Start with an Archangel

Chapter 264 Siege


He didn't even know if Daliang had this attribute, but Guis was definitely a talented ship designer. Guis had a very complete method on how to streamline the entire picture of a streamlined sloop battleship.

So under Giese's guidance, Daliang continued to hone his proficiency in primary ship design.

The simplification of the design drawings made Daliang's drawing speed continue to increase. In the end, it only took one day for Daliang to reach 100% proficiency in primary ship design.

And he also accumulated 199 single-masted battleship drawings in his hands.

At this time, I am afraid that the largest player chamber of commerce does not have so many single-masted battleship drawings in hand.

Daliang breathed a sigh of relief after gaining proficiency in primary ship design, but Giss had no intention of letting Daliang go: "You are already quite proficient in the basic model of the single-masted battleship, and now I will start to learn the modified model. The design of the single-masted battleship, the modified battleship is based on the basic battleship drawings..."

Daliang quickly stopped Jisi's teaching: "Teacher, tutor, I am really too tired. Our human race is different from your undead race. We don't have such strong energy. The past few days of studying the drawings of single-masted battleships have made me feel... I'm feeling dizzy. Can you please rest for a few days before studying the modification design of this battleship?"

Giss thought for a moment and said, "Yes, your human body is indeed not suitable for long periods of thinking and working. You might want to consider transforming into an undead, which can give you twice as much time to work on."

Change your head. I play games to pick up girls and find wives. Who would play with me after becoming an undead? I can’t dance and I don’t like non-mainstream girls.

"Teacher, I think it's good to be a human being. I won't consider turning into an undead for the time being. I only need to rest for a few days. As long as my mind is clear, I promise to continue to listen to your teachings, learn how to modify the battleship design, and then rush to the intermediate level. Ship design proficiency.”

"I can't teach you intermediate ship design, you need to evaluate it yourself. You only need to learn the ship modification of the single-masted battleship. Since you want to take two days off, then I will give you two days off."

"Four days," Daliang said, "I am still a lord, and I need to deal with the backlog of things in the territory these days."

Keith thought for a moment and said reluctantly: "Okay, just four days."

Daliang walked out of Jisi's ship model hut. For some reason, the experiences of the past few days made Daliang feel like he was experiencing elementary school again.

"Write the new words ten times."

"Do this question five times."

"I'll tell you another question."

The lectures are so intensive, as if we are in a hurry.

But what the undead lack most is time, so there is nothing to be anxious about.

Daliang took Julian out of Flea Street. When considering where to go first, he opened the communication channel.

Blinking, all communication channels were blinking as expected.

It seems that many people are really thinking about me these days after disappearing.

Daliang opened a message with great satisfaction.

Lie Hongshang: "Daliang, where are you? The merchant ship of the College Alliance was attacked at sea. I'm going to find out who the opponent is. You organize the ruling fleet to prepare for battle."

"It's those lords who have united to impose a comprehensive blockade on the maritime trade activities of the University Alliance. We must counterattack. Contact me quickly."

"The fleets of the lords have approached the sea outside Shangjiang. The Yunxiao Fleet and the Judgment Fleet are preparing to fight. After you receive the news, come to support as soon as possible."

"Shu Xiao said you were doing an important task. I asked her not to disturb you unless absolutely necessary. If you complete the task and see this message, please contact me as soon as possible."

A piece of news popped out at this time.

Broken Moon: "Daliang, come to the legion station quickly. They have invaded. If you don't come, I will call you directly."

I wonder, how can the world outside change after just a few days of retreat?

When Shu Xiao learned that someone was attacking the legion's base, he could no longer hold on. Daliang immediately mounted the Silver Pegasus and took Julian with him to fly to the Judgment Legion's station.

Contact Shu Xiao first: "Hang on, I'll be there soon."

Contacted Xu Man again: "What happened? How come someone attacked me from the sea and came to my doorstep."

Daliang's reply finally gave Xu Man a sigh of relief: "We were jointly attacked by the Dongyue Territory located on the Jiaozhou Peninsula and the Sun Moon Divine Territory located in Taiwan. Now that the main forces of the Yunxiao Fleet and the Judgment Fleet have all been sunk, we are Relying on the defenses of the coastal legion station to resist their attacks, Yunxiao leader is protected by four legions. It is far from the coast, so they cannot threaten me for the time being. Your ruling legion station is the place where they will mainly attack. Shu Xiao just said The bay port has been lost, please go over and provide support."

"I am flying to the headquarters of the Judgment Legion. We have no enmity with the Dongyue Territory and the Sun Moon God Territory. Why are they attacking us when they have nothing to do?"

The Dongyue Territory and the Sun Moon Divine Territory, so far apart, actually joined forces to attack the Yunxiao Territory. If Shi Fei hadn't been behind this, Daliang wouldn't have believed it even to death.

It's just that the lords of these two territories are not fools. If Shi Fei doesn't have enough reasons, he will definitely not be able to convince these two territories to join forces to attack the College Alliance.

Xu Man quickly briefly explained the cause of the naval battle.

The cause was that an ocean exploration fleet of the University Alliance found an unowned island, and there was a gold mine on this island, with a daily output of 2,000 gold.

This is simply free money.

The university alliance immediately claimed ownership of the island.

However, the fleets of Dongyue Territory and Sun Moon God Territory also discovered this island one after another. At that time, the University Alliance had relatively few people on the island, and as a result, the gold mine was discovered by people from these two territories.

Then Dongyue Territory and Sun Moon God Territory also announced their ownership of the island.

Of course, the university alliance that discovered the island first was unwilling and called for people to clear out the people from the Dongyue Leader and the Sun Moon God Leader.

Then the Dongyue Territory located on the Jiaodong Peninsula and the Sun Moon Territory located in Taiwan jointly attacked the merchant ships of the College Alliance at sea, and at the same time mobilized their main fleet to launch an attack on the Shangjiang College Alliance.

Some lords also sent a small number of warships to support Dongyue Territory and Sun Moon God Territory. A total of 142 single-masted warships, 2 two-masted warships and 1 three-masted warship were gathered in the Shangjiang waters.

The fleets of both sides fought a battle at sea. In the end, the main forces of the Yunxiao Fleet and Judgment Fleet of the University Alliance were outnumbered and eliminated, and the coastal legion stations were also exposed to the guns of the local fleets.

A gold mine with a daily output of 2,000 gold may double its output when mining technology is developed in the future.

We must fight tooth and nail, and Daliang will definitely support such a war.

"Where is this gold mine?"

Xu Man gave a coordinate.

When Daliang saw it, he couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "You three Chinese territories are competing for this gold mine. Have you considered the feelings of the Japanese players?"

It is less than 100 nautical miles away from the Goto Islands in Japan. Are you having too much fun?

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