Start with an Archangel

Chapter 244 Attack

The moat lava river was filled in, and players in the Chinese area faced the walls and gates of Zamyn-Uud.

A blazing wall of fire blocked the city gate. The artillery on the city head was replaced with grapeshot, and the ballistae was replaced with gravel.

The distant troops stationed at the city gate by Zamen-Uud are the upgraded troops of the Enchantress. The fireballs they throw have a sputtering effect, and the charge of the Chinese players was actually blocked here.

A large number of attacks were launched towards the small area of ​​​​the city gate. Although the players also used magic and arrows to fight back, without siege weapons, they could not suppress the firepower on the city.

At this time, red clouds of "meteors and fire showers" began to gather above the gate of Zamyn-Uud.

It was Da Liang, and he was preparing to bomb the defenders at the top of the city of Zamyn-Uud from the air.

The players outside the city gate are preparing to wait for the "meteor shower" to pass before launching a storming attack on the city gate.

At this time, an abyssal demon hero flapped the flesh wings on his back and flew up from the city. He rushed towards Da Liang with a flaming sword in an attempt to block the release of the "meteor and fire shower".

A magic was released from the hands of the abyss demon hero and shot towards Da Liang. However, an archangel blocked the middle of the abyss demon hero and Da Liang. The light shield blocked the magic attack, and the angel sword and the fire sword collided together.

Rains of fire and meteorites fell.

Groups of players riding aerial mounts rushed from the air, and players on the ground mounted their horses and rushed towards the city gate.

Under the wash of fire and rain, the attack of the defenders on the city gate came to a halt, and the players rushed to the bottom of the city gate in one fell swoop.

Without siege equipment, players just cut down the city gates, using swords, guns, and magic to wear down the city gates little by little.

The defenders who came to support once again organized a fire blockade against the players. At least half of the players who attacked the city gate fell on the way to the charge.

The great bright and his archangel are fighting with the defenders' heroes, and the players with flying mounts are trying their best to suppress the firepower on the city.

At this moment, no player flinches. Now that they are here, they no longer feel sorry for the levels they died and the soldiers they lost. This is a national war, a war that must be won.

The long-range troops on the city wall were suppressed by the magic and arrows released by the players as they approached. A large number of enchantresses were killed by concentrated fire. The replenishment in the city was not enough to make up for the rate of consumption.

After the spell-casting hero continuously uses magic of mass destruction, his magic power becomes exhausted.

However, their enemies seemed to be endless. Looking south from the city wall, all enemies within sight were running towards them.

The defensive power of the defenders gradually weakened, and the city gate that was heavily attacked was finally flattened by the players and fell to the ground.

Enter the city!

In just three hours, the player army in the Chinese region rushed into the eighth-level city of Zamyn-Uud in the Mongolian region.

"The people from the guild are going to visit the resurrection area while having a drink under the moon."

"People from the Absolute Power Guild are going to step on the teleportation area. Tread down all the places where people can stand and don't let a Mongolian player in."

"Don't fight until we surround the city lord's palace. The castle is too strong. It's filled with high-level soldiers and heroes. Our numerical advantage cannot be used and we suffer a huge loss. The brothers who enter the city give priority to attacking the city wall, seize the cannons on the wall, and point them at the castle. Blast hard."

"Brothers outside the city, don't run into the city. The people inside the city are already full. Go north. The army from Sayinshanda City has already come over. Their number is not even one-fifth of our number in Zamyn-Uud. If you don’t get it, you are just scum. Let’s face it and don’t weaken the morale of our China region.”

"Don't ask me how many people we have. I don't know. The brothers behind are still rushing over. The entire grassland from Erenhot to Zamyn-Uud is ours. Players from the entire Mongolian area have already arrived. Tomorrow we will We can encounter them. Kill them and let them downgrade the whole country!"

Daliang kept giving orders on the national channel.

The players who were originally surrounding Zamyn-Uud moved collectively to the north, galloping freely on the grassland, and the dark clouds of war swept towards the north.

At No. 312 Angel Avenue, a new round of busyness has begun. Everyone has completed their work according to the plan. Now the emotions of players across China have been aroused, but the gold merchants feel that this is not enough.

"Now there are varying degrees of congestion across northern cities. The conditions for the second phase of the national war are sufficient. Should we start the implementation of the second phase?"

Listen to the report from your subordinates.

The gold merchants nodded and said: "Let's start the second phase of implementation. After spending so much money and so much thought, we should make a profit."

However, Boss Jin stopped us and said, "I think we should wait a little longer and wait until we achieve a decisive victory in the Mongolian battlefield tomorrow before implementing the second phase of the national war."

A certain gold dealer was slightly dissatisfied: "The emotions of players across the country must have reached their peak now. If we wait any longer...will players who have lost their enthusiasm be guided by us to advance the national war to the second stage? You must know that the second stage is directly related to If something goes wrong with our investment, will you be responsible for it?"

"Xiao Jin, you can't do business based on loyalty. We have to start from the overall situation. This is billions of profits. People's hearts are the hardest to grasp. It's already very difficult for us to mobilize the emotions of players in China to this point. Players Do we still have such passion after the end of the Mongolian War? We don’t know. Now we must carry out the second phase of the National War and complete the implementation of the final plan. If it is one day late, the form may be completely different."

Boss Jin smiled and said: "Do you know why Feishanzoushi rebelled against me and I didn't betray you? You know that is the best opportunity to kill you, and those lords Feishanzushi need me financially, I will become a hero in the Chinese area of ​​the world Financial emperor.

But I didn't do that, because I have principles in doing things. I come from the security industry. The reason why I and my Jiuding Collective are where we are today is because I am loyal to my customers and my friends.

Daliang is my friend, and it was because of me that he got involved in this national war.

He needs our support, and once the second phase of the national war is implemented, it is likely to cause his defeat on the Mongolian battlefield.

I won't do anything that makes me uncomfortable just to make money.

I won’t allow you to go your own way and make me feel sorry for my friends.

The second phase of the national war must be pushed back and implemented after victory is confirmed on the Mongolian battlefield.

otherwise? If I cause trouble for you, your profits will probably shrink a lot. "

Boss Jin's words were followed by a moment of silence. After a while, the gold merchants said: "Indeed, we all owe you a favor in this national war. Since you said that we will wait until the winner is determined on the Mongolian battlefield before proceeding to the second phase of the national war. , then we will wait and hope everything goes well..."

"As long as Mongolia plays well, there is no need to worry."

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