Start with an Archangel

Chapter 252 The command was given to him

The six people in the beheading team chatted for a while and then left. The victory in the Mongolian battlefield had been determined. Since the army commander Daliang did not intend to attack the strong city again, there was no need for them to stay here.

Everyone is an upgrade maniac. Since there is no large-scale battle, they all want to go back and upgrade quickly.

And just when the five people returned to the city with the silver Pegasus presented by Daliang, Daliang spoke again on the national channel.

"Brothers, have you had a good fight these past two days?"

Another screen refresh.

Indeed, the large-scale annihilation war involving millions of troops still makes the participating players excited. Currently, some of the Chinese players on the Mongolian grasslands are still chasing and killing the remnants of the defeated orc army, and some are clearing the grasslands.

“We played really well, but there are still more brothers behind us who are not enjoying themselves, and they are still blocked from the teleportation array.

Therefore, our war is not over yet, it should continue.

Now those who are willing to play in Mongolia will stay here, and those who are willing to continue fighting the national war will fly to the border of Vietnam.

Our meeting place is outside Pingxiang City, Guangxi, following the footsteps of our ancestors.

In order to prevent the teleportation array from being blocked and preventing most of our passionate brothers from participating in the national war, this time we are not limited to attacking the Vietnam area.

Lao Guo District, Burian Ju District...the entire peninsula is our battlefield. Brothers who plan to join the war but are blocked outside the teleportation array should be diverted.

If we still have excess personnel, we will fight all the way along the national border. Nepal, Bhutan, India, and Pakistan... Pakistan and Pakistan are friendly forces, and they will cooperate with us in attacking District Y. Further north...Kazakhstan District, Kyrgyzstan District, Tajikistan District, and Rus District.

In this national war, we will fight ten!

Let the entire East Asia be the battlefield for our Chinese players! "

A Mongolian battlefield with a limited number of players and limited war intensity. The combat effectiveness of the players in the Mongolian area is far from the purpose of consuming the gold coins in the hands of the players in the Chinese area.

It is just a trigger, a medium that exaggerates the atmosphere of national war. When I saw players in the Chinese region going through a war and galloping on the grasslands of the Mongolian region.

The emotions of those Chinese players who did not participate in the war need to be vented.

Vietnam and the Indochina Peninsula are the most favorite battlefields of national wars among gold merchants.

The population here is densely populated and the economy is slightly developed. They have the ability to fight the Chinese players on the border to the end.

However, due to the flying sand and stones, the gold merchants did not choose the starting point of the national war here, but made a warm-up in the Mongolian area.

Now that the Mongolian battlefield has ushered in a big victory, the emotions of players in the Chinese region have once again been pushed to a new height.

The second stage of the national war, which is also the real confrontation between national players, begins at this moment.

The players who originally gathered in the northern part of the China area and were waiting for teleportation were immediately moved to the southern part of the China area.

Unlike China, where there are few cities on the NMG grassland, a large number of players want to reach the border quickly but are blocked outside the teleportation array.

There are dense cities on the southern border of China. When Daliang announced on the national channel that the national war was moving south, all the cities on the southern border were immediately filled with players.

Players leaving the city rush towards the assembly area, and the player's rivers merge into a river, and then merge into a sea again.

Due to many external factors, the attack on Vietnam did not require too much exaggeration, and convenient transportation made the gathering of personnel in China very smooth.

When Daliang returned to the city and then from Shangjiang to Pingxiang City, a huge army was already waiting at the border.

But before Daliang announced the start of the national war in Vietnam on the national channel, Feishanzushi appeared on the national channel: "I am Feishanzushi, and I will command the national war in Vietnam. All friends on the Vietnam border, please log in to the Dominator Guild Official website, we have detailed plans for the national war in Vietnam..."

Shi Fei, whose territory is in Hainan and is in Hong Kong, already regards Southeast Asia as his own territory.

Daliang became famous in one battle in Mongolia. He is no longer a well-known player in the country. His name is also beginning to be discussed internationally, and a beheading operation is even more talked about.

Now he actually wants to lead the national war to the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Shi Fei will never let him expand his influence here.

The national war against Vietnam must be conducted under the command of the Overlord Guild.

Therefore, Shi Fei preemptively declared command of the Vietnam District.

**** Shi Fei is addicted to robbing my brother’s things. The world's number one lord, I can't slap you in the face without providing evidence. This time you dare to take over your command. I will definitely have a fierce battle with you.

And just when Daliang was about to scold Shi Fei on the national channel, Boss Jin sent a message: "The command of Vietnam has been given to Fei Sha Zuo Shi."

"Why? We finally organized the national war and let him direct it..."

“The war against Vietnam is different from the war against Mongolia. Now there are signs of war all over the entire Chinese border. There will definitely not be the grand scene of universal support on the Mongolian battlefield on the Vietnam border, and it will be impossible to destroy the enemy with overwhelming force.

The troops that Feishanzushi can command are limited. The Vietnam border terrain is complex, Vietnam has a large population and a relatively strong economy. The war against Vietnam will only be a war of attrition on the border.

In order to gain influence in Southeast Asia, Feishauzushi will definitely maintain an offensive posture in the national war, which is a very big drain on his dominant guild.

War is very expensive..."

Da Liang instantly understood what Boss Jin meant. The Mongolian battlefield was an appetizer, and the current all-out national war was the real gold-swallowing beast.

But Shi Fei couldn't stop the war at his doorstep, so he had to fight, and he would go all out to fight for his own reputation.

Asking Shi Fei to help him fight, Daliang's originally angry mood at being robbed of his command suddenly relaxed.

"Brother Jin is right, war costs money, and a war of attrition costs even more money. After the gold coins collected at low prices are used up by flying sand and stones, I will have to buy gold coins from you. By the way, what is the price of gold now? ?”

The gold merchants laughed and said: "1:19, tomorrow it will exceed 1:20. Several of us gold merchants discussed it, and I'm sorry for raising the gold price too high for our Chinese players. After all, we can't be defeated by a national war. It's so painful. When the gold price reaches 1:23, we will no longer raise the price and open supply at this price."

Daliang said: "In this case, I guess you won't make much money."

"Of course it won't make any money. Which of our big gold dealers doesn't have a large amount of gold coins collected at 1:25 and 1:26. In order to organize this national war, we contacted nearly a thousand player guilds and invested in the early stage. It has already exceeded 100 million, plus repayment of bank loans. With withdrawals at 1:23, we can basically maintain no loss."

Daliang was in awe after hearing this: "Brother Jin and all the big guys are really admirable."

"Hahaha..." Boss Jin was in a very good mood, "We are not making money in China, and I did not say that we are not making money in other places. Come to Angel Avenue quickly, we have important things to discuss with you..."

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