Start with an Archangel

Chapter 232 The Ultimate Battlefield

The two sides in the firefight tried their best to increase the frequency of firing to the maximum. The shells passed each other on the sea, and then fell into the sea and splashed water columns.

Under the cover of the capital ship, the Blackfire Third Fleet continued to move forward, and the tactics on the sea were carried out smoothly.

In the sky, the caveman magician Ackerman has joined the black dragon and the red dragon. He is sitting on the back of a black dragon. The dragon troops climb up into the sky in a formation with the black dragon in front and the red dragon behind.


Seeing the enemy's dragon and high-level magician rushing forward, Da Liang issued an attack order to his air troops.

The archangel and the frost dragon swooped down, and Orbit led the gryphons and dragonflies like a whirlwind to one side to get out of the way of the ultimate creature's battlefield, and pounced towards the Jeju City fleet on the sea.

In the sky above the Jeju City fleet, a large group of harpies hovered close to the mast. Evil Eye and Medusa stood on the platform of the ship's poop, preparing to provide long-range support to their own harpies.

In the roaring artillery, the impact point of the artillery shells became more and more precise. The splashing sea water washed the deck of the battleship, and every time it was hit, it caused the ship's hull to shake.

On the bumpy deck, the soldiers held their positions tightly.

The naval battle is handed over to Sidney, the air battle is handed over to Orbit, and the overall control is handed over to Shu Xiao.

At this time, Da Liang was a charging soldier. He was riding on Astro's back, letting the strong wind blow by and trying to support his body's balance.

And below are the black dragon and red dragon rushing up.

The ultimate creatures on both sides were approaching quickly. After entering the range of the magic, Ackerman threw a magic first.

It's not air magic. I guess the chain lightning is still on cooldown. However, chain lightning does not distinguish between friend and foe. Now everyone is within the attack range of this magic, and the other party does not dare to throw such a lethal magic casually.

This is a water magic. There is a strong icy aura on the magic. It should be an "Ice Magic Ring".

"Be careful to avoid magic."

As soon as Da Liang shouted, a magic spell was thrown out by Bartlett.

Hercules Aegis: Earth level 3 magic.

An aura shield with a diameter of 30 meters appeared a hundred meters ahead. The "Ice Magic Ring" hit the aura shield and exploded. All the magic power was blocked on the other side of the aura shield.

Bartlett is awesome.

Bartlett is the most powerful angel in Shangjiang City. He is good at both magic and martial arts. He not only has excellent melee skills, but also masters advanced earth magic.

With Bartlett here, the bright side would not be too passive in the magic confrontation.

Sure enough, facing the aura shield lying between the two sides, Ackerman no longer wasted his magic power using offensive magic. Instead, he waved his hand and a large group of air elements appeared in the sky.

Summon air element: Level 5 air summoning magic.

Air element (Level 3 element)

Attack: 9

Defense: 9

Kill: 20-80

HP: 250

Air elements are humanoid creatures shaped like air masses. They are level 3 soldiers on the absolutely neutral elemental plane. In fact, their offensive and defensive indicators have reached the standards of level 6 soldiers.

The number of air elements summoned by Ackerman this time was nearly 150, and at the same time, their respective buff magics were applied.

Advanced attack acceleration

Advanced God of Luck

Senior Holy Spirit Yuzuo

Senior Rejoice

Advanced Prayer

It’s so perverted!

The originally large number of dragon troops, coupled with the air element, made the archangels and frost dragons appear to be weak. Now there are so many buff magic added to the already strong air element. Daliang immediately became the weak side.

Once a high-level magician shows his power, he can really defeat an army.

Now that things have come to a point, there is no way to hide, so let’s do it.

Da Liang slapped Astro on the neck, and then a group of ghosts appeared around the frost dragon.

Summoning ghosts: The number of summoned ghosts = Intelligence × 1, the existence time of ghosts = Intelligence × 10 minutes, can be superimposed.

Astro's hero level has reached level 11, his intelligence is 34, and he can summon 34 ghosts at a time. The cooldown time of the skill to summon ghosts is 3 minutes.

Ghost (Level 6 Undead)

Attack: 7

Defense: 7

Kill: 30-50

HP: 180

Troop characteristics: flying creatures

Restore life (restore 180 health every ten minutes)

Mana Devouring (when the ghost is within 200 meters of the enemy hero, it absorbs 2 points of mana every ten minutes, no accumulation)

The appearance of Yinhun finally gave Da Liang some cannon fodder to fight against the air element. Although the number was much less than that of the enemy's air element. As an undead level 6 creature, it was much weaker than the level 3 air element. However, Yinhun's Features are quite practical at this time, at least better than nothing.

After seeing the ghosts summoned from the frost distance, Bartlett, who mastered advanced earth magic, immediately applied buff magic to them.

Advanced stone skin care

Advanced body shield

He is finally a little tougher and will not die so easily. As long as he can survive the ten minutes of fighting, he will be a hero again.

Hope they can hold on.

Before the battle, both sides showed off their special abilities, and then the two clusters collided.

The dragon's breath spurted out, and the archangels held their light shields in front of them. Fire splashed out, and the angel swords cut down on them.

With a dragon roar, the air element that originally wanted to approach immediately ran away.

The air elements showed what a third-level creature should look like in Astro's fearful howl, and nearly half of the air elements became chaotic.

The dragon's breath of death erupted, and the remaining air elements that continued to approach fell one after another.

At the same time, the ghosts turned into flying smoke one by one in the fire dragon's breath, leaving only the black linen robes falling in the wind.

Gathering Spirits and Magic

At this time, every soldier has a little strength, and Daliang immediately realizes the magic that can resurrect the undead.

The linen robes that had not flown far immediately became bulging, and the reborn ghosts flew back towards the battlefield.

Bartlett used his light shield to resist the dragon's breath, and dodged to avoid the attack of a red dragon. Then he threw a magic spell at the red dragons with his sword.

Advanced grief-stricken: Level 4 earth magic, morale dropped by 2

Red dragons, like green dragons, are immune to level 1-3 magic, but will eat magic of level 4 and above.

Grief is a level 4 magic, so when a red dragon is struck by Grief, its will to fight immediately weakens.

But Ackerman immediately used the "Advanced Exorcism Technique" to expel the magic state from the red dragon. At the same time, within the scope of the advanced exorcism technique, the status magic on both the enemy and our warriors was eliminated one by one.

Bartlett used the Herculean Aegis to block one of Ackerman's magic attacks, and then allowed a large group of air elements to hit it.

Archangels and dragons were flying in the air, flames clashed with swords, and magic was flying in the dense battlefield.

Riding on the back of the frost dragon, Daliang was overwhelmed by all kinds of attacks.

Shu Xiao's voice rang in Daliang's ears: "Master, Master. The enemy's formation is maintained very well. If you continue to fight like this, you will definitely be defeated. Let Thunderbird and Dapeng enter the battlefield, right?"

In the roar of the dragon, the approaching air element was frightened back. Da Liang took a breath and said: "No, the opponent's magician can already release the chain lightning. Thunderbird and Dapeng will be attacked by the chain lightning as soon as they appear." , there were only thirty of them, and they knelt down in one round. Think of other ways..."

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