzed two-masted battleships and continued to outflank the path forward of the Jeju City fleet.

After the two brigantine battleships that were attacked by the ice magic ring thawed, the sailors who had escaped the magic attack in the cabin quickly rushed to the upper deck, and the two brigantine battleships followed behind and chased towards the fleet.

Master Ackerman's strategy of luring the enemy to divide his forces failed. Even if he could destroy this separated fleet, the Jeju City fleet would suffer heavy losses under the "Meteor Shower" attack.

"Master Ackerman, come back! We must control the hero who can accurately use 'Meteor Rain' at high altitude. You and our dragons attack them together, maintain good formation and speed, their griffins and dragonflies It will not pose a threat to you."

"My lord, I will return to the fleet immediately."

Da Liang and Bartlett were guarding the sky above the Jeju City fleet, waiting for the "meteor shower" to cool down before continuing to bomb the slowly sailing fleet below.

The Black Fire Fleet in the distance has begun to change its attack formation. The three-masted warships are slowly crossing the hull during navigation. After entering the artillery range, they can complete a formation consisting of seven three-masted warships.

Battle line, 140 guns on one side.

The Third Fleet consisting of 10 two-masted battleships continued to approach from the east side. According to the original plan, the main fleet will provide fire cover for them. When the third fleet rushes to a position 500 meters away from the Jeju Island fleet, it will insert into the central battlefield in a battle line formation and take over the attack mission of the main fleet. They will take the opportunity to cut in at a large angle and approach the Jeju City fleet.

During the march, they completed the encirclement of the enemy fleet. The main fleet in the middle engaged the Jeju City fleet with broadside guns. The second and third fleets attacked their head and tail, completing the encirclement and annihilation of this fleet that violated our territorial waters.

At present, it seems that except for the second fleet being attacked by the enemy's high-level magician, everything is going very smoothly. Now that the enemy's senior magicians have left the Second Fleet, the combat plan is back on track.

What we need to see now is whether the Archangel, Frost Dragon and Da Liang can suppress the dragons and high-level magicians of the enemy fleet.

Da Liang, who has been using data support, captured the traces of the enemy's senior magician through the background. He was using the door to another dimension to return. However, this kind of space teleportation is really elusive. Unless he can attack and interrupt when the opponent is casting a spell, even if Even Hell's Angel Juliet couldn't catch up with him at his speed.

It seems that Juliet, who can only be used for one hour, cannot be released at the beginning of the battle.

Daliang recalled the battle in Songjiang City. The same dungeon magician who mastered advanced air magic, flying magic, and the door to another dimension would never survive as long as Juliet got close to him. It was just that the conditions for getting close were too difficult. Difficult.

"The enemy's high-level magician is back, and their black and red dragons will definitely come up. Everyone is ready to fight. Shu Xiao, Shu Xiao."

After hearing this, Shu Xiao said: "Here, master, what are your instructions?"

"You and Orbite should do a good job of division of labor. When our fleet starts firing, let him lead our gryphons and dragonflies to attack the enemy fleet's surface ships. You can do the overall planning at high altitude."

Shu Xiao didn't take action and Daliang refused to let her directly participate in the battle. She was dissatisfied: "You want me to watch the scenery? I won't do it."

"The enemy has aerial battleships and high-level mages. Whether we can win this battle is unknown. You connect to the judgment data platform at high altitude, and we use the modern data command chain to fight with the NPC. In this battle, you have to be aggrieved first and give Let’s act as an early warning aircraft once, and I’ll find a suitable person to replace you next time.”

"Okay..." Although he was unwilling to give in, Shu Xiao, who had professional military literacy, knew how important it was to have a high-altitude command and mobilize personnel in such a large-scale naval and air battle to affect the battle situation. Now there are only two players in this war: himself and Daliang. Daliang has to deal with the enemy's dragons and high-level mages, so he can only do the monitoring and scheduling work himself. "Bring Gu Tao next time, she is more careful than me." Be patient, hey hey hey... Just let me give you a little training to ensure that you can do the job of a high-altitude air conditioning commander."

Daliang said quickly: "Training is my business. Just teach her how to maintain a high-altitude attitude. Resolutely stop any induction of violence."

"I got it, let's get to work. I'm already very unhappy that I can only stare at you after coming all the way. If you don't keep blabbering, be careful. I'll teach Tao'er a few tricks, guaranteed."

Da Liang felt a chill in his crotch. Sure enough, Shu Xiao was really upset that he couldn't roll up his sleeves and go forward to fight in a large-scale battle.

"I will say the last thing. Keep an eye on the senior magician you are dealing with and point out his location for me on the data link at any time. The key point in this battle is him. If we have the chance to kill him, we will basically win. "

"Understood." Shu Xiao handed over the secondary command of the gryphon and dragon fly to Orbit, controlled the Silver Pegasus to enter higher airspace, and combined the vision he saw with the ruling data background, "Start data support. Now mark friendly and enemy forces..."

At this time, the Black Fire main fleet has completed the battle formation. Amidst the roar of the artillery, the smoke erupted in a line, and a row of black artillery shells drew parabolas in the air and shot at the Jeju City fleet that was still in formation. .

The Jeju City fleet also met with artillery.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The sound of cannon fire never stops.

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