Start with an Archangel

Chapter 237 Loyalty and Traitor

The attendant looked at the two people and felt that the atmosphere in the room was strange, but he didn't know where the strange atmosphere came from.

"Sir, Lord Admiral, Aoba Island..."

Joyce withdrew his gaze from Daliang, looked at the attendant and said, "Speaking of which, who destroyed the fleet of Viscount Bob of Aoba Island?"

"Replying to your lord, we are not sure yet. However, our personnel who went to the battlefield to conduct reconnaissance said that they saw the Black Fire Fleet of Viscount Feichen in the battle waters. Now the troops of the Black Fire Territory have landed on Qingye Island and have taken control of it. Our people cannot approach that sea area. Perhaps Baron Flying Dust knows who destroyed Viscount Bob’s fleet.”

The attendant said truthfully, because the people who went to investigate did not think that the Black Fire Fleet was capable of destroying a fleet with six giant dragons and an aerial battleship.

The Blackfire Fleet probably happened to be nearby and rushed over to get a big deal.

"Okay, I will ask Viscount Feichen about this, please go out."

"Yes, sir."

The attendant withdrew, and the room fell silent again.

After a while, Joyce broke the silence: "Aren't you going to say something to me?"

"My lord, how dare I take you away. You are the admiral of the Pudong fleet and the future queen. If you give me any fishing ground, it will be larger than all my territory combined. How can I accommodate you in such a small place... …”

Joyce said with a straight face: "Did I ask you this? I asked you to tell me who attacked Viscount Bob's fleet."

Da Liang pointed at himself: "Isn't this obvious? Of course it is my Black Fire Fleet. Since you took over this mission, I have been thinking about your thoughts and worrying about your concerns. My majestic human race It is absolutely intolerable that the main city is invaded by people from such a far away place.

As a noble directly under your Majesty and your most trusted subordinate, I have the responsibility and obligation to share your worries and be loyal to your majesty.

So I thought hard and couldn't sleep at night, and finally made up my mind to use all my strength to mobilize all the battleships and soldiers of my Black Fire Territory to fight to the death with the invading fleet.

So, a brutal naval battle just happened..."

"Stop, stop, stop," Joyce stopped Da Liang from boasting: "I know what your fleet looks like. Tell me the truth, who destroyed Viscount Bob's fleet, or who assisted you in destroying it?" Viscount Bob’s fleet.”

Daliang laughed and said, "I told you it was me who did it..."

Joyce looked at Da Liang, and then said: "I can guess it even if you don't tell me. Aren't you afraid that the boat will capsize if you have two feet on it?"

This is indeed very easy to guess.

There are four fleets in Shangjiang. The Gem Fleet belongs to the inland fleet, and the rest are Pudong Fleet, Chongming Fleet and Nanhui Fleet.

The Pudong fleet is definitely not the case. Without Joyce's order, Daliang could not even mobilize a tugboat.

The Chongming fleet is definitely not the case. Joshua is still negotiating with Joyce, and the two have reached a preliminary agreement to jointly encounter the enemy in response to the Jeju fleet's attack. It is impossible for Joshua to find Daliang to cooperate with Viscount Bob's fleet when he is idle. Even if he is to fight him, there is no need to find Daliang. Now that the Black Fire Territory has sent troops to Qingye Island, which originally belonged to Chongming City, it is even less likely that it is the Chongming Fleet.

Then the Nanhui Fleet is left. Although we don’t know why the Nanhui Fleet contacted Daliang to attack Qingye Island, which is so far away from them, but after eliminating all possibilities, the remaining result is the correct answer no matter how unreasonable it is.

Now it was revealed that Daliang had contact with Joshua and Howard, which made Joyce feel uncomfortable.

Being suspected by Joyce, Daliang hurriedly explained: "Sir, my feet are really only stepping on you. I am just paddling on both sides of Joshua and Howard. Joshua and I are more enemies than friends. Just because of the matter in Songjiang City, it is impossible for me to go with him.

As for Archduke Howard, he also had some friendship in Songjiang City. This time he saw that Jeju City's fleet was occupying our island and refused to leave, and he was very angry. But the Nanhui fleet couldn't defeat Viscount Bob's fleet, so he asked me to cooperate. After all, because of His Majesty's relationship, he couldn't come to the Pudong fleet to ask for your help.

You can’t even go to Chongming City.

I saw that Your Excellency was really worried about the fleet in Jeju City, so I agreed to him. "

Joyce glared and asked, "Who are you stepping on with those feet?"

Daliang quickly said: "Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, I stepped on the ship of our Pudong fleet, and stepped firmly. Duke Howard and I met once in Songjiang City, and the Duke asked me for help because he was worried about our territorial waters on the Shangjiang River. Sovereignty, I also want to share your worries, and by the way, I can get some rewards for completing this task."

Joyce was lost in thought, and after a while he murmured: "This is indeed the Duke I know. He is dedicated to Shangjiang City."

At this point, Daliang realized what Bartlett's real intention was to find him to attack Viscount Bob's fleet?

What's robbing their cargo ship? What's inside your cargo ship? It's a stone.

Their Jeju City is the main city of the underground city. What kind of rocks have I never seen? Why bother to snatch your stone eggs?

Thinking of this, Daliang couldn't help but sigh, and followed Joyce and said: "In this world, the only one who can devote himself to this city is Archduke Howard. And of course the Admiral..."

At this time, Joyce asked Daliang: "Did you save the Duke in Songjiang City?"

"Yes, Bartlett and I captured the guardian angel of Songjiang City and exchanged the restoration potion from the prophet in the mysterious cabin. I personally poured the restoration potion into the Duke's mouth. Then Wilson came in, late One step and the Duke will definitely die."

Joyce asked again: "How do you know that Marquis Wilson wants to kill the Duke?"


"Guess?" Joyce said with a cold face: "Just based on your guess, you dare to say that a distinguished marquis wants to assassinate a duke? Do you know what the crime is?"

Da Liang shrugged: "I'm just talking to you here. Besides guessing, what can I do? There were only two of them in the medical tent at that time. No one knew what happened inside, but when Wilson came out with the Duke, , that face is whiter than yours... than paper, and my legs are trembling."

Joyce said: "I thought that the Duke, my most respected elder, betrayed us and this city. Now it seems that things are far from as simple as I thought. Who do you think assigned Wilson to assassinate the Duke? Is it about Shua?"

"If Joshua sent Wilson to assassinate the Duke, would the Duke be too scared to return to Shangjiang City? I'm afraid there is only one person in Shangjiang City who can do this."

"You said it was His Majesty..."

"I did not say."

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