Start with an Archangel

Chapter 251 Victory

In the past two days, the national war launched by players in China can be said to have attracted much attention, attracting the attention of the world.

The starting point of this national war is really well chosen. On the endless grassland, the army can expand at will. Chinese players have done a good job letting the whole world know what a real sea of ​​​​people is.

Yes, what you see before you is really an army that looks like an ocean.

Such troops crossed the border between China and Mongolia and flooded northward.

After entering the grasslands of Mongolia, the Chinese players' army with high morale was unstoppable. The border city of Zamyn-Uud was captured with almost no decent resistance. Players in China continued to push their troops northward, with the goal of Saiyin Shanda. city.

Saiyin Shanda City did not simply defend the city, but took the initiative to attack. Two hundred thousand troops and one hundred thousand logistics, together with an army of three hundred thousand Mongolian players, headed south to attack.

The two armies finally met at noon the day after the city of Zamyn-Uud was captured.

However, as people imagined, the Chinese players could easily wipe out the main force of Saiyin Shanda City again with the help of human sea tactics. This did not happen.

The orc army uses elite soldiers and precise tactics to tell everyone that war cannot be won simply by relying on large numbers of people.

Even if the players in China are not afraid of death and no matter how passionate they are, the orc army will not waver in the attack like a rock.

They blocked the impact of the players in the Chinese area, and even sent a certain number of troops to attack the rear of the players in the Chinese area, cutting off their support.

The small number of players in the Mongolian area also refused to retreat. After paying heavy losses, the battle finally dragged on into the night.

Night makes the command efficiency of both sides even more asymmetric.

Players in the Chinese area are fighting with their eyes closed, while the orc army is divided into small groups to control the overall situation.

The orc army that had been defending all afternoon began to counterattack. They easily divided the enemies on the front. The encirclement and annihilation was underway. It only took one night for them to defeat the central group of the Chinese players' army, and then divide the Chinese players into two parts, east and west. Annihilate them one by one.

Father, like son.

While the Chinese player's army was still fighting the enemy in the dark, almost everyone watching the battle believed that the Chinese player's army had inevitably failed.

Including local players in China.

Can't lose!

This is the voice of every player in China. Player troops in Zamyn-Uud are on the road one after another, and the border cities are becoming more congested.

But it takes a day for reinforcements to arrive on the battlefield. Can they hold on for one day?

The clouds are gathering.

On the national channel, Daliang, who had been silent for a while, reappeared.

"Brothers, do you feel that the attack power of the orc army has suddenly become weaker?

Did they notice that the orc army was retreating?

Did you suddenly feel like you were going to survive a catastrophe?

Is there still an illusion that this is a new round of offensive prepared by the orc army?

Guys, relax.

Take this time to restore your health and gather your soldiers.

Then...I will announce one more thing.

Just now... we gathered a group of the strongest players in our China region and launched an attack on the orc troops.

The main team members include: Looking Back at the Bright Moon, Heavenly Laws and Nature, Yi Xian Wu Yao Hua, Prosperity Easily Falls, Dugu Tiexin and I Da Liang.

There are also many, many good brothers who are not afraid of sacrifice.

We successfully killed the orc army leader, the Armored Marquis, and their ancient Behemoth was also on the death list.

Therefore, the retreat of the orc army is a real retreat. Without the commanding bonus of the Armored Marquis, the combat effectiveness of the orc soldiers is not much higher than ours; without their general, they are now even more chaotic than us.

And we still have several times more troops than they do.

So what do we have to wait for now!

The counterattack begins.


All active people in the central group should attack north. The two wings should stop entangled with the Mongolian players and all attack the orc army in the middle.

Kill the orc army, and the Mongolian players who are still on this grassland tomorrow will be the fat meat in our bowl, and we can eat it as much as we want. "

Daliang's words instantly silenced the entire grassland and silenced the world.

The leader of the orc army was killed, and the core of his army was killed by a group of players. Do current players have such strength?

How can this be?

However, the orc army is indeed retreating.

More and more players have confirmed that the strength of the orc soldiers has indeed declined significantly.

The leader of the orc army is really dead!

Cheers emanated from the mouths of the Chinese players, spreading in the night sky and resounding throughout the grassland.

From the time we encountered the orc army to now, the fight has been too humiliating. It's time to fight back.

The central group of players' armies in the Chinese area, and those players divided into various locations, marched north together. The hungry wolf cavalry that originally ran around had disappeared. The scattered players slowly gathered together and once again formed a great tide and rushed towards the orc army's military camp.

The orc army struggled to resist, but their strength was greatly reduced. They were unable to withstand the impact of Chinese players several times their own. Their core camp was attacked, the general was killed, and a new command center has not yet been established.

Everything is chaos.

The regrouped players did not encounter much resistance and continuously broke through the defense of the orc army from multiple points. The players rushed in and the melee began.

The players in the Chinese area used their numerical advantage to be overwhelmed by the orc military camp in a sea of ​​people.


When the sun once again illuminated the grassland, the orc army began to collapse. Their remaining troops fled to the north, but all the players in the north were from China, and the entire grassland was full of...

The defeat of the orc army also caused the players in the Mongolian area to retreat, while the players in the Chinese area chased and spread the war in all directions.

They attacked villages and towns, leaving no chickens or dogs behind wherever they passed.

Vent to your heart’s content and enjoy the feeling after a big victory.

Looking at the Chinese players having fun on the grassland, he looked back at the bright moon and said, "It seems that Saiyin Shanda City is unbeatable."

The beheading team gathered together, and the thrilling battle last night allowed them to establish a deep friendship. When facing a powerful enemy that was almost impossible to kill, no one backed down at that time, and they were all trustworthy companions.

Daliang said with a smile: "It's okay if we don't attack Saiyinshanda City. The orc army there will definitely be stronger than the one we encountered, and there is also a city defense system. It is impossible for us to defeat it."

Tianfadao naturally asked: "How did you kill the Thorny Marquis and the ancient Behemoth at the same time? It was too fast. You killed two such strong guys just a few minutes after we left."

Daliang laughed and said: "They are all the last remaining blood, so of course it will be easy to kill them."

Dugu Tiexin said: "After we evacuated, did you hear any strange women's laughter?"

Others shook their heads.

Daliang also said: "I didn't hear it. It was so chaotic at the time. You must have heard it wrong."

Boss Jin then sent news: "The second phase of the national war has begun."

More thanks.

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