Start with an Archangel

Chapter 239 Energy Core

Within a polyhedral prismatic metal frame with a diameter of more than two meters, a colorful sphere is suspended inside. Judging from the magic elements constantly flowing around it, this should be an extremely high-end alchemical product.

But Da Liang has no idea what it is, so just ask Sidney.

Looking at his current expression, it's like Simon saw a lot of gold coins.

"What is this? It looks very powerful."

Sidney looked at the alchemical objects in front of him with fascination. He seemed to answer and said to himself: "The air and space battleship is the most advanced alchemical product. It can fly up and attack ground and water surface facilities. and troops, while ground and surface attack weapons cannot attack air and space battleships due to angle and range issues. At the same time, the perfect air defense system of air and space battleships can well resist attacks by air units.

They are perfect war machines. It is my dream to own an aerial battleship, even the lowest level 5 aerial battleship without magic amplification device. "

Daliang said: "Isn't your dream to become the captain of a three-masted warship?"

"I have higher dreams now!" Sidney was still staring at the alchemical object in front of him.

Daliang pointed to the alchemy object and asked: "What does this thing have to do with the aerial battleship you mentioned?"

Sidney still did not answer the question and said: "The construction of each air and space battleship costs a lot, so all navies with air and space battleships will not allow their air and space battleships to fall into the hands of others. Every air and space battleship's The captains are required to immediately order the stationed magicians to detonate the energy core of the aerial battleship when it is confirmed that they cannot defend the aerial battleship."

Da Liang did not expect that the air and space battleship has the property of self-destruction, but judging from Sidney's appearance, this thing should be the so-called energy core of the air and space battleship. The source is the "Dark River". This thing was actually fished by Sidney. Out.

But why didn't this thing explode?

Daliang recalled the battle that happened not long ago. After he pretended to be a B and failed to persuade him to surrender, he gave Bob a "frenzy". Then Viscount Bob chopped off the head of his mount Manticore with an axe, and then threw himself to death. .

He died cleanly and was in a state of madness. Of course, he had no chance to order the "Dark River" to self-destruct.

In the end, the "Dark River" was smashed to pieces on the sea. In that case, the garrison magician couldn't do it even if he wanted to detonate the energy core.

The energy core of an aerospace battleship was obtained.

Daliang asked Sidney: "How much is this thing worth?"

Sidney shouted: "You can't sell it no matter how much money you give. This is the energy core of the level 5 aerial battleship. With it, as long as we have the blueprints, we can build an aerial battleship belonging to the Black Fire Fleet. This is the worthy flagship of a fleet."

What a big pie.

Da Liang also wants aerial battleships, but the blueprints...

Currently, for players, the brigantine battleship blueprints are priceless and there is no place to buy them if they have money. The blueprint of a three-masted battleship has never been seen on the market.

The best player, the master of the fleet, has ten two-masted warships on the sea. He can do as much as he wants, but he just doesn't have a three-masted warship.

He is a reborn person. The fact that he couldn't get the three-masted battleship blueprint is not a matter of experience or technology. It's definitely because he has not reached the naval mission level, and he doesn't have his "strength". He can only build up favorability with the Hong Kong Navy little by little.

However, some conventional battleships, such as two-masted battleships and three-masted battleships, will definitely become more numerous and gradually become more popular as players' mission levels increase.

Air and space battleships are obviously higher in technical level than surface battleships. The design of the game will definitely not allow future wars to be filled with these things in the sky.

Therefore, it is definitely difficult, very difficult to obtain blueprints of aerial battleships, and it is unknown whether players can obtain them.

Moreover, Da Liang also saw the level 5 air and space battleship "Dark River". It was also an air and space battleship, and it was really different from the "Oath".

"Dark River" is basically a floating surface warship. The space is small, the firepower is weak, and there is no magic amplification device. You can bully others with air supremacy. Once you lose the air supremacy, you will be bombarded from high altitude without any room to fight back.

A high-priced product that is easy to catch fire and easy to damage, Da Liang cannot afford to play with it, nor does he want to play with it.

Instead of holding on to an energy core and waiting for a level 5 aerospace battleship that can be built in an unknown year, it would be more practical to exchange it for something useful now.

For example, hundreds of three-masted warships can be used to expand the scope of robbery.

For example, replace tens of thousands of monks and turn them into magic mages to scan the map.

for example……

A bit greedy.

Anyway, there is nothing real that can be obtained now.

From the looks of it, Sidney is obviously very ambitious and unrealistic, and he is far from understanding his far-sighted strategic vision.

what to do?

Sidney is a maritime general that Daliang relies on. He clings to the energy core, and Daliang cannot take this thing away and resell it.

Just pretend you didn't pick it up.

"Since you like it, keep it, and remember to keep it a secret. If you let Joyce and Joshua know, they will definitely come and ask for it."

Sidney happily promised again and again: "Thank you, sir, I will protect this energy core."

Da Liang walked out of the room. It was already dark outside.

At this time, Daliang's communication rang.

It’s Boss Jin.

"Operation Chain will start tomorrow, so get ready."

The national war is finally about to begin, I’m really looking forward to it.

Da Liang looked up at the night sky. The largest player war in the game was about to begin in his own hands. What would the war look like by then?

Daliang doesn’t know, Boss Jin doesn’t know, and everyone involved in the “chain plan” doesn’t know.

In the study room at 312 Angel Avenue.

Boss Jin said to the other four gold businessmen: "Daliang has replied. He is heading to the starting point of the national war. He will arrive at the border in about three hours, and the 'Chain Operation' can begin."


Five instructions were issued from the room with the study nameplate, and the personnel who had been prepared began to rush to their positions.

But ordinary players are busy with their own things, upgrading, completing tasks...

And fantasize about meeting a big boss tomorrow or completing a task with very high rewards.

"Hahaha..." Boss Jin took out the cigars and distributed them to the other four gold businessmen: "When the national war starts, we will be opponents again. How about we go to the border together and feel what the five of us do hand in hand? Results?"

"Forget it... I've been too tired from working on Operation Chain these past few days. I'm even more tired than fighting with you guys. I'd better rest for a few days."

"Rest? Let's not start working until tomorrow. I wish you all fortune first."

"If we have money, we can make it together. I really hope we can still cooperate with you."

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