Start with an Archangel

Chapter 262 Single-masted Ship Design

Giese didn't say much and seemed not to be disturbed by the invitation.

He cleared a table, laid it with blank drawings, took out a drawing tool box, and then picked up a single-masted merchant ship model. After a while of disassembly and assembly, it turned into a cross-section model of the hull cut longitudinally in the middle.

"Through the assembly of a single-masted merchant ship, you now have a certain understanding of this kind of ship. Now I will teach you to understand the function of each part of a ship and its impact on the entire hull structure... "

In this way, in the backyard of Giese's ship model cabin, Da Liang began his apprenticeship in ship design.

In the morning during the day, Da Liang would help Gis take care of the store, and by the way disassemble and assemble various types of sloop-class ships according to Gis' requirements. In the afternoon, Giese will teach Daliang about the design of single-masted ships. Starting from sketching, as Professor Giese's formulas and experience increase, the sketches drawn by Daliang become more and more detailed.

In the evening, Da Liang basically spent time in Joyce's castle. Guise would give him some books or notes and asked Da Liang to memorize them by heart.

Just like this day by day, the national war also stopped tacitly at a certain moment when the players were tired.

In this way, a player war that spread throughout East Asia began inexplicably and ended without any results.

Players who withdrew their troops and returned to their respective cities began a new round of upgrades, but this national war had a major impact on the entire pattern of East Asia.

The large number and strength of players in the Chinese region have been deeply engraved in the hearts of every player in East Asia. The first battle in the Chinese region established its dominance in the entire Western Pacific region.

In the aftermath of this battle, Chinese players went on a rampage, crossing the border to snatch resources if they disagreed, or simply pretending to be B and raiding. Players on the border of other game areas were afraid of triggering another large-scale invasion by Chinese players, so most of them chose to stay silent.

Especially at sea, the fleets of Chinese players enjoy the dividends brought to them by the war. They are a group of real robbers at sea.

The early days of the player's voyage were chaotic. The Chinese fleet with many ships and people was like a shark released one after another. They plundered ships in other game areas wantonly, occupied islands, and seized mines. The scope of their activities was tight. Adjacent to the territorial sea edge of other game areas.

If it weren't for the deterrence of the system's fleet, the fleets of players in China would probably have sailed to the coastline to show off their power.

However, the behavior of the players in the Chinese area made the players in the surrounding game areas dare not speak out. After all, in the entire East Asia, no single game area is the opponent of the Chinese area.

A large amount of resources are gathered in China. After the National War, some game areas were suppressed and could only operate along the coast. Players in China, especially the player guilds and territories in China, have entered a period of rapid development.

The gold merchants have also reached a settlement with the lords. After all, the lords control hard power. In the heroic world, gold merchants cannot make money without the army controlled by the lords.

Especially at sea.

Maritime war is not fought by one man, one horse and a few soldiers. Naval battles require battleships, and the cost and maintenance of battleships are beyond the reach of ordinary players. Therefore, 80% of the warships in the game are in the hands of major guilds and lords.

Therefore, if the gold merchants insist on suppressing the lords, it will not do them any good. They need the lord's fleet to suppress the fleets of other game areas like they are doing now, and create an exclusive maritime trade environment for the gold merchants in China.

Gold merchants began to cooperate with the lords. The lords could buy gold coins cheaply from the gold merchants. The construction of the territory began to accelerate, and more warships began to be launched.

Among the 12 player territories currently disclosed in China, the Yunxiao Territory controlled by the Shangjiang University Alliance is a relatively special existence.

Due to the influence of flying sand and stones, Xu Man, the lord of Yunxiao Territory, was excluded from the circle of lords in China. In a sense, Yunxiao Territory is being jointly sanctioned by the lords of China District. The merchant fleet of the College Alliance is being frequently attacked. Vicious attacks by fleets from other territories.

The University Alliance has had a complete and self-sufficient trading system since its inception. A large number of merchant ships flying the flag of the Shangjiang University Alliance traveled to various places, which was once a grand event along the coast of China. Now, although the increasingly large university alliances have begun to attract some investors, the maritime caravans still provide most of the funds for the university alliances.

Therefore, the merchant ship was attacked, which had a great impact on the university alliance.

"Check, who is attacking our merchant ships? Put the Yunxiao Fleet on standby and the Judgment Fleet on standby." The ocean monitoring showed that another ship in the University Alliance was attacked by player pirates. This was the fifth ship to be attacked today. Moreover, other players' merchant ships around this ship were fine. Those single-masted battleships controlled by players came straight to the High School Alliance ship, which was obviously a deliberate attack.

Not long after Xu Man became the governor of the University Alliance, such a serious situation occurred at sea, which was definitely a serious blow to her prestige.

"Let our merchant ships outside follow the coastline and try to get as close as possible to the naval patrol fleet. Other merchant ships that have not yet set off immediately stop commercial activities. Damn Liang, why haven't you seen him in the past few days? Let him take his Archangel Return to the Judgment Legion and prepare to fight. Those who dare to provoke our College Alliance are definitely not ordinary players' guilds. We must fight with all our strength. This battle will build up the maritime prestige of our College Alliance."

At this time, Daliang was preparing to formally learn junior ship design in Giese's ship model cabin.

Elementary ship design: You can design single-mast ship drawings, which require one design drawing and 200 gold coins.

After teaching Da Liang basic ship design, Giese gave him a blank design drawing: "You are now using ship design skills on this drawing."

Da Liang took the drawing and then confirmed to generate the single-masted merchant ship drawing.

Reduce 200 gold coins.

The design of the single-masted merchant ship began to appear on the blank drawing, and after a few seconds the drawing was completed.

"Drawing of a single-masted merchant ship with a failed rudder."


When using ship design skills to generate ship drawings, there is a possibility of failure.

Calculated based on 100% skill proficiency, when the primary ship design proficiency is 0%, the basic probability of making a qualified single-masted merchant ship is 10%, and the probability of making a qualified single-masted warship is 0%. Adding one point increases the success rate by 0.5%.

If the design is successful, the proficiency level will be +0.5; if the design fails, 200 gold will not be returned and the proficiency level will not be increased.

Even if you have full proficiency, you can only achieve a 60% success rate in designing a single-masted merchant ship, and a 50% success rate in designing a single-masted warship.

Therefore, if you want to improve the success rate of ship design, you need a lot of gold coins to improve your proficiency.

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