Start with an Archangel

Chapter 257 Feeling deceived

Defense is the ability to withstand cannon fodder damage. If you want to increase defense, you must increase the thickness of the hull or add metal bulletproof plates at important locations. This will increase the weight of the warship and cause the speed to slow down.

But to increase the speed.

When the sail design has reached perfection and cannot be improved, it can only be solved by reducing the dead weight of the hull, which will lead to a decrease in defense.

Defense and speed are two attributes that are difficult to choose for every warship.

Speed ​​represents rapid deployment and the ability to maintain good maneuverability in naval battles to avoid incoming shells.

However, no battleship can guarantee that it will not be shot in a naval battle. How to reduce its own losses after being shot requires a battleship with reliable defense.

The design of warships below three-masted warships has tended to be perfect, and their speed and defense have reached a very good matching point.

But after reaching the battleship level, the increase in the size of the battleship caused the ship's speed to drop significantly.

Taking the Conqueror as an example, its propulsion ratio dropped to 40, while the propulsion ratio of the three-masted battleship was 70.

At the same time, the flexibility of the hull has also declined significantly.

The reason why the second-level battleship has not been designed yet is because as the hull continues to increase, its ship speed will drop to an intolerable figure.

No navy is willing to accept a battleship that can't even get out of the port, no matter how powerful its firepower is.

Therefore, the problem that troubles all ship design masters is how to increase the speed of the second-level battleships. Some ship design masters have proposed reducing the defensive capabilities of the second-level battleships and expanding them based on the current third-level battleship hulls.

Used to hold more weapons, more soldiers, larger magic suppression devices and magic amplifiers.

This is also the thinking of mainstream ship design masters, and second-level battleships designed with this idea are about to appear.

Daliang, who is preparing to develop a fleet based on sailing in the game, still knows some of the secrets of the design of these ships.

We also know that there are two contradictory attributes of defense and speed on ships.

Facing Giese's question, Daliang thought for a while and said: "A naval battle that requires the use of battleships is definitely not a low-intensity maritime conflict. As an important fire output weapon, it will also be the focus of the enemy's firepower. Therefore, battleships are In naval battles, priority should be given to ensuring one's own survival, and defensive capabilities should even take priority over offensive capabilities.

But speed is the basis for the survival of a warship, and its importance is equal to its defense capability.

Therefore, I think both defense and speed are very important for a battleship. You cannot slow down the speed just because you want to improve defense, nor can you lower the defense just because you want to increase speed. "

Regarding Daliang's answer, Giss said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense. I know that defense and speed are two important attributes for the survival of a battleship. Now I ask you to choose the most important one from them. This is a single Choose a topic.”

"I chose to make these two attributes consistent through battleship design. A battleship is only a battleship if it has strong defense and speed."

Daliang replied firmly.

In the 18th world, even 110-gun sailing battleships were used on the earth's seas. It is impossible to fit an 80-gun battleship in the game.

Although the weapons of the battleships in the game are not only artillery, but also large biological cabins, ballistae, magic prohibition devices, magic amplifiers, these things that take up space.

But Daliang still feels that there is room for improvement in the design of the ship's hull in the game's Civil War. Since the second-level battleship level exists in theory in the game, it will definitely appear in the game.

And it is definitely not a so-called reduced second-level battleship. If a thin-skinned second-level battleship really works, it is estimated that it cannot even defeat a third-level battleship.

Da Liang's answer caused Gith to fall into silence. When the undead were silent, no one knew what they were thinking.

After a while, Geese said: "I want to accept you as a battleship design apprentice. I wonder if the Viscount would like to become my apprentice?"

Apprenticeship? Learn battleship design!

Da Liang really didn’t think about it at first.

This is about learning life skills. Advancement requires not only skill books but also proficiency.

Proficiency really needs to be honed and accumulated bit by bit. It is impossible to develop life skills without spending a lot of time.

If Da Liang were an ordinary player, he would be happy to learn such an awesome profession as battleship design. By then, he would be able to earn enough money just by selling single-mast ship blueprints.

But Daliang is now the lord, with nearly 10,000 soldiers in his hands, and the territory construction will soon begin to upgrade to the fourth level.

After level five, Marquis Stanley could not provide construction drawings, and Da Liang could only lead his army into the Kingdom of Death, the base camp of the undead. It was a high-risk area with bone dragons flying everywhere and dark knights running everywhere.

There are also the Judgment Corps and the fishing grounds.

There is also Qingye Island. Jeju City has suffered a loss there and will definitely not give up.

Now that I’m doing martial arts all over the world and doing great work all over the country, can I have time to practice life skills?

But... this is a ship design master who is recruiting apprentices. There are several players in the entire game who can find a master-level hero to be their master.

Tangled, tangled.

Forget it, give it a try. Does a high-level player like me still care about learning another skill?

If Gis accepted a talented disciple like Brother, he would suddenly be happy and his mind would clear up and his thinking would become smoother. Wouldn’t that brother be able to use the second-level battle-level drawings to wipe his butt and the first-level battle-level drawings to wipe his nose in the future? Will Joyce cry and beg him to cheat on their prince?

"It is an honor to become Master Gith's apprentice."

There was no grand apprenticeship ceremony, no three kowtows and nine bows. Amidst the system's confirmation, Daliang had a master-disciple relationship with the ship designer Giss.

It's just that Jisi didn't appear too happy about taking on Daliang as his apprentice, and instead took him into the counter.

Then he took down a model of a unit merchant ship from the display stand.

"Before I formally teach you basic ship design, you need to understand the basic structure of the ship first. This is a model of a single-masted merchant ship, which is the most basic hull structure style of all ships. This model has a total of 143 modules It is spliced ​​together, and you..." I saw Keith casually poking at the single-masted merchant ship model, and it immediately turned into a pile of scattered small wooden blocks of various styles, "Put these modules in the five-minute time limit. Reassembling it inside is your first lesson, remember there is neither too much nor too little.”

Daliang looked at a pile of small wooden blocks in front of him and said with his mouth wide open: "Teacher, can you give me a demonstration first?"

Giss snorted: "If you can't even complete this small model, it means you don't have the talent to become a ship designer. I will terminate our master-disciple relationship. Remember to send the corpses of the two golden dragons and keep an eye on the shop." , every product here has a price tag, if someone comes in to buy a model, you can just sell it to him at the price."

After that, Giese walked to the backyard, leaving the store with a confused look on its face.

I feel deceived.

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