Start with an Archangel

Chapter 238 Occupying Aoba Island

Leaving Joyce deep in thought, Daliang walked out of the Admiral's Mansion, and then he thought of the purpose of his trip.

Unfortunately, the reward didn't come, and Joyce almost fooled him.

Da Liang turned around and wanted to ask Joyce again for a reward, but quickly stopped.

Why? Do you really want to tell Joyce that you should keep your word and go with me...

Although I also want to accept Joyce, he must be good-looking, have an identity, and be capable. He must be the top hero in the entire game. But just thinking about it, I am the admiral of the Pudong fleet and the future mistress of the main city of the human race in Shangjiang. How can such a big Buddha be accommodated in this small temple of the Black Fire Leader?

Sigh... I don’t have the guts to accept the reward given by Joyce.

And Duke Howard of Fengxian City, if he didn't know his true purpose of attacking the Jeju City fleet, why would he try to rip him off. But in front of such a great hero who serves the country and the people, I really can't open my mouth to ask for benefits.

Forget it, just pay it.

At least one island was captured, and a few dragon corpses may have been fished out.

What should I do with so many dragon corpses? Now Daliang has three dragon corpses in his hands, one is the flying sand and stone, and the other two are obtained by the golden dragon that killed Joshua on Feichen Island.

Joshua's two dragon corpses were still in the Black Fire Territory because their heads were chopped off by Juliet and could not be resurrected by the restoration potion.

The flying dragon corpse has no defects on its body and can be temporarily resurrected using restoration potion, and then push the skeleton transformation field to transform into a bone dragon.

Now six more dragon corpses may be found, and the restoration potion in Da Liang's hand can only be used twice if he can resurrect the dragon. The remaining dragon corpses are a bit of a disaster.

It seems that they need to get the body of an archangel and try their luck at Songjiang Mysterious House. With enough recovery potion, Da Liang can form a team of frost dragons, guaranteed to destroy whoever he meets.

And the body of the archangel...

It’s difficult!

Some archangels did die in the war in Shangjiang, but after the war, they were all resurrected by other archangels using resurrection skills.

Joshua may have the archangel's body in his hands, but he certainly won't hand it over casually.

In short, it would be delusional to create a bone dragon without the body of an archangel.

With the body of the archangel, it is unknown whether the prophet is willing to help.

Thinking of the prophet, Daliang suddenly remembered that when he was trading the resurrection potion, the prophet gave him an address and said that an old friend of his in Shangjiang City would be interested in the corpse of the golden dragon, referring to the two decapitated dragon corpses.

It just so happens that my brother is in Shangjiang City right now. I went over to take a look. Regardless of whether there are any surprises, meeting a great god-level hero who is at the same level as the prophet is also a big gain.

But before Daliang could find the address given by the prophet, a message from Sidney came over, with a very excited tone: "Sir...sir, go back to Qingye Island quickly, I will show you a good thing, a real good thing."

Sidney's calmness must be a good thing to make him so excited.

It is impossible for a god-level hero to worship him as his elder brother once he meets him. He cannot run away even if he has the address in his hand. He will meet again if there is a chance in the future.

It’s really frustrating to not look at the good things you’ve found with so much effort and effort.

Ride a Silver Pegasus and fly directly to Aoba Island.

The smoke on the sea of ​​Aoba Island has dissipated, and only fragments of wooden planks floating on the sea indicate that it experienced a war not long ago.

The Black Fire Fleet has controlled the surrounding area of ​​Qingye Island, and the two-masted battleships and griffins have begun patrolling. The observation ships of the Pudong Fleet and the Chongming Fleet in the distance have recognized the ships of the Black Fire Fleet and have not taken any drastic actions yet. , monitoring every move of the Black Fire Fleet on Aoba Island within the waters of Aoba Island.

The Pudong fleet is its own people and there is no need to worry.

In addition, Joshua is seeking reconciliation with the Pudong Fleet for his own caravan. Naturally, he will not use force against Qingye Island without any external reasons. Even if they want to take back Qingye Island, they must first go through diplomatic channels. Resolve through negotiation.

Negotiation... it must belong to whoever occupies it. Even if Daliang is willing to give up Qingye Island to Joshua, Joyce will definitely not agree.

Therefore, Daliang occupied Qingye Island and was not afraid of being attacked by these two fleets.

Qingye Island is the peak of an undersea mountain. The terrain is steep. The island is surrounded by cliffs. Only the southern ridge is slightly gentle. Chongming City, which originally occupied it, built a wharf and military camp.

The highest point of the island is 298 meters above sea level. There is a lighthouse on it to indicate the direction of the surrounding fleets.

To the southwest of Aoba Island is the outlet of the Yangtze River, to the north are the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea in China, and can reach coastal cities in northern China and the western coastal cities of the Korean Peninsula; to the northeast, you can go deep into the Sea of ​​Japan and North Korea by taking Keishu Island and the Tsushima Strait. The east coast of the peninsula, the west coast of the Japanese archipelago, and the far east coast of Russia are all there; heading east into the Pacific Ocean, there is the Seto Inland Sea Economic Zone of Japan nearby, and the ocean can reach the west coast of North America.

Ships from coastal cities in southern China need to pass through the Aoba Island waters if they want to go north, and goods on the Yangtze River must pass here if they want to be transported north and northeast.

Therefore, Jeju City occupied this place first, which made Shangjiang very uncomfortable, especially Chongming Island, which is located at the estuary of the Yangtze River. Therefore, Joshua was eager to reconcile with Joyce so that he could free up his hands. Get rid of the foreign enemies blocking your door.

As a result, the island fell into the hands of Da Liang.

Of course, Daliang cannot see the value of Qingye Island now. His occupation of Qingye Island is completely based on the mentality of taking nothing for nothing and taking nothing for nothing.

Now he has 4,000 slave miners in his hands. The Blackfire Territory is full of water, and these miners who need to breathe cannot work; the area of ​​Feichen Island is too small for them to dig.

Qingye Island is great, it's high and big enough, so just leave it all for mining, in case another rare and rich ore is dug out?

After inspecting his land like a wealthy landowner, Daliang landed at the dock on the south shore of Aoba Island.

There is a large area of ​​flat land here that has been rested, and a relatively complete military camp has been built. The style of the building is that it was left by the elves.

Sidney was waiting on the dock.

The army of the Black Fire Territory has wiped out the remaining enemies here, is cleaning the battlefield, and is preparing to move in here.

After Daliang jumped off the Silver Pegasus, Sidney mysteriously took him into the military camp and walked into a house that was closely guarded by a team of swordsmen. A big hole was broken in the side wall of the room and he was re-opened. The walls were boarded up, and all the windows in the room were boarded shut, and even the door was covered with a double-layered black curtain.

Walking through the curtain, it was not as dark as Da Liang imagined. His eyes were dazzled by the dazzling light in front of him, and it took him a while to get used to it.

What is this?

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