Start with an Archangel

Chapter 256 Battleship

A junior ship designer can design a single-mast class ship; an intermediate ship designer can design a two-mast class ship; a senior ship designer can design a three-mast class ship; and a master ship designer can design a battleship.

Battleships are divided into five levels, divided according to the number of onboard artillery:

Tier 5 battleship, 50-60 guns

Tier 4 battleship, 60-70 guns

Third-tier battleship, 70-80 guns

Second level battleship, artillery 80-90

First-class battleship, 90+ guns

The increase in artillery means that the ship body has become larger, and it also means that the warship will be attacked more, and the defense capability of the ship body will inevitably need to be strengthened.

As the ship becomes larger and heavier, it becomes a huge burden.

In addition, unlike warships below the three-mast level, which have mature design structures, basically a skilled senior ship designer can easily design a three-mast warship.

The design of battleships is still being explored a little bit. Even master-level ship designers cannot guarantee that the battleships they design will be perfect.

Therefore, the design of battleships is a huge test for every ship designer.

The materials of surface ships will not use a large amount of alchemical materials to reduce the weight of the hull like aerial battleships.

Therefore, if conventional materials are used, a design error may cause the battleship to be crushed by its own weight. At the same time, a battleship cannot only bear its own weight. It needs to carry a large number of people and materials, and can withstand the recoil caused by artillery salvos. .

Precisely because the design of battleships is still being explored, the largest battleship in the world is currently a third-level battleship. Second-level battleships and first-level battleships are still in theory. No city has a surface battleship stronger than a third-level battleship.

The Conqueror has 80 guns and is outstanding among third-tier battleships. How could its designer be in Flea Street?

Giss smiled in the face of Da Liang's suspicion: "You will know if I designed the Conqueror, just ask Joyce. As for why I am here, you don't need to know. Now tell me where you want the dragon corpse to come from. What should I exchange for here? Gold coins, treasures, or should I give you some drawings of a three-masted battleship?"

"I want the drawings of a third-level battleship, a battleship as powerful as the Conqueror."

Hahaha, if you are guarding a master ship designer, asking for a three-masted battleship is not a fool's errand? I definitely need battleship blueprints.

Surface warships do not require special shipbuilding materials. Basically, they can be built as long as the gold coins are available. Are you short of money?


As for battleships, I won't even look at them if they are lower than level three. Once ten-story battleships are released to the sea, there will be no need to rob them. No one will dare to refuse to collect protection fees from ports one by one.

Just when Da Liang imagined himself standing on the bridge of the Conqueror, Keith said: "No, I can no longer design a battleship. You can change other requirements."

Can't design a battleship?

Are you kidding me? Is there any talk of being downgraded from master ship designer?

"Master Gith, why can't you design a battleship? Didn't you design all the nine battleships here?"

Geese sighed: "Yes, I designed these nine battleships, level five, level four, and level three. Everything went very smoothly. After I successfully designed the Conqueror, my confidence was extremely expanded. Prepare to attack the second-tier battleships that only exist in theory."

Hearing that Geese said that he had begun to design a second-level battleship, although he guessed the result, Da Liang couldn't help but nervously asked: "How is it? Is it successful?"

"No," Giese's voice was full of melancholy, "I failed. Then after many failures, I discovered that according to the current ship design ideas and structure, it is absolutely impossible to design a second-level battleship. So I started to create a new one. With the design ideas and the new internal structure of the hull, the undead body allowed me to work endlessly, but my mental strength could not bear such consumption. So, a terrible thing happened to me.

I have forgotten all the design ideas for battleships. To be precise, old ideas and new ideas are completely mixed together. There are contradictions everywhere. I can no longer design battleships.

This is why I came to Flea Street. I wanted to regain my thoughts by carving these ship models.

Every battleship is unique. I can't design new battleships, so there are no battleship blueprints to exchange for the golden dragon's body. "

So that’s the case, no wonder Joyce let a master ship designer live in Flea Street. But without a battleship, do we really need a few drawings of a three-masted battleship?

No, this is triggering a mission!

Daliang quickly said: "How can I help? The prophet and I are friends, and his friends are my friends. Moreover, I think the prophet asked me to come to you, maybe not just because you need the body of the golden dragon. But he had a hunch that I could help you."

Pulling a tiger skin to make a big flag is how the magic stick is used.

Since Gith knows the prophet, he should have experienced the prophet's ability to "intercept data" and predict. Then I will use the prophet as a stepping stone to win this mission.

If Geese's current confused thinking state can be cured, he can finally get a third-level battleship blueprint, and if he's lucky, he can get a second-level battleship blueprint.

That is a big guy with a minimum of 80+ cannons, and a magic amplification device. Ordinary air and space battleships would not dare to mess with it. If the ship is built quickly, it is likely to be the first second-level battleship in the entire world. System cities will There is no battleship.

Hahaha... It depends on whether the prophet, a magic stick, can frighten Gith.

Sure enough, Jisi fell into deep thought after listening to Daliang's words.

After waiting for a while, Geese said: "No, you and the Prophet are not friends, and I am not friends with the Prophet. You don't even know who the Prophet is. But... maybe as you said, the Prophet asked you to come to me not only Just because I need the body of the golden dragon.

Since even the prophet seeks your help, I will try to see if you can help me solve my current dilemma. "

Do you see, this is the difference between high-level players and ordinary players. I just fooled around a few times, and a mission involving a second-level battleship was completed.

"It's my honor to be able to help you, so...Master Gith, where should we start to sort out your thinking."

Giese did not say a solution to his dilemma, but asked: "Before that, I would like to ask you to answer a question for me. Do you think for a battleship, which defense is more important, or speed?"

Daliang replied without thinking: "Everything is important."

"When you have to sacrifice one to strengthen the other, you choose to sacrifice defense or speed."

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