Start with an Archangel

Chapter 263 Primary Ship Design

It can be said that individual players simply cannot afford the life skill of ship designer. Even some large guilds can only spend a lot of resources to train a ship designer.

Glancing at the failed drawing in Da Liang's hand, Giese said: "Now follow the design drawing of the single-masted merchant ship that I taught you. First draw on the design drawing, and then use it to generate the drawing of the single-masted merchant ship."

Da Liang immediately followed what Giese said, picked up the drawing tools and pens, and started drawing the design of the single-masted merchant ship on the blank design drawing.

Of course, it is impossible for Da Liang to master the real sloop design in just a few days, and it is impossible for the game to allow players to learn several years of professional knowledge just for a life skill.

The ship structure in the game has been greatly simplified to make it easier for players to master.

Even so, a complete drawing of a single-masted merchant ship would require thousands of lines.

However, what Daliang is now learning is the single-masted merchant ship design that has been simplified by Master Giese. The lines have been reduced to 500+, and the workload has been reduced by half, which also means that the error rate has been reduced several times.

A design sketch of a single-masted merchant ship was quickly drawn by Da Liang.

Then, Da Liang used his primary ship design skills on this sketch.

200 gold coins disappeared.

This sense of anticipation.

It really feels like a big construction project.

In Daliang's sketch, the lines of the single-masted merchant ship design began to increase, and some of Daliang's mistakes were corrected.

Then a drawing called "Single-masted Merchant Ship with Crooked Mast" appeared in Da Liang's hands.

"Master, what's going on?"

According to the normal plot, shouldn't it be successful?

Giese said: "Sketches drawn in advance can improve the success rate of generating ship drawings, but if there are too many errors in the sketch, the success rate will be reduced. If you are too anxious when drawing, there will be at least two mistakes. Ten places, which results in a very low success rate for you.

Remember that ship design is a job that requires painstaking care, and there cannot be even a millimeter of error. This is just a single-masted ship. When you draw a sketch of a large ship in the future, a small mistake will cause the entire sketch to be wrong. "

Daliang also realized that he was too impatient.

"You are right, tutor. There were some slight errors in the angles when I was drawing. I thought it would have no effect on the hull and ignored it. This time I will draw a sketch of the single-masted merchant ship seriously."

Da Liang took out another design drawing and laid it on the table, fixed the four corners, then picked up the tools and started drawing slowly.

A drawing with 500+ lines took Da Liang a full hour from start to finish.

Finally, Daliang took out the completed single-masted merchant ship drawings and chose to use the primary ship design.

200 gold deduction.

The feeling of looking forward to a big construction was completely gone.

Because Daliang knew that he would succeed.

"Drawings of a single-masted merchant ship"

Sure enough... a normal shipbuilding blueprint appeared in Da Liang's hands.

Giese nodded, and then said: "Now follow the method I gave you and draw a sketch of a single-masted battleship."

The design structure of a single-masted battleship is much more complicated than that of a single-masted merchant ship. Even after being simplified by the master Gith ship designer, there are still as many as 700+ lines.

More lines mean it is easier to make mistakes. This time Da Liang did not dare to be distracted at all. It took two hours to complete the sketch of a single-masted battleship.

Efforts are directly proportional to gains. A single-masted battleship drawing is a success at the first time.

Being able to design a single-masted battleship drawing by himself made Da Liang very excited.

What is the current market price of sloop battleship drawings? 1,000 gold is still two thousand gold. The cost of producing a single-masted battleship blueprint is 200 gold. You can earn tens of thousands of gold coins just by drawing in a day. I want to give it away!

When Daliang was calculating how much money he could earn in a day based on the sloop drawings, Giese said: "It's too slow. Your speed is too slow. This shows that you are not familiar enough with the structure of the sloop. Keep going! Keep going. When making drawings of a single-masted battleship, the normal speed should be to draw a complete design drawing of a single-masted battleship in half an hour, and start to speed up, but no mistakes should be made."

Daliang, who was originally complacent, was poured cold water on him by Giese. He had to draw a complete design of a single-masted battleship in half an hour without making any mistakes. This requirement was too demanding. This was drawing, and he could make mistakes with just a flick of his hand.

But since this was Ji Ji's request, Daliang could only do what he asked.

Picture by picture.

A drawing of a single-masted battleship appears in the hand.

Gradually, Da Liang was no longer happy about successfully making a single-masted battleship blueprint, and just mechanically drew every sketch carefully.

The time was shortened bit by bit. Finally, after drawing 105 complete drawings of the single-masted battleship design, Daliang reduced the time it took to draw a sketch to 28 minutes.

Four days had passed by now. Except for going offline on time for meals, Da Liang spent all his time drawing the design of the single-masted battleship. Even when eating, he was drawing on the table one stroke at a time, so focused that Shu Xiao did not dare to disturb him.

"Sister Man, Daliang seems to be doing a very important task these days. He can't hear me talking to him. What should I do?"

Xu Man said: "Daliang is our strongest trump card. As long as he gets stronger, my current losses can be ignored. Can you still hold on?"

"We have ruled that the twelve warships in the fleet have only defeated four single-masted warships. Now we are relying on the bay fortifications to defend. Fortunately, Liang got twenty fine iron smoothbore cannons from somewhere and built two forts. Otherwise, they will invade us.”

"Be careful. I have contacted seventeen nose rings, and the Rampage Tauren Legion will go over to support you. Remember to hold on and don't disturb Daliang until the end."

"Now that I know Sister Man, you should also be careful. Their target is probably Yunxiao Leader."

"Don't worry, we can't defeat them in a naval battle, and no one is our opponent in a land battle on the Yangtze River."

The largest player naval battle in China is taking place in the waters of Shangjiang. All chat channels are exploding, and Daliang is in a state of distraction. In order to concentrate, he has closed all chat channels and concentrates on rush skills.

With the completion of a single-masted battleship design drawing in accordance with Giese's requirements, the proficiency of Da Liang's junior ship designers has exceeded 50%.

"Did you see it? As long as you want to do it, you can do many things. Now you are very familiar with the overall design of the single-masted battleship, and your proficiency in primary ship design has reached more than 50%. The basic drawing success rate of single-masted battleships has reached 25%. Now you can improve your drawing speed by streamlining the entire design of single-masted battleships. Remember, the simplification of some lines will only slightly reduce the drawing success rate, while in some places The simplification will significantly reduce the success rate, and different combinations of streamlined lines will also cause the success rate to drop to different degrees. This is a great test of a ship designer’s basic knowledge level and... talent."

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