Start with an Archangel

Chapter 233 Assassination

The battle at sea became increasingly fierce. Hundreds of artillery pieces fired shells at each other on the sea. The thick smoke made the entire sky appear gray.

Da Liang quickly glanced at the battle on the sea. Obili had successfully destroyed the mast of the Jeju City Fleet's first ship, and the enemy fleet's speed was once again slowed down.

The Second Fleet began to outflank, and the Jeju Island Fleet's plan to use the island's coastline to escape the siege of the Black Fire Fleet failed. They now began to gather the fleet and prepare to rely on the terrain of a bay to stand still and wait for reinforcements.

The Black Fire Fleet began to encircle the Jeju City Fleet, and all the warships blocked the enemy fleet in the bay and beat them wildly.

"Shu Xiao, let Orbit lead the air force to contain the enemy fleet flagship "Dark River" and attract all their long-range firepower."

"Thunderbird and Dapeng launched an attack on the Dark River from 2,000 meters away from the high-altitude battlefield."

"Data support team, have you seen the enemy's senior mage? Keep an eye on him and tell me immediately if you find any attempt to leave the battlefield."

"Julian, let Juliet prepare to kill the caveman mage."

"Bartlett, the three of us and Astro are going to fight the six-headed dragon for a while, but we don't want to die."

The ministries replied: "Yes!"

Astro once again summoned a group of ghosts to replace all the dead ghosts. No matter how much damage they did, even if they occupied a position, they could block the movement of the air element.

Orbit had already led the dragonflies and griffins to attack the Dark River, and the ballistas and long-range troops on the Dark River formed an aerial firepower network to block Orbit's approach.

After receiving Shu Xiao's instructions, Orbit did not launch a strong attack on the "Dark River", but only flew at high speed on the edge of the range of the long-range unit.

Fierce battles were taking place on the three battlefields of the sea, mid-air and high altitude. Three teams of Thunderbirds and Rocs appeared from higher airspace. They bypassed the battlefield of the ultimate creature at a distance, and then dived towards the "Dark River" Come down.

The huge size of Thunderbird and Dapeng allowed the lookout posts in the Jeju City Fleet to spot them immediately.

At this time, the "Dark River" was trying its best to deal with the griffins and dragonflies that could rush over at any time, and it had no power to deal with the 30 thunderbirds and rocs.

The Harpy suffered heavy losses in the air battle just now, while the dragon was contained in another direction. Now only Ackerman can deal with these Thunderbirds and Rocs.

As long as he leaves the battlefield for a while, a chain lightning can kill these thunderbirds and rocs, and then return to the battlefield to command the siege of the archangels and undead dragons.

Seeing Thunderbird and Dapeng enter the battlefield, Daliang immediately said to Bartlett: "Be prepared to slow down the magic. Listen to my signal and release it on the enemy's senior mage."

Bartlett knows advanced earth magic, which allows the earth magic slow spell to be released in a wide range.

However, the enemy mage is riding on the black dragon, and the black dragon is immune to magic effects of levels 1-5, so the slow method is useless against it. However, Bartlett knew that Daliang would definitely have another plan, so he stopped releasing other magic and was ready to use the slow method at any time.

"Data support team, keep an eye on the mage and his black dragon. Calculate all your processing capacity on that black dragon. If you find any sign of him leaving the battlefield, notify me immediately."

In Da Liang's field of vision, all kinds of data disappeared, and only the black dragon ridden by the mage still had data displayed. The data team estimates the Black Dragon's flight path based on wind direction, wind force, obstacles, attack and flight attitude, and the accuracy continues to improve.

When the black dragon used the cover of a red dragon to deflect its flight path away from the battlefield, the estimated flight path was dyed into a bright red line.

Taken the bait.

"Bartlett's slow method!"

"Shu Xiao, cut off the data background connection, enter the battlefield, and launch a general attack!"

The black dragon left the center of the battlefield. Ackerman used flying magic to fly off the black dragon's back. At this time, a magic exploded in the combat airspace. Ackerman immediately felt that his flying speed slowed down. The door to another dimension he had just cast Also interrupted.

Then he discovered that one of the enemy's two archangels was suddenly missing.

This is a trap!

Ackerman's mind was running rapidly. The incoming Thunderbirds and Dapeng were 2,000 meters away. If he wanted to kill them, he could only use the gate of another dimension to teleport there. The gate to different dimensions can only be opened in a stable environment, certainly not in the center of the battlefield, so you can only leave the battlefield and escape the protection of the black dragon.

The moment they were waiting for was the best time to assassinate themselves.

Although he couldn't see where the speed-type archangel went, Ackerman could guess that she must have come over.

A sense of crisis instantly arose. After being hit by the slow spell, Ackerman did not open the door to another dimension, but summoned the air element.

A large number of air elements emerged from around Ackerman, surrounding him heavily.

Ackerman then proved his suspicion.

The attacker killed an air element and revealed himself first.

It is an unknown female creature that can move at high speeds in subspace. She looks like a human, but exudes an extremely violent aura.

Under the impact of the two swords, the air element blocking the road was like paper.

Angel? demon?

The air element in front of him was killed almost instantly. This creature, which was suspected to have both angelic and demonic bloodlines, had already rushed forward. Looking at the white sword thrust towards him, Ackerman calmly said Throw a magic spell.

Neither angels nor demons have bodies that are immune to magic, which allows them to master magic, but because of this, even first-level magic can have an effect on them, let alone my high-level magic.

I only need to delay for two seconds and I can open the door to another dimension and leave here.

Kill the thunderbirds and rocs that attacked the "Dark River", and I will come back to deal with you, a suspected level 15 creature.

Demagoguery: Level 3 air magic, controlling enemy targets. The effect is related to the total health of the target and the intelligence of the caster. The uncontrollable target will enter a state of unconsciousness. The time is related to the target's mental power, and the target will become unconscious when attacked.

Ackerman knew that his intelligence was not enough to control such a powerful creature, but it was enough to make her fall into a brief daze. It only took 2 seconds for him to open the door to another dimension and enter.

Time is enough.

However, Ackerman immediately found that the magic he used had no effect at all on the opponent. Then he was stabbed in the chest by a long sword, and the storm formed by the blade was impossible to resist or avoid.

The caveman mage Ackerman, who was approached by a powerful melee flying unit, was beaten around in the air, and his limbs were cut off and fell towards the sea below.

When the last remaining head of Ackerman was kicked out as a ball, the figure of the woman who killed Ackerman soared and changed back to the size of an archangel.

After completing the assassination mission, Juliet raised a sword and pointed it at the center of the battlefield. Terrifying air elements were emitted. The air elements on the battlefield could not withstand such pressure and fled downward together.

"All black dragons and red dragons belong to me. Anyone who doesn't want to die should step aside."

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