Start with an Archangel

Chapter 243 Attack on Zamyn-Uud

On the grassland on the northern border of Erenhot City.

Daliang, who originally came with an acting attitude, was also infected by the gathering army.

View from the air.

At this time, the entire northern grassland was filled with crowds of people, sweeping towards the border like a black ocean. The arriving players gathered on the border, and the front continued to extend to the east and west wings.

5 kilometers, 10 kilometers...

Da Liang found that he could not see the boundaries of this army, and this army was under his command.

"HHHT Wrangler Guild arrives at the border..."

"Taiyuan City Silver Frost Legion arrived at the border..."

"Yinchuan City Crane Dance Alliance arrives at the border..."

Shu Xiao was also frightened by the size of the players. As expected, it was such a big scene that he was a little nervous and dizzy: "Master, this game is a bit big. How can we fight with so many people?"

Daliang just ended his communication with Xu Man. She didn't know anything about such a big thing, and as expected, she was decisively accused. Now the players supported by the College Alliance are blocked outside HHHT's teleportation array, including the Judgment Legion, and they can't get through.

The teleportation array is blocked, and there is nothing I can do.

Hearing Shu Xiao's nervous and trembling voice, Daliang said: "The more people there are, the better the fight will be. Let's push it evenly."

Seeing that the team was almost gathered, Daliang said on the national channel.

"This time for the national war, I will use the national channel as the commander.

Let me first say that our first target is Zamyn-Uud City opposite Erenhot City. Zamyn-Uud is a level 8 hell city. No matter how much losses it takes, this city must be defeated. Otherwise, our crossing the border to launch a national war would be a joke and be laughed at by players all over the world.

So I don't have any plans here about not defeating Zamyn-Uud.

After capturing Zamyn-Uud, I will find people to step on the resurrection point and teleportation array in the city. The maximum number of people staying in these two places is 1,000. As long as 1,000 people step on the resurrection point and teleportation array in the city, players in the Mongolian area will There would be no way to attack our rear from Zamyn-Uud.

After passing Zamyn-Uud, the whole army went straight to the twelfth-level city Saiyin Shanda City, where we had a decisive battle with the players in the Mongolian area.

As for how to fight then?

I thought about it for a while, but when I saw the army in front of me, I found that any tactics pale in front of you. We players in China only have one tactic for fighting, which is the human wave tactic.

Now raise all your weapons, release all your magic, and let the world see our power, my army! "

The shouts are like thunder, the weapons shine like flowing rivers, and the radiance of magic is like the dazzling Milky Way.

Da Liang shouted loudly.

"The whole army obeys the order! Cross the border!"

The entire long and thick army stepped forward collectively across the border into the Mongolian game area.

On the grassland behind, there are countless players galloping towards them.

Heroic world.

Players in the Chinese region spontaneously launched a national war against the Mongolian region, and the live video also swept the world.

People all over the world have focused their attention on the southern grasslands of Mongolia. An overhead camera shot from a thousand meters above the ground cannot capture the two wings of this army.

How many players did the Chinese organize to participate in this national war?

No one can give a specific number. The number of people queuing up for the teleportation array of the superior HHHT in Erenhot has reached 300,000. The reason why it is not higher is that the surrounding cities have also been blocked, and all the people in those cities are blocked. They are players waiting for teleportation, and most players can't even reach the edge of the teleportation array.

They can only watch the national war through the live broadcast from the front line. They want to participate in it, but they are too far away to fly there.

He looked enviously at the army formed by players rolling forward like sea water, but he couldn't be one of them.

Two hours later, the city of Zamyn-Uud appeared in front.

The invasion of players from the Chinese area has long been known to the players from the Mongolian area. The population is the advantage of the Chinese area. Players from the Mongolian area do not dare to block the invading Chinese players at the border. They gave up on the eighth-level city of Zamyn-Uud and instead chose to rely on the more powerful Sayinshanda City to gather their own troops.

Each game area in the game has a mechanism to deal with large-scale invasions. When players from other game areas enter this game area in large numbers, nearby cities will enter a state of combat readiness, and depending on the size of the invading army, they will choose whether to request friendly cities or subordinate cities. support.

Therefore, when the Chinese player army arrived outside the city of Zamyn-Uud, the city was already ready for war.

This hell city did not choose to stay outside the city to resist this army that spread out larger than their city.

They closed the city gates and chose to defend. The message for help had been sent to Sayinshanda City, the superior city of Zamyn-Uud.

Saiyinshanda City is a level 12 orc city. After a distress letter was sent from Zamyn-Uud City, a main army of 200,000 orcs began to gather outside the city. As the guardian of the city, a level 14 The ancient Behemoth appeared in this army of orcs supporting Zamen Uud.

This ten-meter-tall ancient Behemoth inspired the strong morale of the orc army, as well as the Mongolian players who gathered around the orc army.

They shouted the names of members of the Golden Family.

"On the grasslands, we Mongolians are invincible."

An army composed of systematic soldiers and players marched south from Saiyinsanda City. Mongolian players also promoted their army to the world through live broadcasts.

"Although our numbers are far less than those of players in China, we are confident in using our weapons and horses to defend our grasslands."

The enemy's reinforcements did not frighten any of the Chinese players. Instead, they were more eager to break through the city of Zamyn-Uud so that they could have a good fight with the army of orcs and Mongolian players who came to the rescue.

The attack on the city of Zamyn-Uud begins.

After Daliang's attack order was issued, the Chinese players who had surrounded the city launched a comprehensive general attack.

The artillery on the city head roared, and the ballistae shot out spears and arrows.

There is no need to aim, every cannonball and every spear will set off a white light in the group of players until it stops.

As the only distant unit in Hell, the Enchantress standing all over the city wall throws balls of fire at the player.

Immediately afterwards, the spell-casting heroes in the city began to release attack magic. The eighth-level magic tower in the city increased their magic power by 80%.

burst flame

Ice Ring

Continuous fireball

meteor shower

Sweeping away the Chinese players who rushed into the city.

However, in the face of the overwhelming attack outside the city, the casualties caused by Zamyn-Uud's limited defenders seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

The players in the Chinese area rushed all the way to the outside of Zamyn-Uud City. Facing the lava river in front of the city wall, the players directly withstood the attacks on the city wall and dug soil to fill it up.

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